Chapter 2

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You know how normal alarms make that 'beep beep' sound? Well mine sounds more like every annoying sound you've ever heard in your entire life and that put together as a sort of remix all playing at once for 2 minutes long.

But hey, it get's the job done.

Doesn't mean I wake up in a good mood though.

I won't say that I'm a morning person but I'm not not a morning person either, you know?

It's like as long as nobody asks me stupid questions or greets me with an over enthusiastic 'good morning' , we're good. Everything is fine.

But if someone does decide to disturb my morning peace, I will snap.

Anyhow, thanks to my information about myself and my alarm clock (which nobody asked for) , I'm running late for school, once again.

So let me just get dressed and all that and I'll get back to you in just a second.


"Miss Rolce, glad you too could join us." says my math teacher, Mr Klik the second I walked in with my steaming cup of coffee.

So I may or may not have been a tiny bit late.

Atleast it was a tiny bit at first. Let me explain.

I was only 5- okay maybe 10 minutes late. But I thought since I was already late, there's no need to hurry. So I went to Starbucks for a cup of coffee like all those white sorority girls. Turns out that that took almost 30 minutes and I still had a good 10 minute drive to school. Therefor I missed my entire first period. That teacher probably didn't even notice I wasn't there, so who cares.

I'd of used the name of 'that teacher' instead of literally saying 'that teacher' but honestly I don't even know what class I had. And even if I did know, I most likely wouldn't know the name of the teacher. No disrespect, just disinterested .


Another class survived by talking to my non existed public, nice.

As I was walking towards my next class, I suddenly crashed into someone and stumbled backwards.

You'd think it's my hot teacher Miss Heaton just like in those typical Wattpad books. (Yes, I read books on there, stop judging me)

But with my luck it's my ex-girlfriend, Katie.

Katie Holmes. 

I met her at one of my photoshoots. She's a model too which is a little bit odd considering she's only 5'3 tall (or short really). A dimple on her right cheek. Green eyes. Blonde hair. And very, very clingy.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry baby" Katie said as she helped me up.

"It's okay, probably mostly my fault. You know how I am, clumsly. Just stop calling me baby" By this comment I saw a small frown forming on her face.

"Why? You are still my baby"

"That's the thing Katie, I'm not yours anymore. We broke up like what? Two months ago already? Just please, let me go. Let us go." By this point I was practically begging.

I didn't notice it before but the bell already rang a minute ago which means I'm late for yet another class.

The second thing I didn't notice before was Ms. heaton walking over to me and Katie.

I think she heard our conversation and my plead for help because the first thing she said was towards Katie.

"I'm sorry to interrupt girls, but classes already started and I expected Ayden in her seat by now." Ms. Heaton said

Nice save.

"Okay, I'm sorry Miss. I'll text you later, baby" Katie said before kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

I couldn't help but stare at her while she slowly but surely disappeared behind the corner. And by her I meant her ass. Not gonna lie, she sure takes good care of her body.

I was snapped out of my dirty thoughts by Ms. Heaton clearing her throat.

"We should get to class now" she said impatiently.

I'm not sure what it was that flashed across her face when I started walking towards her class, but it almost looked like... relief?


I couldn't give it much thought anyway, because it disappeared the second it appeared. 

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