Chapter Two: Caïn Haven

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He remained in his car for a solid twenty minutes, not knowing how to face his mother. The AC was on, yet the sweat dripped down his forehead more than he could even handle. How was he going to tell his mother that her daughter was no longer amongst them? Worse yet, what explanation was he going to give about her death? Was he going to tell his mother that his sister was murdered by bloodthirsty people who despised the entire human race?

No, he couldn't.

No one would ever believe him.

He couldn't figure out anything. Not that he thought he ever would. The cold blue eyes flashed through his mind again, which only made him more nervous. He couldn't quite explain it, but those blue eyes contained something he hadn't seen in anyone's eyes besides in those of his reflection. He knew that the woman he met no longer than two hours ago, the woman whose eyes and scars told a whole different story than her posture did, was just another broken soul the world created with its ignorance.

Gathering enough courage, he turned off the AC and pulled out the key out of the ignition. He then stepped out and locked the car before walking his way down the path of fear and pain into his house. His mother was humming her favorite song as she sat on the couch cutting vegetables that she was going to cook later.

He felt his stomach churn as he walked closer to her and stopped behind her. Reluctantly he lifted his hand and placed it on his mother's shoulder. His mother turned around and her lips curved into a happy smile when she saw her son, but when she noticed the sadness that was plastered on his face, she felt a wave of panic rush through her.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" she asked, placing the bowl with vegetables on the coffee table. "And where is Vanessa?" she looked behind him, but looked back at him in disappointment.

His gaze lowered and with a heavy heart he replied, "I went to look for her in the woods," he started. "But then I saw some men ready to burn her body," the tears were now freely streaming down his face. He heard his mother gasp, but didn't dare looking at her. "I tried, Ma, I really did, but they knocked me out and even I got almost killed. I couldn't save her, Ma..."

"No!" she screamed, her voice shaky and cracking. "No, my Vanessa!" she started panicking and trashing around.

She hit him on the chest as she cried out in pain. He couldn't stand seeing her in pain, so his arms wrapped around her instinctively, and he hugged her tightly, comforting her as she sobbed on her son's chest.

"Bring back my daughter, Caïn!" she cried.

As much as he wished he could, deep down he and his mother both knew that they would never be able to bring Vanessa back.


"Find out his name," Red ordered as she left the conference room. Her Beta bowed his head, obeying her command. "And make sure that Alpha Gabriel doesn't find out about our spies. He's pretending to be the good guy, but I know he's up to something. Check if we have spies or traitors. There is definitely someone from our pack who is giving him all the information."

With that said, the Beta, Nick, left without uttering another word. Red looked around before rushing down the hallway into her room. She locked her door and closed all the windows. She made sure that she was alone in the room before making her way to her desk and fishing out the map she was using to track down Khal out of the first drawer.

She placed the map on the desk and rolled it out, pinning each corner to the wooden desk. There were red circles around several locations, marking the places where Khal had been spotted. There were blue circles made around five locations where she suspected to be his next destination.

She couldn't figure out what exactly he was looking for, but judging from his tracks, she knew that he wasn't only hiding, but also searching for something so valuable, that it could be nearly priceless.

Red pursed her lips and got rid of her hood, exposing her face. Her red hair cascaded down her back in wavy curls, making her electric blue eyes pop even more. There were a few freckles spread across her face, which actually did a good job defining her high cheekbones and sharp jawline. The scar on her face made her look as fierce and was a warning dangerous enough to tell not to mess with her.

She released a heavy sigh before looking back at the map in front of her. She took out her diary from the second drawer and once again went over all the details she had revolving around Khal. She could do this all day. She has been thirsty for revenge for nearly fifteen years now, and she was never going to let it go. She swore to give Khal a life worse than hell and that was what she was going to do.

Khal was last seen in DarkVille where he ended up killing two men by burning them alive. It was almost as if he wanted her to know everything -as if he were leaving clues for her on purpose.

She chewed on her bottom lip when the realization hit her. She was not going to give him what he wanted. She was not going to make sure she was two steps ahead, instead, she was going to make sure she was two steps behind, so she could analyse his actions and use those against him.

A sudden knock on the door made her look up and she quickly got rid of all the stuff on her desk. She then unlocked the door and opened it after wearing her hood again. She trusted her pack, but not enough to show them her real identity.

"What do you want?" she asked when she spotted her Beta.

"We've already sent mind readers to find the traitors. We might receive all the information within the next 48 hours," he spoke and she nodded, knowing there's more. "We've also identified yesterday's humans. We have a list of all the names," he handed it over to her before she nodded once again, which only indicated him to leave.

As she closed the door, the first thing she checked was his name.

Caïn Haven.

What a name for a normal human being.

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