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After taking a shower I decided to go out for breakfast since I wasn't given any free breakfast by the hotel (I had only three hours of sleep before Glen called me). I usually take half an hour to get ready, but God hates me today that it took me an hour to get ready because I literally had to iron my crumpled t-shirt. I never iron my t-shirts before and by far, this is the weirdest thing I've ever done today.

So I grab my car keys, make sure my phone is with me and before I leave my room I make sure I bring along the keycard with me. I then get to the parking lot provided by the hotel for their residents using the elevator.

While waiting for the engine to warm up, I am thinking of a plan; a plan of what I should do today since I have so much spare times. I am unemployed at the moment. I may get back to my hotel as soon as I finish my breakfast to continue my project, but I usually write in the middle of the night. I then think if there's any park nearby to chill, but I doubt I want to go there. Just only a few seconds later I decide to get to my hotel and rest yet again because am not in a mood to be surrounded with people.

The Script's fans know me. Danny's fans know me. I've been around them for a year and a half. Even when I am alone, the fangirls and paparazzi would point their cameras up to me, indirectly making me a celebrity.

My name is famous on every online writing forums, but people in reality do not know the Famous Online Writer because I don't use my real name online, of course. I just create a name that's best for my books genre and, BOOM! Kayton. D. Montez come up. Only my closest friends know though. And you can guess what's the "D" for.

After 3 minutes my car is ready. With my stomach growling, I quickly change the gear and speed to the nearest restaurant to feed myself.


Once I sit down, a waitress comes over to me with the sweetest smile on her face. The first thing that came up to my mind when I see the smile was that she must be lucky to have someone to make her that happy in the morning, reminding me back to the memory between me and Danny. Pink apron wrapped around her waist, a note pad and a pen in her hands.

"May I take your order, miss?" She asks, smiling widely, showing her perfect white teeth. Her hazel eyes are shining as she looks at me with admiration.

"Give me a coffee and a set of toasted bread," I order, giving the best smile I have in me to her since she seems to never stopped smiling to me.

She nods, jotting down my orders. "Is that all?"

"Yes, please," I say, smiling to her again.

"Anyway miss, I know who you are," she says, and I can practically feel my face turns blue and couldn't feel my heart beats.

Oh crap!

"Your writings are so brilliant. I am in love with them all!" She praises me.

Though it's a good thing, but I still feel my heart drops to the floor in surprise way. My smile becomes wider and I have a feeling to laugh because of how paranoid I was and out of happiness. She's the first person that talks about my writing - which I only post online - in public.

"You should get them published y'know," she says. "They make money and I have a feeling it's going to make lots and lots of money," she adds with a laughter.

I cannot help but to chuckle a bit, feeling overwhelmed with her kind words and a little excited. But I am shaking, I don't know why. Maybe because I am nervous knowing there's someone knows my writing in public, if that makes sense.

"Thank you..." I look at her with an eyebrow raised, asking her her name.

"Myra," she tells me, showing her name tag on her left chest.

"Thank you, Myra, that's very nice of you," I say. I couldn't do more except smiling as wide as I can and give her my most thank you look. "You're the first person to notice about my writing and not because of D-Danny The S-Script," I stutter to say his name, when I realise that he's not here in this amazing moment. He knows my dream. Everything about it.

"Yeah, I notice that, too, actually," she says, nodding her and biting her lip. "But I notice Kayton first." She smiles.

To know someone knows me by my online name gives me sparks of happiness that I could not describe. I feel proud. When Myra called me Kayton, the feeling is as if I won the best prize in writing competition. This Myra girl will always be in my memory.

"Myra!" Suddenly someone at the back calls her.

I turn to the voice and see a rather old man, about in his mid-40s, glaring at Myra with his hands on his hips. Must be the owner, I guess. I glance at Myra and see her face changes to worry and fear before she turns towards the source of the voice.

"What are you doing there? Get back to work!" Says, I assume, the boss.

Myra quickly nods her head. "I am sorry! You orders will come right away!" She says before turning around and get back to work.

While waiting for my orders I decide to go through my social accounts. Since few months ago I learned not to give a damn what people say about me. By this time my heart is kind of bulletproof from any bullets. However there are certain times I still get emotional over what they decide to make stories about me.

My Instagram is full with my friends' pictures and some other accounts I interested to follow like this celebrity couple from my hometown who has a cute little girl. She's one and a few months old. I like the video of the little girl calling "Daddy" for the first time. I can't help but to smile at the video, thinking how I wish to have a child of my own.

Thinking about a child, my mind drifted to Danny. How has he been doing? Is he okay? What are Mark and Glen do to him to make sure he stays alive? I can't stop thinking about him all day and I want to know how he's been doing yesterday after I left. There's only one way I can know: gossip website.

So I open a gossip website. My heart beats fast as I wait for the page to fully load. I didn't realise that I have been holding my breath until I see a picture of Danny and his mates surrounded by cameras on top of the page. It's literally on top of the page. Wow, I guess I should congratulate Danny for this because this is what he wants - an attention from me through media so I can get back to him when he doesn't know where I go.

It's only been one day yet Danny has been acting like this has happened for weeks.

I want to get back to Danny immediately, but I tell myself not to. I want to see how long can Danny live without me and see how determine he is to find me and fix everything. I love Danny and I don't want to leave him. I care for him and I want to take care of him. I don't want to brag, but people who knows Danny long enough says I have a very god impact on him and he's changing to be a good man so I want him to stay good. That's how much I care for him.

The news doesn't say much. Just stating the fact that Danny was seeing out with bandmates, Mark and Glen, drinking. They didn't say Danny was hooking up with someone in the club and that's good enough for me to know.

While I was reading through I came to a line where the writer wrote: Danny hasn't been drinking for a while so is this because Danny and Kayla broke up again? Does this mean Danny is single again?

The word "broke up" and "single" ticks me off. I really have this urge to comment and tell them that he/she was wrong, however I myself don't know Danny and I's status. We split, haven't broken yet. For me, they are two different words with two different meanings. I want to tell they're wrong, but oh I just can't!

I let out a sigh of frustration, knowing I can't do with anything right now. Yes, I am waiting for Daniel, but while waiting for him, what should I do? I can't just go out with anyone I want because that would make Danny thinks I am seeing someone else when I totally not.

And I don't think I can ever move on from him if we really break up.

Am I doing this right? I suddenly think. Is two hours is the good distant or is it too far? I continue to question myself. God, I am so suck at this game.

I lock my phone when Myra comes back with my bread and coffee. I put my phone away, wanting to enjoy my breakfast yet I can't because I can't stop glancing at my phone, waiting for Danny's name to appear.

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