"The City"

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The sound of loud piercing sirens awoke me and the sight of red and blue entered my eyes.I knew the police must be here.

I peeled my eyes open further and I could finally see I was in an officers car.It was the familiar sight of the leather seats and metal handcuffs sitting next to me.

I turned my head to the side to face the window and saw several officers around and one female nurse.

The nurse was kneeling down and was examining somebody or maybe something relating to the murder of my boyfriend.

I raised my hand and tapped on the glass gently. I  caught the nurses attention and she acted shocked when she saw me.

She immediately left my sight and ran off to somebody.I could hear a faint voice of either shock or surprise.

But the voice was familiar as I heard the same "Ash!"The voice belonged to my Aunt and Brother. I wanted to scream their names but nothing came out.I still had the same choked up scream stuck inside my throat.

I reached for the handle on the door but my hand was too weak to apply enough pressure on the handle to open it.

When I removed my hand form, the handle the door opened and I was met with the familiar sight of my brother and Aunts faces.

I wanted to smile but all I did was have a small whimper and say"Hey"My Aunt and brother dragged me out and held me in a tight embrace.

In felt safer in their arms,I felt protected."You could've been murdered"My Aunt said in her trembling voice.

Those words filled me with fear and I held on tighter to their arms."W-What do you m-mean?"I was so curious as to what she meant.There was only one person who could've murdered me.It was the one I killed.

"When the hiker found you,you were passed out.He called the police and the ambulance,but a entire group of people emerged form the bushes and attacked the hiker.He was bitten by one of them."

When she said that word Bitten.It brought back the image of Sage with his ripped out neck. "What happened to them?"I asked.

"They were all shot,in the head to be more specific."She was interrupted by Michael"Don't scare her shes been through enough.She needs to get to the hospital"

I left their arms and sat back up against the officers car."The Hospital?Why?"They didn't answer they only put me back in the car and left without saying a proper goodbye."Talk about bad parenting"I angrily mumbled to myself.


When I reached the hospital they did tests on my blood,muscles and eye sight.I was told that I have a serious migraine,and to stay away form screens as much as possible and to have lots of water.Practical stuff.

When I left I was given some prescriptions for some pain killers and panadol. When I left I walked right past the body of Sage.The only thing visible were his head and face.

I choked back tears and kept walking til I found my Aunt.I got in her car and we were beginning to leave the city.We were stuck in traffic on the main street so we were standing still.

"How was the test?"She asked"Just let it go"I said bluntly.I didn't talk to her.I stayed silent.I turned my to face out of the window and watch the rain drain down it.

I listened to the sound of the radio and the sound of the my brother annoyingly tapping on the floor."Michael quit it"

I closed my mouth and let my mind drown in my thoughts.And as sudden as it happened the silence was broken by a officer on his motorbike yelling and the window screaming "Stay with your vehicle!"

He moved forward to the next car and repeated the same thing.Screaming at the window as if it was sound proof.

I instinctively locked my door and made sure I had my seat belt in."What was that about?"My brother asked in his confused and curious tone. 

I turned around and faced him"Maybe a car crash and there is fumes or something?"He stared into my eyes with complete disbelief.

I shakily smiled and him and turned back.And my Aunt tapped my thigh.My attention turned to her and there standing by her window was a man perfectly resembling the same man that killed Sage.I froze in pure fear.

I stayed completely still,not even letting my chest move from breathing.My brother,noticed our silence and began to hyperventilate.

I tried to shush him but he only screamed and jumped out his door.I screamed after him.The man at the window noticed him.

He sprinted for Michael.And as I tried to get out the car vaulted forward in a full burst of energy.And the side of car was hit by another car,seating off the air bag.

The ringing in my ears was growing quiet and so was my Aunt.I raised my pain filled head and turned to her.her skull was faintly caved in and she wasn't moving.

The car door was smashed in and the ceiling had dropped.My door swung open and I was pulled from the car.Barely being able to stand I stared at my savior.

"Michael!"He was standing over me with nothing but messed up hair and a cut lip.I forced myself up and walked with Michael.

The only thing around us was fire cars,screaming and panicking people and our Aunt left in the car.I moved my head up and saw an empty R.V.

"Head to the R.V.Go!"We changed direction and ran towards the R.V.I held the door and let Michael climb through.

I jumped in after him and shut the door.I reached under the wheel to the wires and began hot wiring the R.V.

One of those things jumped at the door and broke the window.I moved back and saw Michael sitting while holding the seat with his foot up facing the creature.I lay down and he kicked the thing out.

I hit the gas and we began moving.We made it passed all the by standers running everywhere and I dodged them all.

I kept moving and keep driving til we made it to he country.The familiar sight of the open hills covered with green trees and wildlife reminded me that I was safe.And then it struck me.No where is safe only safer.

Michael was sitting next to me and I told him to go in the back and lie down.He went back there and I kept my eyes on the road.Damn!The gas was low.

I pulled over and undid my belt.I sighed and relaxed for a second.Before I heard a gun cock and feel something press up against my head."On your knees!"

OHHHHH!What an ending.Believe it or not but I'm still deciding on whether or not its Michael playing a prank,or a surprise!I hope you guys enjoy and this chapter was slightly longer by about 120 words because I wanted to describe this scene.Bye Guys!

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