Chapter Four: Return

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Red stared at the map as she clenched her jaw. Every bone in her body felt the consequences of losing the last steps to Khal. A screech escaped her mouth as she punched the desk the map was resting on.

Her breathing was as erratic as her thirst for revenge. The thought of losing Khal, knowing he was so close, especially since she thought she was two steps ahead of him, infuriated her. All she wanted to do was burn everything down, util he was in the palm of her hand. 

She huffed as she sat down at her desk, narrowing her eyes at the map peacefully laying in front of her. To others, this would just be a random piece of paper, but to her, this was years and years of work. She washed her whole life away, looking for the demon that ruined her home and family. Even the flame of the candle in front of her couldn't understand the rage that had been building up inside her.

It was only yesterday when she felt so cocky about being on his tail. She was just so close.

And all of that disintegrated the moment she heard about Khal disappearing into thin air. Without a scent, without any trace, without any clues. It was as if he knew that she was near.

Who was she kidding?

Of course, he knew!

He knew all this time that she had been on his tail. All those dead bodies, all the summing tales, all the demon signs, they were on purpose. He had been playing catch with her all along. She thought she was ahead without knowing that the ball was in his court all along. He couldn't afford to lose whatever he was after, so naturally, she would be the best decoy he had. By making his enemies think that the best of the best was on his tail, he managed to slip out of her grip without even trying it.

Another groan of frustration escaped her mouth, and her arms instinctively knocked everything off her desk. None of this relieved her tension.

She grabbed her bow and arrow and decided to go on a hunting spree. Even though her instincts told her to just stay home and call it a day, she couldn't shake away the fury. It was a full moon, and she knew of the dangers, but what would ever dare to cross her path? Every living creature knew the tales of the beast with the scar. It wasn't exactly what she was aiming for, but fear is what makes people powerful, and it's the tales that make the fear spread like crossfire. 

That's what brought her closer to him.

And then she lost it all.

She decided that she was going to take a different route today. She ordered extra patrollers for tonight, in case more humans showed up. No one should live to tell the tale.

It was a silent night. The only things you could hear were the occasional owls as well as some loud bugs. She maneuvered her way through the forest. She knew every single corner of the woods. These were the same woods that hugged her with coldness when she lost everything. This earth was the bed she slept on, and this silence was her lullaby, reminding her that the night is her only friend.

Sudden footsteps made her freeze in her tracks. She didn't intend to scare off whatever it was. She wanted to end it. Whatever it was, it had two legs.

A human, for sure.

Her nose wiggled a little as she silently sniffed the air, trying to make sure that this was what she thought it was. She listened carefully and realized the footsteps were heading in her direction.

Even better.

She readied her arrow as she waited for the creature to reveal itself. The wait was worth it because the moment she saw the white shirt, she released her arrow, piercing the person right through their arm, which only made it scream.

She clenched her jaw, cursing herself for missing the heart. This didn't feel satisfying at all.

She made her way over to her prey and what she only made her eyes widen. With a swift motion, she took hold of her scarf and covered half of her face with it.

This happens when you decide to hunt on an impulse.

"What are you doing here?" she growled as she grabbed him by the collar. "I told you to never show your face again!"

She glared at him as he winced in pain. He tried talking, but of course, the pain was too overpowering to give him any sort of control. And yet, he managed.

"I was hoping..." he breathed out, sweat dripping from his face. "I just wanted to find my sister's remains..." he winced again. "To bring home to my mother."

Her grip on his collar loosened as she stared at him, utterly baffled. While she was furious that Caïn came back to the forest, she couldn't help, but feel what she hadn't felt in many years. Guilt.

His groans of pain snapped her back to reality. Her gaze rested on him as she caught herself being gentle towards him. She put her bow away and kneeled in front of him, making him flinch. For some reason, she felt a pang in her heart.

This was the day she always feared. Being a beast meant to be heartless and cruel. If she wanted to get what she wanted, she had to bend every rule, every moral to get it. She couldn't be weak. But finding her mate made her feel things, and that wasn't good, at all. All she wanted was to take him in her arms and comfort him, but that was her human side speaking. It didn't matter if she was still partially human, they were the enemy. 

Maybe the night wasn't the only friend she had.

She slowly inched towards him, taking hold of the arrow. Her lips pursed as she pulled it out in one swift motion. His screams erupted throughout the woods, making her heart clench in pain. She hated seeing him like this.

She pulled herself together, reminding her of her goal, and just like that, she was back to her cold self.

"Go home." her jaw clenched.

She got up and decided to leave when she remembered that she took out the arrow. He might not make it home safely due to the blood loss. By the smell of it, she could tell that it was a deep wound.

She swallowed harshly as she grabbed him by the arm and helped him up.

"Alpha!" the voice of her Beta caught her attention.

She should have known they would be here soon. The scream that left Caïn's body wasn't exactly a low one.

"I should have listened to you," she said. "I should have never let him go. Now he's back."

"Aren't you going to kill him?"

That question made her stomach churn. As much as she knew that he was the only weakness that she would ever have, she couldn't bring herself to kill him. However, if he died, that would be an obstacle out of her way. She could freely be after Khal again.

"Off him, " she decided.

All of her wolves hollered in excitement. This whole pack was driven by murder.

"Please, no!" he begged.

Red narrowed her eyes. "You had your chance. You came back, despite my warning to never come back. I promised you'd be dead if you come back, and I'm simply keeping that promise."

He grimaced. She couldn't figure out if it was due to the pain or the harsh words that just came through her mouth, but it had to be done. It was her duty as the Alpha of her pack to keep the promises she makes. 

She has to be feared. There can be no weaknesses. 

"Ready his cell and patch up his wound for now. He'll be having his last meal tomorrow." 

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