Chapter 27

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Mike Pov

I woke up and got dress, brush my teeth and got my stuff ready for school again. I went downstairs and saw Lily making breakfast. She always make breakfast for the first day off school. We said goodmorning and ate. I got my phone and earphones and headed out the door with Lily. We parted ways when we got to her school. I put in my earphones to listen to music. After a while someone took them out. I turn to see Jasmine. I grabbed my earphone back and walked away. She pulled it out again. I turn to look at her.

"Hey baby. I was thinking we could get back together?" She said.

"Nah. I'm fine. I love someone else." I said and walked away.

"You're lying. I know you still love me." She said putting her arms around my neck. I pushed her away.

"I sad no. Know leave me alone." I said and walked away. She didn't contact me all summer and now she wants to talk. Forget it.

I went to my first period. Which was math. I like my schedule. It was easy to remember.

Mike Schedule:

First Period - Math
Second Period - ELA
Third Period - History
Forth Period - Science
Fifth Period - PE
Sixth Period - Technology
Seveth Period - Club

I joined a club this year. I had PE because me and Sarah wanted to be fit for our last two years. I was happy that it was in the same period. When I got in math everyone was staring at me. I walked to the back of the class to take a seat. Some guy came up to me. He has ginger hair and brown - hazel eyes.

"Hey where's Sarah? I haven't seen her this whole time. She's usually early." He said.

"Moved." I said. And started reading until the teacher came in and he sat down. The class was boring.


I went to eat out on the field but instaed ate but instead went to a tree. A girl came up to me. I was reading a book so I didn't pay attention.

"Hey... I'm new. Can I sit with you?" She asked.

"Sure." I said smiling. I finished my lunch and we started talking. She wore glasses. She had her hair dyed violet and had blue eyes.

She talked about she moved away from her boyfriend. She was devastated. I comfort her. Her name was Nicole Stone. We decided to eat lunch together everyday. I told her about what happened. For some reason I trusted her. We had our last two classes together so I thought that was cool. The bell rang and we went to class.

They school day went by fast. I was already home. Usually it last longer. I was on instagram and stalked Sarah's profile. She was with some friends getting ice cream. I liked the picture. And went on with other people instagrams. I came across Nicole's profile and followed her. She followed me back a couple minutes later. We started texting and got to know each other more. It was fun until we had to go to sleep. After a while I got a text from Sarah out of now where.

S- hey. u still up
M- Ya. What's up.
S- just bored
M- Same. I have to go to sleep in a little.
S- oh. I forgot u r 1 hrs ahead of us.
M- Ya. How's school.
S- good. Hbu
M- Meet a new girl she's cool.
S- no I don't want my best friend/crush tooken away
M- Promise u won't. She just moved away from her boyfriend and she was sad.
S- i kinda know how that feels
M-U left me.
S- i know. Im sorry
M- Just messing with u.
S- u suck
M- But u love me.
S- true.... Shut up
M- Make me.
S- ur lucky im over here and not there
M- Not right now.
S- i need someone to cuddle with
M- U shouldn't have left.
S- shut up and ik
M- Lol. Just playing around.
S- haha.... Thxs for making me smile again
M- Anytime. Gtg. Gn.
S- gn. Love ya.
M- Love ya too.

I stopped texting her and went to sleep having a dream about her. I was happy that I can still contact her. She makes me happy when I'm down. I love her for that. And a lot of things.

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