It's your choice

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-Ban's POV-

She explained everything. I mean everything.

Her past, her parents, the figure that has caused her so much despair.

Elizabeth and Diane had horrified yet sorrow expressions and were comforting {y/n} by kind of holding on to her and I guess rubbing her back.

I didn't really think that was necessary but I'm glad she was able to tell us her story.

None of us have happy backgrounds, but I- I actually don't think she would be a bad addition to the team. Then again she almost just killed the Princess, so I don't know what the cap'n will have to say.

He hasn't spoken since he told her to tell him-us everything.

I hadn't looked at her this whole time, so I look up and notice that her face showed pretty much no emotion whatsoever.

She lifts her head and our eyes meet.

I snap my head away and pretend to brush of my jacket.

I hear a slight snicker coming from her direction, so I look back in her direction cautiously and see her trying to push the now sobbing princess and Diane off of her shoulders.

King, like always is sitting atop his green spotted pillow doing his stupid floaty thing, and the cap'n... well he's kinda just standing there with his arms crossed looking at the floor.

{y/n} stands up and fixes her vest before walking towards the door. I expected her to just walk straight out the door but she stopped right next to me and basically strained her neck to look up at me. I looked down and our eyes met again, and she smiled.

I felt my heart skip a beat and my face heat up, but then she looked back at the door and continued walking.

She was basically out the door when the cap'n appeared right next to her and grabbed her arm.

This caught everyone's attention and even the princess and Diane stopped crying to look at Mel and {y/n}.

{y/n} snapped her head to look at the cap'n and her arm turned literally on fire, the cap'n not even flinching.

"Meliodas, let go." Her voice rang.

"No." His voice seemed more powerful at the moment.

"I'm not kidding. Let me fucking go. I've already caused enough damage." She replied, her voice also sounding more fierce.

"Not before I ask you something." He said to her, now looking at her directly.

She pulls her arm away. "Then ask so I can leave."

Everyone now basically circling the two.

"We've all created and committed sins, as we are known as the seven deadly sins. You have the sign of a sin, as we all have seen." He explains.

She nods. "I know, and I know. Please just get to the question."

"I'm gonna throw it out there. Do you want to join the Sins."


Hey! I'm not dead... yet.

But I didn't know what to do with this chapter and I know it's shorter than most of my other ones.

So if u have any ideas on what I can do with future chapters please either message me or comment. I will tag u in the chapter I write from an idea u give me.

...cause I'm desperate.

But stay awesome... people...

Also since I'm not creative with names, if u have any ideas on what I can call u... please tell me...

K enjoy life y'all and keep... memeing

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