Chapter 2

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Sarah Pov

After a while watching dumb vids on youtube I looked at the clock. 6:17. I looked over at Mike and he was falling asleep.

"Don't go to sleep." I said waking him up.

"I'm up. What do you need?" Mike said half asleep.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked poking him.

"How 'bout pizza?" He said holding my hands down.

"You know I don't like pizza." I said a little mad.

"Fine.... Chinese or sushi?" He said letting my hands go.

"Chinese sounds good." I said getting my phone. I order and we continued watching TV. Then the doorbell rang. I opened it.

"How much?"I asked grabbing the money.

"$25.50." The guy said. I gave him the money and grabbed the food.

Mike and I ate. Then he had to leave. We hug goodbye and he left. I went up to my room and went to sleep.


I woke up to my alarm and did my morning routine. I didn't wear make-up so I finish really fast. I walked downstairs and saw my mom.

"Morning." I said grabbing a banana.

"Good morning." She said. "Oh ya going to be late tonight so the money is on the fridge. Also tomorrow I have the day off. So we can eat dinner. And invite Mike if you want."

"Alright I'll ask." I said hugging her goodbye and started walking. I was listening to music on the way to school. Untill someone pulled out my earphone.

"You didn't hear me." Mike said.

"Oh.... Sorry but good I need to talk to you." I said putting my earphones and phone in my pockets.

"About what?" He asked.

"First my mom wants to know if you want to come and eat out with us tomorrow." I said fast.


"And a guy name Al is going to eat with us for lunch. I invited him---"

"Wait. I thought me and you ONLY eat lunch together?" He asked a little mad.

"Well ya but I felt bad 'cause he wanted to hang yesterday but the project. So I asked if he wanted to hang at lunch and he agreed."

"Oh.... Alright."

"But the last thing is a girl came up to my door yesterday before you got there and asked for you and I said you didn't live there. She just said ok and walked away."

"And your barely telling me this."



"What is something wrong?"

"No. Just.."

"Just what."

"Just nothing." He looked a little mad but I left it alone. "Come on we're going to be late."

"Right behind you." I said.

We got to class and the teacher said to work on the project. I put my head down and didn't listen until Mike poked me with a pencil.

"Wake up." He said grabbing my hand. We hold hands but we're not a thing. It's something we do when we're bored.

"No." I said facing the other way.

"Come on. If you don't then we'll get a F." He said.

"Fine." I said grabbing a pencil.

"Oh ya. I can't eat with you and your new friend." He said doing research.

"What whyyyy?" I asked looking at what he was researching.

"Because I'm meeting a friend." He said looking at me.

"Alright." I said getting a book.

The bell rang and I saw Al. He walked up to me and walked me to my class.

"Hey my friend can't join us for lunch so it's only going to be me and you." I said. From the corner of my eye I saw him blushing.

"O... Ok." He said nervously.

"See you later." I said.


"Ugh.. I have PE next." I said to Al.

"That sucks and your going to eat right know." He said eating his lunch.

"Right." I said laying in the field.

"Anyways why aren't you eating?"

"Because I'm not hungry." I said.

"Still you should eat." He said giving me a apple.

"Fine." I said taking the apple.

"So what do you do for fun?" He asked trying to get to know me.

"I like to draw but I'm not good at it." I said then turn to him asking the same question.

"Um..... Well I like the same since we are both in art class." He said.

"Oh ya." I said. I almost forgot. We finished or Lunch and the bell rang. He went to his class and I went to PE. Mike meet with me.

"So what you do for lunch?" I asked him curious.

"Nothing really" He said.

I was confused but let it go then I heard 'tell you later' but in a whisper. The class went by fast. We were playing and learning how to play tennis. Next thing I know I was on my way home. I got a text from Mike when I reached my house.

M- Hey can I come over

S- Sure.

M- Alright be there soon

S- K.

After I stopped texting him I got change in a croptop and pants. The I went to draw. I drew for a little while then heard a knock. I open the door and it was the same girl as yesterday.

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