Chapter 3

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"Good, now lean your head a bit to the side and give me a smirk" Greg, my photographer, said.

I did as he said, as if I had a choice to begin with. 

click I heard as another photo was taken

"Greg, remember how I've told you that I skateboard?"

"Yes, what about it?" was his reply, while he was busy with something on his camera.

"Wouldn't it be an idea to dedicade a whole shoot about girl skateboarders? I mean, there are plenty of girls out there that want to try it, but don't even know it yet."

"That doesn't even makes sense Ayden."

"Of course it does. I mean how can they know if they're interested or not if they don't even know it exists in the first place?"

"I'll think about it... now go try that red sweater on"

"Ahh" I squaled while running up to hug him "thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand thank you's. You're the best Gregory!"

"I know. Now put the sweater on" he said, slightly annoyed. But I could see his lips turning upwards, indicating a smile. You can't fool me Gregory!


"You must be Ayden Rolce" a brunette said to me while I was having lunch at the shoot. She was sticking her hand out which I shook while nodding my head.

"I'm Rachelle and I'm a semi pro skateboarder. Gregory asked me to audition for a skateboarding shoot. I've heard it was your idea." she said while taking a seat besides me, giving me a pearly white smile. 

I chocked on my drink. Rachelle?... As in THE Rachelle?

"Rachelle?.." I said with my eyes probably sticking out of my head

"Yes...?" she replied, clearly confused as to why I was repeating her name while she said it clear as day

"As in Rachelle Vinberg? Only the greatest female skateboarder from Brooklyn, New York??"

She chuckled "I wouldn't say greatest, but yup that's me"

"I can't believe it"

"Well best believe it, because we'll be working together for who knows how long" she winked while grabbing a grape from my tray 

All I could do was stare dumbly at her, because what was I to reply to that?

But nevertheless I already felt a great friendship forming between the both of us. 

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