Chapter One: Two To One Soul

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He ran through the forest, panting and sweating, looking for his sister. She had been missing for over an entire day now and there was no news roaming around. The police in his village refused to help him out, claiming they had more important things to do than look for bratty teenagers.

His blue eyes scanned the view in front of him, hoping to see a single clue that could lead him to his sister. He wondered if his mother was alright. He left her at home two hours ago and he wasn't sure if she would be able to manage on her own. He licked his lips and rested his hands on his hips, his eyes still scanning the area.

Where could she have gone?

He asked all of her friends and all of them told him that she went to the café at the beginning of the forest. It was impossible for her to just randomly disappear, unless something terrible happened to her.

Instead of returning home, he decided to follow his instincts and continued looking for his sister. It was too silent. The only noises he heard were the sounds of his own footsteps and the wind blowing through the high trees. He was about to finally give up and return home to his mother and pay the police station another visit the next day, but a sudden movement caught his eyes. He froze right on his tracks and looked at the direction he was sure to have seen a black object move.

He walked in the direction, hoping to find his sister, but what he found instead nearly swept the ground from underneath his feet. His breath caught in his throat and his eyes grew wide as he watched three men carrying his sister to the stacked wood, which they just carelessly threw her body on.

Without wasting any more time, he found himself rushing over to the three men, punching the first one before he could even react. Before the men could react, he took the spear from one of them and stabbed one right through his heart, before stabbing all the others too, making them collapse to the ground. The moment he realized what he had just done, he dropped the spear, breathing heavily.

He turned around and dashed to his sister's body. He checked her pulse, realizing that her heart wasn't beating. He tried convincing himself that the arrow through her heart hadn't killed her and that she would be saved as soon as she was brought to the hospital, but deep down he knew that she couldn't be saved anymore.

She was dead.

He fell to his knees, trying to hold back the tears. Every moment he had with his sister flashed in front of his eyes. How was he going to face his mother with the news of his sister's death?

A sudden hand on his shoulder startled him and before he could even turn around, something hard hit him on the head. His vision soon became blurry before everything went black.


His breathing was heavy and his vision was blurry. The brightness of the sun was enough for his hand to automatically instinctively raise to block out the harsh rays of sunshine that threatened to pop his eyes. He swallowed harshly and attempted to sit up but was frozen to one spot. He couldn't move.

He looked down, wondering if he maybe was tied down, but that wasn't the case. His eyes were the only thing he could move and that's when he understood that he was drugged.

A splitting headache pierced through his head and he remembered all the events of a whole ago. Him finding his sister dead, the two men, them hitting him at the back of his head then everything going black.

He looked up and realized that the forest was starting to fade and they were now entering a building. It looked a lot like the castles from those Disney movies he watched as a kid.

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