It's going to be okay

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-={Y/N's} POV=-

The other Holy Knight and I rush back on our horses as fast as they could go back to the castle.

When we arrived, houses were up in flames, blood covered the stone ground and stained the once green grass, boxes were tipped over, and the houses looked as if they had been abandoned for years.

I see every detail of the horrid sight in front of me but I don't stop to look for survivors. The two of us ride our horses until I see something out of the corner of my eye to the left.

"Left!" I yell as we turn our horses to go to the left.

Eventually we come to a part of the town that looked even worst than the last. Then I saw it. It was standing in the middle of a pile of rubble which most likely used to be a house. In its hand... was something that I hadn't wished to see ever again.


"{Y/N} STAY BACK! YOU'LL GET HURY IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER! LET ME HANDLE THIS! PLEASE!" My father yells at me as I'm paralyzed in my shoes as I'm staring at a big man hidden by a black coat holding my mother by the neck.

A quiet wispy laugh escaped from under his hood. "You really think, there is any chance of saving this useless woman? Really?" He chuckled.

Before I knew what was happening I was back against a tree a decent ways away but I could still see what was going on ahead. My father had his sword he always kept with him in case of emergencies. I always used to tease him, even as a 7 year old about how we would never need it. I guess I was wrong.

He was slashing at the figure in all directions, yet no blood was spilt. The figure turned around with my mother's dying body in hand. My father lunged at the figure with his sword pointing towards the figures stomach and the sound of a sword penetrating a body could be heard.

My father smiled as he was sure he had finally pierced the dark figure. I grew excited thinking we had won and I ran towards my father. As I reached him I saw his smile fade and blood drip to the grass below him and spilled out of his mouth.

"Pa-pa?" I ask not knowing what was happening. He collapsed to the ground with his sword sticking out both sides of his body.

"{Y-} {Y/N} be s-strong..." I look at my mother as she says her final words and breaths her last breath in this world. Tears started spilling from my eyes as the figure let my life-less mothers body drop to the ground beside her deceased husband.

The figure let out another wispy laugh. "Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. You know I would've guessed humans would've become stronger by now. They don't deserve people like us."

I glare at the figure. "What do you mean us?" I asked as my hands started to burn as if they were on fire. "I am nothing like you. You are a monster. A MURDERER." I scream at him. I was only 7 so I don't know what I was really thinking I could do but I was trying.

"You have much to learn my child. You have powers beyond this universe. Power that brings destruction." He sneers

"What- power?" I ask very confused and pissed. As I say that my hands literally feel like fire and I cry out in agony as I drop to my knees and hold my palms to the sky. I look at my hands and fire is boiling my skin as the flames sit on my palms.

"That power, will come of great use to you. It will come with great power once you learn to control it." He walks over to me and places his dark misty hands on top of my palms and takes them away only for the fire to be gone and for my hands to be scarred.

I whimper in pain as my hands start shaking and more tears stream down my face. I look up expecting to see the figure looking down on me but when I look up I just see the sky. The cloudless, clear, blue sky.

I was left there. A 7 year old girl, in the middle of the forest. Who is now an orphan with these powers.

-Flashback over-

"{y/n}. {y/n}. {Y/N}! I snap back to reality as the other Holy Knight was screaming my name.

"Go." I say to the Holy Knight.
"What?" They ask. Confused.
"I said go. I don't care if you want to help. I'm forcing you to leave. I want this guy to myself." I say, not taking my eyes off of the monster.

The Holy Knight hesitates to leave, but soon rides off on his horse to go check on the king.

I draw my sword and focus my eyes on the person in the midst of the monsters hands. I jump off my horse and start walking towards to monster. I draw its attention and it makes a move to step on me but I side step causing it to miss me, and I spin around and make a deep cut on its ankle causing it to loose balance and collapse on it side.

The persons eyes in its hands were slowly starting to loose the sense of life. I make my way onto the monsters body and see the person inside its chest. It seems to be a dark haired male that seems familiar.

The monster makes an attempt to stand and I make a quick movement to cut the human man's body out from the monsters and pick him up bridal style and run to the side of a broken building and lean him against the wall.

I walk back over to the monster knowing it will die soon without its human host, but I still had to get the person out of its grip. I sprint over to its hand and make a clean slice over it fingers cutting them clean off. I look at the person and it was a young girl. Maybe about 5. I quickly grab her even with my armor covered in the disgusting blood like substance from the monster and bring her over next to the unconscious Holy Knight.

I pull them into the chest part of my armor and wrap my arms around him juts as the body of the monster exploded into a disgusting slime like substance. It got into cracks in my armor and stuck to me {h/l}, {h/c} hair.

I pull away and notice the girl was shaking and hugging her knees as she buried her face into her dress.

I have to admit I'm not the biggest fan of children, but I do care for them. It's my job after all. Maybe I would like to even have them someday.

I take off my right hand armored glove and sneak my hand in between her face and legs and place my pointer finger and thumb on her chin. I move her chin to make her look at me and her eyes are red and puffy from crying. I manage to show a smile even if it wasn't real and pull her into a hug placing my hand behind her head.

"It's okay. You're going to be okay. We're going to be okay. I
promise." I say to her as she tightens her hug around my neck.


Third chapter done!

What do u guys think so far?

Hope y'all had a fun 4th!


*Kai has sprinted away into the night sky trying to be dramatic and failing miserably*

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