Chapter 6: The Flames:

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I awoke to find my fire put out, and it's still night. "I'm still alive." I whispered to myself, surprisingly. I look around, the moon shining through the trees don't add any help with that. I try standing up on my own and put my hands on a tree. I needed to get more wood to restart the flames. 'Don't want to freeze to death out here.'

As I turned the wood against the other, I saw a spark light up and continued quicker. Soon a little flame formed, and I set it down in a leaf and stick pile I manage before hand. It soon spread across the small pile, and lit up the clearing once more.
I sighed in relief and laid against a tree. My eyes fluttered down as I drifted to sleep until a bright light slipped into my vision. I open up my eyes to see a person made of fire, burning so brightly I couldn't quite get their features.
I was probably going delusional, everything isn't making any sense. My mind is going everywhere as I stare at this being.
The fire was looking into my fire pile, and it's gentle hands pulled by fire out.
They held it like a newborn baby, and I could only assume this was a woman.
"W-what are you?" I spirt out of my mouth.
The being looked over at me, and I see it's white eyes staring at me before running off with my fire.
I quickly got up and ran after it. "Hey! I need that! It's so dark!" I was glad she was so bright, she was easy to follow.
Then, a stub that was out of the ground caught my foot, and I tripped. Next thing I know it, I hit my head so hard to the point I pass out.
There is no light, just darkness.
Until I hear music playing.

Author's Note: This is a quick illustration to make up for the short chapter.

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