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New story, bitch!

I have huge plans for this story! Make sure to comment what you think so far! If the comments are positive enough, I shall continue!

I hope y'all enjoy!

Copyright © 2017 by Shiewanie Kristo. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Shiewanie Kristo.


The dark coated sky with glimmering stars was starting to turn gray, indicating that the storm was on its way. Wearing her red hood, Red wandered the dark forest, ready to attack the trespassers.

Red hated humans more than anything. They were more dangerous than the most vicious Vampires. Vampires had to do with feeding off blood, but humans, they fed off others their emotions; their pain and they enjoyed every bit of it.

Red didn't feel like shifting, so instead she took an arrow from her arrow holder and stood in the dark, waiting for the trespasser, hunting like a hungry wolf. Everything was quiet as she stood there, watching every moving object, listening to the footsteps that approached her rapidly.

Of course it was scared.

She attacked the human earlier and now she could hear the pounding heart along with her heavy breaths. She smirked to herself, lifting the bow and positioning the arrow perfectly. She held her breath, every second feeling like a decade.

Her alerted eyes noticed the blue shirt the human was wearing and without a second thought, Red shot the arrow straight to the human's heart. She walked out of the shadows and watched as the human struggled to take it's last breath before finally lying still. Dead.

Right at that moment, her warriors arrived and she looked at them, her gaze as piercing and intimidating as ever. The Chief bowed his head along with the other warriors.

"Alpha," he muttered submissively.

"Were all of them killed?" Red's cold voice sent shivers down his spine.

"Yes, Alpha," he nodded.

Red nodded back and looked at the human's corpse lying on the ground. With her foot she pushed the human forward, making the corpse spill on its side.

"Good. Burn them," she looked back at the Chief. "And I never, ever, want another human on this territory ever again."


"Alpha," a heavy voice rang through her ears as she entered the dining hall.

She walked over to the chair at the end of the glass table and sat down. "Welcome them," she said and with a slight bow, the man walked outside.

Today was a day she wanted to spend properly with her pack. Without any discussions about pack attacks, wars, and secret documents. She looked around the hall. Everything was perfect. It was everything she worked so hard for.

An army.

The hall was huge with a luxurious chandelier hanging down the ceiling, scented candles decorated the huge glass table, flowers were in every corner and dinner was already pleasantly served. The huge wooden door opened and soon her pack members scrambled in, eager to see their Alpha.

Red never really revealed herself to her pack members, since she had been too busy taking care of her pack. But today, was a day just for them. They all pleasantly sat down at the table, some looking wide eyed at all the food in front of them.

Red smiled to herself, the terrible scar on her face no longer feeling like a burden. "Good evening," she grinned as she got up. Some shot her weird glances, wondering who she was, but when the following words rolled off her tongue, they all bowed their heads in respect. "I am your Alpha, and as promised, this day is for you. I have invited all of you to have dinner with me today and most important of all, I expect good behavior. I have arranged for you the finest of wines and the best of foods. In celebration of the end of war and acceptance of victory. The land of Vrinoa is ours. We are now known as the most powerful pack in history!" her voice held enough power to make the entire hall erupt in screams of victory.

She smirked to herself. With the army she had now, she was one step closer to destroying her enemy.


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