Chapter 1

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I'd tell you all about my morning routine, but really though, why should I? It's not like you want to read about my morning breath, messy hair and how I choose my outfit of the day. Not that there's much to say about it anyway. I just throw on some random clothes that at least match a tiny bit, brush my teeth, pee and go downstairs to have some breakfast.

Sometimes I even skip the breakfast part. Most times because I don't feel like it or I just completely forget to feed myself.

Keyword: myself. You see, I live all by myself. Not necessary because I like it better this way. More like I kind of got forced to be. Maybe I'll tell you about that later on, but right now I really need to hurry. Don't want to be late for my first day as a senior now, do I?

Actually that doesn't sound that bad. Sadly I promised myself and my mother that I'd do my best and graduate so that I at least have a tiny chance in at good future. Showing up late the very first day doesn't sound like doing my best. So here I am running like an idiot towards my first class: English. Oh, how I love that subject.

You'd think that that was sarcasm, wouldn't you? I was actually dead serious this time. It's the only class where I can daydream, draw/paint or even catch some sleep. You may wonder how I can do such things while there's someone watching all the kiddo's in the class. But that's exactly the thing, that woman is kind of really old and she wouldn't even notice it if you sat there butt naked right in front of her desk. Sometimes I wonder if she really doesn't notice or if she just doesn't give a fuck. Anyhow, you don't hear me complaining.

Speaking of Mrs. Sage (English teacher), where on earth is she? It's 7:55AM and the class starts at 8AM. Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind a free period, like at all. But that woman is never late or sick, it's almost creepy how energetic and healthy she still is. I hope I'm like that too when I'm that old, how else am I supposed to satisfy my wife's sexual needs?? Oh yes, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm as straight as Ellen Degeneres.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by this angelic-like voice calling my name.

"Ayden Rolce?"

"Huh?.. Oh! Yes, yes. That's me" I said still in a half dazed and confused state.

I was looking in the direction that voice came from and all of a sudden my eyes locked with someone that had heterochromia iridium (two different colored eyes)

"My name is Ms. Heaton, in case you weren't listening like the rest of the class" she said while trying to not crack a smile

Well, at least she smiled, sort of, right? Guess I'm not in that much trouble.

She continued, "I'll be your new English teacher since Mrs. Sage is retired. I was just going through the attendance list, so it's not that big of a deal that you weren't paying attention. But I'd appreciate it if you'd pay attention from now on."

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry" was my weak response, because honestly I zoned out the moment she said 'my name is Ms. Heaton'. Mhmm... Miss? So that means she's not married, right? Interesting....

"Miss Rolce!"

"Huh?" Oh great, another weak response

"Are you going to sit there all day or are you going to your next class just like your fellow classmates?" Ms. Heaton said with a chuckle.

What is she talking about?

"Look around you Ayden" she said.

I did as she asked and Holy Mother of Jesus. EVERYBODY IS GONE???

"Uhm, where is everybody?" I asked. She chuckled before responding with

"Like I said already, they're on their way to their second period"

"OH!" I said when realization hit me.

I quickly started packing my things, but before I could reach the door Ms. Heaton called me back.

"I could write you a class pass, but only if you give me a good reason why you kept spacing out in my class"  she said.

I quickly turned around and I looked in her eyes to see if she was as serious as she sounded and not only did I just drown in those eyes, I also realized that she really did want a reason.

"I'm not sure Miss, it probably has something to do with my ADHD" I said a little bit ashamed

You see, it really depends on the person and how he or she handles with the ADHD. You've got the basics like more energetic than the regular human. But with me, it's not only that. My mind goes so fast that I can't keep track at times. For example, I'm in the middle of a sentence then my brain decides to remember that burger I forgot yesterday and that I forgot to do the laundry and that my best friend's birthday is coming up. All that and more, but then in one second. So I'd be like "she was like- oh my god I had this burger the other day and- I totally forgot my best friend's birthday"

"Oh, it's nothing to be ashamed of. At least now I know your reason and maybe I could make my lessons so much fun that even you can't stop listening" she said with a smile

"I doubt that Miss, but good luck with that" I couldn't help but return the smile.

"Challenge accepted. Here's your class pass by the way"

"Thank you, have a good day Miss"

"You too" I could hear her laughing quietly to herself before disappearing through the door.

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