Chapter Three: Shadows

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The water pouring down from the tap made him wish that it would wash away all the guilt and pain he was feeling, but depressingly that void was bigger and louder than any sound. His own mind was slowly consuming him alive and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get his dead sister's image out of his head. How could he? He spent years taking care of her, protecting her, and who gave that woman the right to waste all of that?

The pain and guilt got replaced with anger. He couldn't just let this slide. He had to get his revenge, no matter what the cost. He just couldn't watch his mother weeping. She was just about a month old when he got to hold Vanessa in his arms. The was her eyes slowly opened and closed, the way she nearly cried. He screamed. He screamed all his anger out just before punching the mirror, adding another instant regret to the list.

His knuckles were bleeding and he could feel his pulse His heart was pounding and he was huffing, gasping for air as the tears pricked his eyes. He didn't even get to cremate his sister. His mother didn't even get a second to say goodbye to her daughter.


he couldn't let this be.

He was going to get to the bottom of this, whether it costs him his life or not. He will find out what happened to his sister.

No matter what it takes.


"Did we receive any response from Alpha Gabriel?" She asked as her Beta entered her office.

Nick shook his head, standing in a respective posture with his hands in the back and his back straight. "No, Alpha, but we have some news from our spies."

That made her look up from her paper work. She dropped her pen, intertwined her fingers while resting her elbows on the desk, and rested her chin on her fingers.


"Alpha Gabriel has mentioned some kind of weapon, Alpha."

Red raised her eyebrows. Alpha Gabriel paid her a visit about two months ago with a proposal to unite their packs. He claimed to be having some issues with a pack of Rogues who frequently attacked his pack in order to get the Alpha assassinated. To protect himself, he needed more wolves, and of course, a mastermind in strategic combat, just like Red.

Though his story seemed somewhat believable, Red still had her doubts. His posture as well as his articulation not only seemed off, but also suspicious. So, to get a taste of his desperation, she set a condition. The condition was that the Alpha wouldn't have a higher saying than her. She would be the Queen, a Queen higher than an Alpha. It wasn't a surprise when he agreed to this condition, because that way he would easily get her killed once he got what he needed, and that was her pack.

"Continue, Nick."

"A weapon that releases some kind of poisonous gas, dangerous enough to kill in a radius of about 100 KM," he said, his voice trembling a little. "He says that once he has enough man power, he will take over our lands, kill all the remaining Alphas and become the Alpha of the Alpha's."

That made her chuckle. "Is his weapon done?"

Nick shook his head. "No, Alpha. According to the information our spies have gathered, it'll take about another three months to finish this weapon."

"Good. Alpha Gabriel has a troop of three hundred. Send our troops. I want five hundred of our warriors attacking their lands. I don't want death. you know exactly what you have to do." she commanded.

Nick bowed in respect, "Yes, Alpha."

With that said, he bowed once again before exiting her office. Red released a heavy sigh, lowering her hood. She looked out the glass window, staring at the setting sun. Yet another day was ending and she was nowhere near Khal.

She groaned, rubbing her face in frustration. It took her fifteen years to stand in this position. To be the Alpha of the most powerful pack of them all. How many Alphas had she under her shoes, all to get to one person. She closed her eyes, once again, seeing the gruesome truth behind her tainted soul.

The masked face, holding a sword in the dead of the night so dark, the snow pouring down. She was just fifteen years old when she saw the masked demon stab her father and destroying her pack. She and Nick were the only survivors. Everyone was either killed by his men, or died in the fire. From that day on, she took an oath, that not only would she get her revenge, but she would rise to save people from the wrath of Khal, the masked demon.


Caïn drove to the forest where he last found those men about to burn Vanessa's body. From the moment he set eyes on them, he felt something was odd about the entire situation and when their wounds started healing, he knew exactly something supernatural was definitely going on. Even the woman he was brought to. The way she behaved, even if she made him feel a certain way, he still wanted her dead.

He knew for sure that she was the one who was behind Vanessa's death and he was going to find out what happened to his sister.

He pressed on further, shoving tree branches out of the way and at moments even started rambling to himself. If people has seen him right now they would think he was crazy... and they would be right. He was going crazy. It was as if he was possessed by revenge. Just the thought of that woman taking her last breath made him feel satisfied that Vanessa would at least reach some kind of justice.

A sudden sound made him free right on his spot. He slowly looked around, waiting to see some kind of movement or hear another sound. When nothing happened he started walking again, but the sound made him stop yet again. But this time there was movement.

A black shadow ran right past him, making his eyes grow wider. He could feel his heart pounding so hard, he could hear it.



"Who's there?' he called out, but no answer.



"Show your face!" he shouted, cursing himself for not running away in the first place.

He wanted to run, but he had to do this for Vanessa.


Thud... Thud...

A cold hand held onto his shoulder, making all his blood rush to his head. He could feel his shoulders tense up as well as himself stiffening.

"Hello there," a heavy, raspy voice said.

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