"The Same Nightmare"

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I watched as the doorway smoldered into ash and as the flames moved through the door and filled the room.The entire building was in flames an we were the only ones inside.

My brothers cries echoed in my ears.And as the flames had nearly reached my feet he asked."Max,are we going to see mummy?"

His voice made everything go silent as the world seemed to freeze.  "Yes,Michael we'll see her again!I promise!"I held him close to my chest and he peered back at my face,but my heart dropped as his face turned from a faint smile into a yell of pain.

The flames had reached his side.He rolled around on the melting floor screaming.I,desperate to save him tried to stop the fire from spreading by removing his jacket.

The flames continued on his jacket but when I saw his melting and burnt skin a scream was choked up inside my throat.

His eyes locked with mine as the room around us was beginning to fall.I let a tear slide down my cheek.I held his hand and I told him."I love you,Michael"I watched as his the life in his eyes left in a instant.

I was dying on the inside but I felt like the outside was frozen.Only until I realized my vision was blurring out.

It wasn't long before my body collapsed next to Michael still holding his lifeless hand.And just at the moment of darkness someone emerged from the room and reached for me.


I sat bolt upright relieved that was only a dream.Only it wasn't a dream,rather the memory of when I survived the fire.Today was the same day the fire happened.That happened 5 years ago but that memory still haunts me.

I'm a strong 19 year old now.Not the same scared 14 year old hiding in a corner. I've changed. Except for the same scar above my left eye.That will always remind me of that day,I failed my little brother.

I removed myself from my bed and left into the hallway.I reached the railing that stood right outside my door way.

I leaned over and underneath was my Aunt Beatrice.She has been our primary care giver ever since the fire.

I try not to think about the incident.But it always comes back. I've always wanted to get the image of my burning 10 year old brother out of my head.But it will always come back.

I leaned back from the railing and went closer to the stairs.That's when the phone rang.I heard my Aunt pick it up."Hello?Oh hi Randy"I heard the name and knew it was that asshole boyfriend of hers.

I came thundering down the stairs eyeing her.She mouthed the words.NOT NOW!I hated Randy to my very last bone.My reason.

He tried to hit me up when he was having dinner with my Aunt and he's a drug addict and a alcoholic. He's about as bad as they come.

I quietly said back"He's a moron!Dump him"She shooed me away before I could say anything else,but in her eye's I could see she was considering it.

I went into the kitchen and began to make a coffee.When I finished it I went back up the stairs. Still having the annoying creak of each step.

I reached my bedroom door and realized it was closed.I never really close my door,usually only when my boyfriend was over.(Don't ask)

I put the coffee in one hand and used my other to open the door.With the small strike of light that entered the room I couldn't see anything or anyone.

Only the window was open.I put my coffee down on my desk and checked out the window.And to my surprise I saw Michael was coming back from sneaking out again.It was still dark outside which meant he left hours ago.

He didn't see me yet.And when he put his hand on the window stile I grabbed it.Making him scream like a baby.I laughed as I helped pull him up.I shut the window as he was heavily breathing.

"How's Veronica?"I asked like a smart ass."What?I wasn't with her!"The aggressiveness in  his voice was clear that he was with his girlfriend."Michael!You're 15 and you hang with a girl nearly 24/7!You were with her!I'm not stupid!"

He blushed.Typical.I nudged him and again in a smart ass tone said"So,what were ya doing?" He pushed me away as I laughed at him."We just hung out and went to the movies"I then realized I have an advantage to this.

"So you don't have a problem with me telling Aunt Beatrice that you were out"I said this while backing away towards the door.

He sprinted and stopped in front of the door"Please don't"I nodded and laughed"Okay,I won't! I promise!"He then left.

(Time skip 1 hour)

After finishing my coffee I turned in the T.V. in my room and was watching the original Friday the 13th.When something struck my window.It must be Sage.I opened the window and climbing up the wall with the rope I have behind the rose bush that climbs up the front of the house.

I helped him up.And he came in and I closed the window.We sat and talked for a while until he mentioned it."So is your scar any better?"When he said this all the memories flooded back in one big rush.

The memories of having to see my brother through a one way glass,because he wounds were too severe.The memories of being told our parents died in the fire.It's too much.I let a tear drip as I felt the same scream choked up in my throat.

Sage embraced me.I felt safe,secure and free from those horrifying and traumatic memories.I didn't want them to come back.

While in his arms I dozed off slowly until I could see nothing back darkness.The only thing I remember after that was Sage moving me to my bed and leaving.

"Max!Wake up!Get down here now!"I sprinted down stairs and to my surprise Sage was there.I ran straight back upstairs and got dressed and did my hair.

I got my helmet and was ready."Sage,ready?"He nodded and my Aunt let us out side."Have fun and be safe you guys"I nodded and waved back.

"Safe,racing with us is never safe"I approached my 2017 Honda CBR500R. When we left I took the moment to enjoy the wind in my hair and let the sun run down my face and to just shut up and drive!

This was the first chapter.What's gonna happy next!I'm so excited to be writing this.And I hope you guys are enjoying the story and if I've made any mistakes,please let me know!

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