Chapter Five: The Deal

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He shivered as the cold concrete grazed his skin like a thousand small needles. He was put in this small cage and was given a small bowl of food. His jaw clenched as he remembered the meeting before the got caught by Red. A few hours ago, he didn't even know her name, but now he had a name to remember; a name to erase. He will make sure she remembers it too.

He kicked the bowl across the concrete room, spilling the bland food he was given all over the concrete wall. He was going to avenge his sister and he wasn't going to die here.

He was going to make Red pay for every drop of blood she spilled.

“I know you're there.” he looked at the dark hallway.

It took a couple of seconds for a dark figure to walk out of the shadows. Her black leather jeans were fitted perfectly, just like the white tank top decorating her chest. Too bad a hideous creature wore such a beautiful vessel.

“You didn't eat your food,” Red pointed out as she walked over to him and squatted in front of his cage.

It wasn't a big cage either. It was square enough to fit him in.

“It's not like it matters. Get me out of here and you'll be starving to death soon,” he said with venom dripping off each word.

She chuckled lowly, “You're bluffing. I could rip you to shreds within a second.” she growled, showing off her whatever-creature-she-was fangs.

He stared at her with an eyebrow raised. “I suppose you're not here to hear about my bluffing, right? What are you doing here? Saying goodbye to your mate?”

It was as if all the color had drained from her face. If he even saw correctly, it was as if she had lost all her balance. He smirked, knowing that he pressed a button that he wasn't even supposed to know existed. She slowly inched forward, her electric blue eyes scanning my soul, inside out. His blue orbs met hers.

He was done cowering in fear.

“How did you know that?” she whispered, more to herself.

“Khal told me.”

The moment he uttered that name, it was as if something had snapped within her. She came at his cage with such force, she broke one of the bars. She didn't stop there, though. She continued breaking all the metal bars, one by one as if they were a piece of chocolate that she was tearing apart. Now Caïn did feel like cowering away. The monster his sister had failed to escape, was looking him right in the eye and all he could do was shiver it away in the corner.

As soon as there was a big enough opening for her to go through, she went in and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him out of the cage like a bag of potatoes.

“How do you know that name?” she growled in his face.

He remained silent, refusing to tell her anything. It was as if she couldn't think straight anymore. All the other times that he had seen her, she was always so calm, rational, and calculating. Now, she was a monster that couldn't tell right from left. As if she were a wounded animal that had nowhere to go and just lived on instinct.

“Tell me how you know that name!” she demanded, throwing him against the concrete wall.

How strong was she?

He landed on his wounded arm, screaming in pain. The moment her eyes landed on his bleeding arm, the animal seemed to be fading away. But that was only for a split second because, after that, she grabbed him by his hair. Her face was so close to his, that their noses were nearly touching. For a second he felt his heart flutter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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