Chapter 7: The Club:

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As I follow towards the music, I can slowly see walls around me. I soon realized that I was in a hallway, and the only source of light was coming though the crack of a door. Around me, I can see velvety purple walls with diamond patterns.
The light was very intriguing, it led to me opening up the door out of curiosity of what's inside.
A small bar and diner club, with tables all around for people to sit at. Although, people weren't exactly sitting in them; they were more like anthropomorphic animals, people that have defining features of animals, or just things that just didn't look quite people-ish at all. They didn't mind my presence, the only normal looking person here.
I walked around, noticing the small set of stair leading up to an open bar, where the bar tender raccoon was cleaning a glass with a rag. The people sitting at the counter looked a bit dead, as they were laying their head on the counter. Though, you can still hear the reptile looking one saying 'One please more' and the bird looking thing saying 'It's been a long winter my dude'. Their tails swayed from side to side, one of like an overgrown lizard, and one like a feathery mess; awaiting more alcohol to douse their throats with.
I look around some more, and notice they were staring at the stage, where I could faintly hear someone tap on the microphone on the stage above.
"Stand up comedy, amiright?"
My eyes perk up, hearing a familiar voice. He reminds me of someone, but I can't quite out my finger on it. He isn't like everyone else; the most human like person Ive seen so far. Blonde, almost dirty hair that curls every so often, white tux with blue and purple linings, a red tie, a white hat with a blue flower, and a cane to match his fanciness. Plus, he's floating and has a weird gold thing around his ear.
The audience heckles and coughs. Tough crowd.
"Anyway, let me just get to the point. Have you guys ever had the feeling where you think you know someone, but you just can't place your finger on who it is?"
Sounds a bit too specific on my part, he literally read my thoughts!
"Well, for some people, they realize it quickly, and they embrace, saying it's been a while, ya-da ya-da. But for me, I haven't found them yet. They linger my mind, like a girl eyeing you down for your money at the corner."
That gets a chuckle out of the audience.
"And that girl has been eyeing me down for years, and after a while, you find ways to get other people to eye you down. Someone who's closer. Someone who you can get to, touch, and get them to distract you for a while."
By now, I'm sitting down at a table nearest to the door. I keep looking at him, so familiar, like someone I saw only a few hours ago.
He looks straight at me, his green eyes eyeing me down.
Oh fuck.
It's Maū.
Those questions swerve my mind around as his glance makes me even more uneasy.
Soon enough, he turns his gaze around to the audience once more.
"But the times where I can distract myself don't really last long. It leaves me.. I guess you can say desperate to find what I'm trying to find. And find traces of her.."
He looks down at the floor, and I'm not quite understanding what he means.
"So, that's been my life so far. Ive been telling me that stand up comedy might make me feel better. But clearly this shit isn't working, or make anyone laugh at my miserable life too."
Maū smiles, and it makes me uncomfortable. What does he mean? Does this relate to what I was doing with him earlier? Why isn't he talking about it? Why am I here?
My mind is so boggled by questions I don't notice him gliding over to me, and staring me right in the eyes. I regain consciousness and cower in fear of his gaze.
"I think you've heard a bit too much tonight." He sat down across the table from me. Everything stopped moving, no one spoke, and not even the mumbles of the broken drunks were heard.
"W-where am I?" I manage to spit out.
"The Underground Club for all species to visit. They serve really great wings here, too bad they get so many complaints from the chicks." He stands back up quickly and dusts himself off, looking satisfied.
"Times up! You've wasted your only question. Try not to die too fast without me getting my popcorn first." Maū is about to walk away before I grab his wrist.
"Please! I don't understand why you're doing all this, why did you push me? Why am I sent here? Is this a dream? Please answer me!" I demanded, hoping he would answer the questions I've been pondering this entire time.
He frowns. "You seemed more well suited in a place like this where kindness isn't just handed out because your family 'loves their daughter' or a highschool crush that can 'see the good side of you'. In fact, I did you a favor to learn from. Now you can spend the rest of your terrible life here. The world needs less of you out there." Maū shakes her off.
"By the way, you shouldn't keep claiming things are just 'bad dreams that you'll wake up soon and have no consequences'. Suck it up, and face what's in front of you."
I sit in my chair watching him say all these things.
He's right.
But why can't I accept it?
God damnit Priscilla.
Maū opens the exit door and walks out. I regain my thoughts and run towards him.
I open the door to find myself in a cave. Next thing I know it, I'm laying on the ground.
It's dark again , and I can hear crickets chirping. The crackling of fire makes me realize where I'm at; The forest once more.

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