Percy 13

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So I had finally gotten my plan straight. I didn't want to put the real Percy through much, but then again I didn't think he'd have to go through much this time. I vapor traveled away from Thalia and the Hunter camp to the Lotus Casino. As I walked through the door, I made sure to not to eat the lotus flowers the girls offered. I went up to the concierge and asked, rather forcefully, for Nico and Bianca. the man nodded and scampered off. Lord Hades had finally relented and given me permission to take them both to camp where I would train them and then let Bianca join the Hunters after Nico got a little bit more independent. I didn't really have to worry about Nico being the child of the prophecy because he was way too young. I still had to watch Luke but he actually seemed a little better off this time. 

I was planning to have all of the prophecy elgible children out of the way as in not eligible anymore. Thalia would be forever fourteen. Bianca would be forever fourteen by the time I finished training her. Nico isn't elgible at all. Percy still had to come to camp though. I was going to let everything else happen the same way it did before. No need to unnecessarily change the universe. Hopefully, with this plan, more people would live. Even the gods were helping me with this plan because Athena had agreed that it was a good plan. After we had agreed on the plan, gods had started claiming children left and right and entire cabins had popped up overnight because Zeus had made it a law that each god or goddess had to claim their children. I was so shocked I nearly hugged Aphrodite. Not that she was complaining. 

The concierge finally brought Nico and Bianca who looked so terrified that I was sure they would die of fear itself. Not a good sign for children of the god of the underworld. I lowered myself down to their height after waving the lackey away. "Hi guys, my name is Caspian. I'm a friend of your dad's. I know you probably have alot of questions for me but I need to come with me before I can answer any of your questions. Ready?" Nico nodded but Bianca looked a little hesistant. "I promise you'll be safe. I need to get you to a special camp for people like you before you get killed by your Father's relatives. Just trust me alright?" Bianca nodded and I grinned. "Okay then, just hold onto me and don't let go no matter what." I vapor-traveled all three of us to camp and then I sat down on the ground. Too much vapor-traveling can exhaust someone who hasn't practiced yet.

"Are you alright?" I looked up at Bianca's voice. "Hmmm? Oh yea, I just get a little winded from so much traveling. Ah well, welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Home to Demigods, one god, a centaur, and many monsters and ancient animals." I introduced them quickly to camp while pushing them to the Big House. "Ahh, Caspian, you have returned. This, I presume, is Bianca and Nico, Lord Hades' children?" Thunder rumbled in the distance and both of us glanced up nervously. "Um, yes sir. That's them. I'll start their training tomorrow but you should probably get them their tours?" Chiron nodded at my silent question and I left the Big House. 

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