Athena 9

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I found it very hard to believe that that was all that had happened, but I believed it nonetheless. Eventually, the silence we were in broke and Ares was the one who did it. "You defeated me?! Impossible! I challenge you to a duel!" He looked so angry that I, for one, found it comical. "Wow, you are so predictable. And I can't duel you yet. I don't have my sword yet. I was going to ask Chiron for it once I got back." Caspian or Percy as he should be called answered honestly in a deep tone. "What does it look like?" Poseidon asked hesistantly. "My sword, well its Riptide." Percy looked confused as to where this conversation was going. Poseidon looked like something had woken him up and he produced a pen in midair and threw it Percy who caught it in shock. 

Caspian (Percy!) took the top off of the pen and a beautiful three foot celestial bronze sword came out. "Its beautiful, just like the first time." He whispered. I could tell that there were mixed emotions coming from him about the sword. "Caspian, you are Percy, aren't you?" I asked, just to make sure. "Yes, I am. I had to change my name here because I didn't know if this Percy was here or not." Ahh, that was a bit complicated. "Well, we will still call you Caspian to prevent confusion." Percy nodded. "So, what should we do, now?" Hermes asked quietly. I suppose the shock of his son being the cause to a war hadn't worn off yet. 

"The only thing you can do is recognize your children. Don't let them think that you don't care. Claim them, guide them to Camp, whichever one is closest. The Romans didn't have this problem because your roman versions are much cleverer and they don't operate the same way as the Greeks do." "Oh yes, what is your proof of the roman camp?" Artemis narrowed her eyes slightly. In repsonse, Caspian tugged his left sleeve up and, there for everyone to see, was the symbol of praetorship and Neptune. I could practically hear Aphrodite hyperventilating at his muscles. 

"How powerful are you?" Zeus boomed. Of course, Father would only worry about that. "That is a problem at the moment that I have to solve. See, I didn't come here normally, if there is a normal way. When I was 23, I had gone on a mission and I had died but then the Fates, the witches they are, brought me back alive, dumped me here, and reduced my powers to what they are now, but I can assure you, I was way more powerful than this." He explained. Poseidon narrowed his eyes. "What could you do before?" "I could vapor travel and control people." He said bluntly and I gasped. That was very powerful. This was a very intriguing demigod."Well, I, for one, think that Caspian should be allowed to go back to Camp Half-Blood and train our children. We will keep in mind his advice and be sure to help our demigods." Hestia smiled warmly to Caspian and he smiled back brightly but it didn't reach his eyes. I suppose his retelling reopened some wounds. Everyone agreed with Hestia's ruling and Caspian walked back to the mortal world.

ABANDONED--Percy Jackson, Repaired?Where stories live. Discover now