Chapter 5 - The Forest:

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Author's Note: consistent update schedule that doesn't get thrown off in a month or so? who's she?

I wake up to find myself alive, which is a shocker. There's dirt and grass around me, I'm laying on my back too.
"It's still night." I whisper to myself. Once I sat up, I observed my surroundings; It was just trees in every direction. I knew I was in a forest.
"That guy must've done something to me to blackout for a moment, and he dragged me here." I said a bit louder this time. But, my conclusion felt half-assed, like I was trying to make myself feel better. That's what got me here the first place! Why does the most weird, scariest conclusion end up being the most believable?!
I sighed, my trail of thoughts were getting me again. Right now, I should focus on where I am and how to get back home.
Looking down at my clothing, nothing much seemed to have changed, other than it's covered in grass and muck that came from the ground. I quickly dusted it off before taking a better view of where I am. It was hard to see considering it was night time. "I should make a fire or something!" I quickly said to myself matter-of-fairly. I've seen enough deserted island movies to understand the basics of starting a fire. Surely I can get at least a spark.

Turns out, it isn't as easy as movies make it look. First, turns out I can't break trees with my bare hands, so I take a few branches from the ground. Second, I took a large enough rock to fit my palm. Third, the hard part, finding some sort of flint or anything that can make a spark. Getting to a small clearing, I grabbed another stone, hoping it substitutes a flint. It felt like hours before I gave up in a fit of frustration.
That's when I started having doubts.
Just my damn luck! I'm stuck, in the middle of a forest, because I was an asshole. Now I know nothing that can help me survive in the literal wilderness and I'd probably die from poison or a bear attack.
My eyes started to tear up. "It's no use. I'll just die here in my own puddle of tears." As I started to sniff my way into having an emotional breakdown, I had an idea.

"Why didn't I think of this sooner?!" I said with a joyful smile. My, my Priscilla! You've made a fire with your branches! Seriously though, why didn't you think of this sooner? I question myself in my mind.
It was a relatively small fire, but it made enough light to be able to look around. "I should rest up for the night." Finding a large enough stick, I stuck it in the fire and waited for it to catch fire. A flashlight! You're a genius, Priscilla!
I stepped on the fire on the ground  a few times to put it out. Can't have a burning fire in the forest alone, or else that would've caused a lot of mayhem. There, I left to find a clearing or a little cave for me to set up camp.
To my luck, a small clearing nearby popped up, and I immediately piled up a few sticks and leaves. I threw the 'flashlight' onto the pile, and it created a nice fire.
I yawned as my vision got terribly blurry. I just realized I didn't get any sleep, and how I was very hungry too. Considering I drank alcohol and I'm very tired, I can just fall asleep. Maybe this was all a dream, and I will wake up in my bed, and everything was back to normal.
The same routine.
My eyelids closed at the thought of waking up again with my family. I wouldn't remember any of this. It was a nice thought.

The thought only lasted for a short while.

While I was falling asleep, my old fire that I stepped on stirred, like it was relighting itself. Although, it formed into a person, but floating and made out of fire.
It quickly glanced at the direction where I was sleeping, and fury flamed in his eyes.

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