Chapter 21

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Sarah Pov

I got ready for my date. I wore a flower croptop and rip, high-waisted jeans. I had my hair straiten. I put on my shoes and waited. Jessica,Lily, and Mike are downstairs watching a movie. I got a text from Al saying he'll be five minute. I walked downstairs to wait. I walked down and see everyone staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Woooooow..." They all said. I blushed in embarrassment.

Soon there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Al with flowers and dressed decent. I was glad cause I didn't know what to wear. We hugged and told everyone bye. We got to a restaurant and sat down and looked at the menu. The waitress came and looked at Al and smiled.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked still looking at Al.

"I'll have a lemonade." I said.

"K and you?" She asked.

"Just a water." He said.

"Coming right up." She said. She winked at him amd left.

I was a little mad but kept my cool. We talked for a minute and then he went on his phone. I sat there just thinking about what to draw tonight until he started laughing.

"Who are you texting?" I asked.

"It's just an app." He said.

"Oh..... Ok." I said not convinced.

We ate with him still on his phone and left to go to the park. We started walking.

"Hey babe. I have to go. Sorry. See you at school." He said kissing my cheek.

"Ok." I said. Luckly we are close to my house.

I walked home confused on who he was texting. I tried to shake it off. I walked threw the door and Mike and Lily are still here. Everyone was watching a movie. I went to go to my room but was stopped by Jessica.

"How was your date?" She asked.

"Good but he had to leave." I said walking up.

"Figures." I heard Mike say under his breath.

"Oh.... Why?" Jessica asked.

"Don't know." I said and went to my room.

Soon after Lily came in. She closed the door and sat nexted to me. I was laying on my bed.

"Mommy......... Do you really like that guy?" She asked. I shurgged my shoulders without thinking.

"So he's a substitute for big brother" She asked.

"What. No..... I don't know.......... Wait how do you know what that is.?" I said confusing myself.

"Online and because the way you and Mike look at each other and how you act. I know you like him." She said.

"Well.... He has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend.... Also he doesn't like me only as a friend..... Nothing more...... Nothing less..." I said. "Don't tell him please."

"I won't." She said. She then left me to figure out my thoughts.

I sat there and soon enough I fell asleep.


I woke up in my clothes. I got in the shower and put on a tanktop and some sweats. I walked down stairs and smell pancakes. I look to see Mike, Lily, and Jessica cooking. I smile at them dancing and having fun. They then saw me and said goodmorning. I said it back and went to go get some lemonade.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

Mike smiled and said, "Your favorite."

I smiled back. Soon all three came out with 4 plates. They set them down and I sat next to Mike. We ate and played games on the Wii and Xbox. It was already 4:30pm so we ordered chinese food.

~·~Time skips to Al and Sarah's~·~

Sarah Pov

For the past few months Al says he's just been on that 'app' and left our dates. I just keep shaking it off. Today is our anniversary. We've been together for two years. He is going to suprise me. I'm so excited. I decided to wear a dress. I haven't wore a dress since my mom past. The dress was white and had swirling black design. I was waiting for him with Jessica. We're trying to guess the places to go until I got a text. It was from Al.

Al- Hey babe got to cancel. My job can't find someone to work my shift. I'll make it up to u later. Love you.💓

I sat there for a second.

"What happen?" Jessica asked.

"He canceled. Like he always does. Work issues." I said almost about to cry.

"Awwwww........ How about I invite Mike and Lily. We can watch movies and hang out." She said. I nodded in agreement. It would be nice to see them. To get my mind off of this.

They came over with a bunch snacks. They gave us a hug. We sat on the couch and decided to watch Grease. One of my favorite movie. Me and Mike cuddled because I didn't care. I needed to cuddle with someone. Jessica and Lily fell asleep. It was just me and Mike.

"Hey don't fall asleep on me." He joked.

I laughed. "But you're so comfy." I said.

"Come on. Let's go to your room." He said getting up.

"Fine." I said.

We got to my room and I flopped on the bed.

"Scoot over." I said.

"Nooooo." I yelled.

He pushed me over and faced each other. He pulled me close to cuddle. I put my head on his chest.

"I still don't like him..... I wonder why he kepts leaving on your dates..... Is it really just for work?" He asked. I stayed silence. He knew I didn't want to talk about is so he held me closer. Soon we fell asleep. He kissed me on the head. He said something but I couldn't hear.

Mike Pov

I kissed Sarah's forehead and said something I did not believe, "Goodnight. I love you Beautiful." I wonder if she heard. Soon I fell asleep.

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