Chapter 8: The Siblings:

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Once I opened my eyes, I started freaking out.
Like before, I start questioning everything.
"Where am I? Is this a cave? How did I end up here?" I frantically sit up looking around me.
What I find is the fire woman I saw, and two other fire-beings.
One have broader features, flames that crackled heavily with sharp edges. And one that was smaller, with soft cracks and less blaze.
The 'woman' gasped at my consciousness. "She's awake!"
I stare at her in awe, the light burning my eyes, though this is the only time I got a good look at her without her running, or more like floating away.
"Isn't that a surprise." An almost mature (yet sarcastic) male voice spoke, and I glanced at the broad fire man.
"Aw, don't be rude, Fagus! She's our guest!" Says a younger, more bright voice, which I assume it's the smaller fire being.
"An unwelcome guest." The male responds, blazing up. I can feel the heat getting to me, and I start sweating a lot. He must be Fagus, I presume.
"Fagus, calm down. Surely this one is alright. We're giving her hospitality, and I've checked. She doesn't have anything that can harm us with." The female being persuaded calmly.
I don't say a thing, I'm afraid of saying something wrong and get burned alive. It's better to keep my mouth shut.
Although in my mind, I think of assumptions; the male seems more of the dominant, and is hot tempered. The female seems to be there to calm him down, maybe help him through problems. The smaller one...
I got nothing.
What am I thinking?! These are mythical creatures! Fire shaped into the form of almost a human, or a ghost. They have personalities, and they're right in front of me! I should just--
"Are you going to say something or what?" Fagus growls at me, since I was staring at him while deep into my thoughts.
I get out of my head and my face flushes with embarrassment. I hide my face and try not to look directly into their white eyes.
"Seriously, the girl has been through enough. She hit her head really hard chasing me after I retrieved Cedar. He went out again by himself." The female talks directly to Fagus, a bit more stern this time.
"Don't you get it, Willow? This is a human we're talking about! For all we know they can't do any help to us! They can probably kill us too!" Fagus retorts back. I was stuck there, still on the ground, watching fearfully, hoping to be out of the conversation.
Willow, which is probably the girl, responds a bit calmer "Can we not do this right now? She's hurt, and we can be able to explain to her 'it'. We can make her not do it. It's been a while since we've even seen one! We can probably get her to help us." She looks at me, and we lock eyes for a moment. They glow of calm yellow, a bit soothing.
I feel a warm tingling sensation on the back of my hand, and I look over. The younger being, which is Cedar by process of elimination, pokes at me gently. I'm surprised my sleeve didn't blaze up in flames.
"Psssst." He says, in a whispering tone. I look at Cedar, questioningly. "We can sneak out. I can show you the moonlight!" He says, with a beaming, whispering tone while the two others stopped to stare.
Cedar didn't seem to notice that they've stopped, and thought it was a brilliant time to invite me to sneak out.
I look over at Willow and Fagus, his blaze coming to a stop, and Willow's soothing stare still at full force.
"We'll discuss it later." Fagus finally says to Willow, calmly.
Cedar pulls me up with a warm grasp, and leads me to the exit of the cave. The two others follow as well, and stay quiet during the process.
We climbed some rocks to the top of the small cave, where it was flat for people, or anything to lay on.
We all sat down on the rock, but Cedar pulled me to a laying position with him.
I had full view of the white, glowing moon. It was so beautiful and full, and I looked around to the other's reactions. Their flames burned calmly, as they stared at the moon. Even Fagus was enjoying it, since he was smiling. Cedar was wide-eyed at the moon, like he's never seen it before. And Willow, she was bathing in its rays, her fire turned a calm shade of blue, and so did the others. Her eyes were closed, and she was calmly resting on the rock. I smiled.
I look back at the moon, and speak my first direct words to them. "Who are you guys?" I spoke softly, hoping not to distrust their peace.
Willow answers "We're siblings by birth, and siblings by death."
As remarkable as they are as siblings,
what she said frightens me. Death? I was about to ask what that means before  says in the calmest way I've heard from him tonight, "We'll explain tomorrow, for now. Enjoy the moonlight and stars tonight."
I gulp and stare into the sky.
My vision slowly fades into darkness as I fall to sleep.

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