Come back

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-{Y/N's} POV-

Each day, each hour, each passing minute or second became crucial to my mind. Thoughts of what I've caused, the people I've injured because of who- what I am swarmed my head. I don't know if it's because I've been alone, or if it's because I have the constant fear of losing control again.

I was once a Holy Knight. Sworn to protect the people of Liones. Now I'm supposed to believe I'm the daughter of some... some Fire Lord Demon King?

Today marked day three of leaving the tavern owned by the group known as The Seven Deadly Sins. And I managed to swipe a blanket from a nearby market for which I used as a roof in the tree I decided to take refuge in. That being because acorns kept falling atop my head- and I gotta say, for things as small as they are- they sure hurt like hell.

I've been mostly surviving off of apples from nearby apple trees, and occasionally squirrels that I've caught and roasted using my ability. Not the most scrumptious of foods, but a girls gotta eat ya know?

The sun began to set as night drew near again. Apple in my hand, I sat on my branch with my blanket rooftop and watched as the sun disappeared behind the trees. I've always loved sunsets, I remember watching them with my Mom as a little girl, and from windows at castle Liones. I guess they've just always brought a sense of comfort to me when I needed that the most. Plus- what harm can a sunset do?

After the sunset was out of my line of sight, I leaned back and bit the last edible part of my apple off before dropping it to the ground.

Well... at least I thought it was gonna hit the ground- but this time when I did just that, a kind of yelp came out of nowhere which obviously caught my attention.

I leaned over and managed to make out a dark, lean, yet muscular figure that was maybe wearing red? I couldn't quite make it out cause it was getting quite dark already but I was pretty sure I saw red.

I heard grumbling and gruff sounding growls coming from the figure- then I placed it all together.

That person down there has to be Ban. I hesitate before dropping down, landing directly in front of him but squatting as I hit the ground due to the height of the tree I was in. I stood up and he looked down at me as I looked up.

"{Y/N} oh thank god I found you- let's go back so I can cook an actual decent meal and get some ale." He said as he grabbed my wrist and tried walking away.

I snap my hand out of his grasp. "Ban I can't go back."

He stopped and turned around. "Well of course you can. You've got two working legs, and people that actually enjoyed your company back at the tavern. So... I don't see why you can't come back." He chuckled then after.

"Have you not been present when I've lost control? Have you not been notified of the damage I have or could potentially cause? Wait... maybe it's because you're just too drunk or idiotic all the god damn time to make reasonable decisions." I snap.

That clearly got his attention because at that moment he grabbed the collar my vest and slammed me against the trunk of a tree.

"You may be the daughter of a damned demon king, and you may have been given the opportunity to join the sins. But that does NOT make you and I on equal levels. So don't go parading around, pretending to know me- because you sure as hell don't." He growled as we met eye to eye before I shoved him away.

"I don't give a fuck who you are. I know all I need to know is that you're a greedy bastard that couldn't care less about anyone other than yourself. That right there, is what makes you so unlikeable and lonely." I glared directly into his eyes and I could tell he was about to make some kind of attack at me. Yet before he could a higher voice came from my left.

"Oi! Will you two calm down? You guys are gonna end up destroying this whole forest!" I look to my left and see Meliodas and Diane (who is back to a human size) walking towards us.

Ban turns away from me, clearly annoyed he couldn't get an attack in. Diane waved at me with a big smile on her face, and I nodded back- not in the mood to smile.

"Listen, {Y/N}. I get you may have your concerns about losing control. But we can help. And maybe one day you can gain control of that power instead of that power controlling you." He says pointing at me.

I hesitate as I think about my options. I didn't like the idea of being around Ban often, but letting my thoughts about the Fire Lord- Demon part of me just swarm my thoughts didn't seem particularly healthy either.

"If I do end up agreeing to come back with you guys, there are no promises that I'm going to make it up with Mr. Temper over here." I eventually say as I motion to Ban who let out a deep growl as I said that.

"That's fine with me." Mel replies.

I sigh. "Then I'll come back."


Here's another update for y'all.

Thought I'd try to get another chapter in before school started back up again.

I wasn't completely sure if I was going to update this soon just because I recently lost my cat who has literally been in my life since day 1 and I just haven't been in the greatest of places- but I didn't want to just leave you guys with that last chapter.

Anyways here's to a good start to 2018.

Stay awesome warriors and I'll see you guys not only in the next chapter, but in the new year.


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