A Flour for You

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Your eyes opened slowly, your mouth fell into a yawn as you woke up. You were still in Dippers bed, guess you fell alseep. You looked over to Mabel's bed and saw Dipper, or Bill sitting there quietly with his face in a book.

Bill doesn't read, not for enjoyment anyway


He snapped his focus onto you.

"Y/n!" He rushed to your side and hugged you tightly

"Jesus, Bill almost killed you.. im so sorry I didn't come help you I.. I"

"Oh.. it's alright Dipper, you didn't have a choice."


There was a long silence. Your thoughts ran wild and you couldn't help but think back to the night before.

Was it bad you didn't hate it? Even though you almost died... you saw a different side of Bill and it made you happy.

You shushed yourself in your head no.. he's a monster, he's evil

"Umm I'm kinda hungry.. could we go eat?" You blurted out. Yeah breakfast will take my mind away

"Oh uh yeah! What do you want?"

"Pancakes but... I'll help you this time cause-"

"Yeah yeah don't rub it in" Dipper groaned as you spurt out a laugh

The two of you went downstairs, sharing small talks along the way

"So when's Mabel coming back?"

"Later tonight, so we kinda got the day to ourselves..." Dipper blushed, you were confused as to why for a moment when you realized

Oh shoot.. the last time I saw Dipper as... Dipper was in the middle of a kiss..

You went quiet too and your cheeks glowed pink just like his.

~~~tiny time skip idk~~~

"Okay! All of the Ingredients are Layed out! Just follow the recipe this time okay?"

"Haha yeah" Dipper rubbed his neck and adjusted his hat

"We can each make our own mini batter, so cut all the measurements in half and we can see who makes them better" you laughed

"Clearly me, it's gonna taste amazing"

You both laughed as you started to dig into the ingredients

"Too boring, lets have some music" you skipped over to the radio and hit the button. And as fate would have it... a slow, and romantic song played. You hit the button again and the music screeched for a moment but continued the same song.

You spun around to Dipper and shrugged

"Our pancakes will just have to be lovebirds then" you joked

He chuckled in the most adorable way and blushed.

You walked over to him and blew a pinch full of flour into his face

"Ah ah AH choo~!"

"Awww!! You sneeze like a kitten!"

He gave a annoyed, but sarcastic glance and blew some flour at you too.

You both laughed and threw flour around the room until the whole kitchen looked like a cloud.

The two of you dance around in the flour field (hehe see what I did there)  and eventually he ran straight into you

You began to slip back but he caught you by wrapping his arm around your back.

The music played a soft, rosy piano tune

The flour settled in the air and gently floated down around the two of you, he pulled you closer.

You both had a dumbfounded look on your faces and he pulled you upright. As if it was natural, you wrapped your hands around his neck and gave a shy smile.

"Flour dance?"  You pulled him closer

"Flour dance" he smiled and wrapped his hands around your waist.

The two of you gently danced around the flour filled kitchen laughing and joking until the song ended with a light chime and you ended the dance with a long hug.

"Dipper clean this up" Stan croaked as he rolled his eyes and walked past us

"Haha so much for pancakes" you laughed getting the broom

"You don't have to help me"

"Course I do, it's our mess" you started sweeping the flour into small piles as he scooped them up in a dust pan.

After two hours you were finally done.

You wiped the sweat off your forehead and you both plopped down in the sofa.

Some movie you didn't recognize played on the TV screen.

You sat close to Dipper and you both drifted to sleep as you watched it.

You were enjoying your nap, you were enjoying being with Dipper you two weren't really in a deep sleep since you woke up every 10 minutes to readjust.

You were smiling though.



Anyone notice how I just slowly changed the PoV from first person to second. Like what? It just kinda happened XD forgive me

A Dangerous Game (Bill x Reader x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now