Find her!

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-Ban's POV-

The princess, King, and Gowther decided to head back to the Tavern not long after we had left, just to watch over Hawk, and the Tavern.

So that left the cap'n, Diane, and myself to look for {Y/N}.

So far, no one has really said much to each other, about anything. But Diane was looking high and low, almost bouncing off of the trees we passed, desperately trying to find {Y/N}.

Mel walked in front of both of us when Diane wasn't bouncing around in front of us, his arms crossed behind his head, and me following close behind growling every now and then from the annoyance of not having seen many signs of {Y/N} mixed with how annoying Diane was being.

The frustration was building as trees and bushes clouding our vision of anything other than this god damn forest.

By this time Diane had now started to yell aka scream {Y/N}'s name.

"Can you shut up already?" I snarl after the yelling had been going on for one too many seconds.

She froze and turned to face me. I didn't bother stopping to face her, I just kept on walking beside the cap'n.

Just as I were to pass her she grabbed my arm and threw me upwards and of course I landed in a fucking tree.

Even when she wasn't in her Giant form, she still withheld the strength of one.

I grab onto a branch and drop down landing right in front of Diane, not facing her.

"If that was an attempt of getting rid of me, might wanna think twice about who I am again." I sneer as I look overmy shoulder back at her and smirk before continuing next to the cap'n.

I hear her make a "humph" behind me and if I know her correctly, she's probably making her cheeks puff out and furrowing her eyebrows as much as she can, while crossing her arms or clenching her fists. One of the two.

She had stopped calling for {Y/N} at least for now, and she strayed a little behind the cap'n and I, but not too far.

"What's your opinion on {Y/N}." I hear the cap'n say.

He just keeps on surprising me with what he says. I slide my hands into my pockets and give him a side look. "Are you asking me that?"

He nods a little nod.

I didn't really know how to answer, because at the beginning of all of this she was trying to kill us, now all of the sudden we're out on a search to find her and try to recruit her to join our team... if that's what you even call it.

"Well- um- I mean- I don't know?" I manage to spit out.

He chuckles and I give him another side eye but more of a death glare.

"It's not a hard question Ban. Do you want her to be on the team? Do you wanna be friends with her? Kill her? Hate her? Maybe love her?" He stretches the last sentence out more.

I feel my heart stop for a quick second and I let out another deep growl. "She's okay."

"Mhm. What about you Diane?" He yells back.

She runs up on the other side of the cap'n. "Hm?"

"What's your opinion on {Y/N}?" He repeats.

"Oh! I mean I haven't gotten to know her very much but I think we'd get along really well. As long as she keeps her boundaries of course." She says almost vengefully.

The conversation kinda took a pause for a while after that as we kept on, still only trees, bushes, nature shit.

Then the cap'n speaks up again. "Do we have a plan on getting {Y/N} to come back with us?"
I look at him with wide eyes. "What do you mean?! I thought you had a plan!"

"Ohhhhh Meliodas sama!" Diane started whining and stomping her foot, also puffing out her cheeks. Again *cough*.

"CAP'N YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING IDIO-" Before I could finish that line about maybe- 5 Holy Knights? That seems right.

About 5 Holy Knights had stepped out of the forest surrounding us, clutching their weapons tightly.

One average height man, with hair so blonde I swear it looked white stood in front of the rest with a huge smirk spread across his face. And I giant scar basically running down his entire face, starting at his receding hair line.

Either that or he just has a huge ass forehead.

The rest didn't really stand out, they were fully clothed in armor, and honestly the taste in Holy Knight armor decreased ever since the other Sins and I left- in my opinion of course- or it's a fact.

The cap'n drew his sword and Diane got into a battle stance.

I reach to form my nunchucks- (tbh I totally forgot where he gets his nunchucks) -when the cap'n yells back at me.

"Ban! Go find her! We've got this!"

I take one step before the old... young man... Holy Knight starts talking. "Oh, could that be her boys? I'd think so. Maybe if we find her we can all celebrate and us two can fall and love and live a happy... ever after." He sneers.

I don't know why- but that last sentence he said triggered something in me and I brought some of my magic up to the surface from deep inside me and lunged at him with my fist clenched and aimed at his ugly ass face.

I was stopped and notice the cap'n grabbed my leg. "Cap'n put me d-" At that moment the cap'n had thrown me backwards and away from the fight and I could've sworn I heard scar face boy laughing a disgusting laugh as I caught myself on a tree and dropped to the ground.

I make a growl in the back of my throats as I brush myself off and shove my hands in my pockets and begin my attempt at finding {Y/N} by myself. Which'll be a blast.


First things first- here's another update which I hope u guys enjoy.

This one was more of an anxiety driven chapter cause I have quite a few quizzes/tests in school this week, so sorry if it's kinda fuzzy in some parts.

But- I just realized we've hit 1k reads! Compared to some other Ban x Reader stories this isn't much, but this being my first story to get reads like this.

So I thought it would be cool to do some kinda celebration thing? Idk tho, so if u have any ideas please don't be afraid to comment or notify me.

Anyways- hope u guys r doing well and I'll see u! In the next chapter!

Stay awesome warriors!

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