Chapter 1

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Logan was on his way to Rory's house in Hartford.  It seemed like he always used the time on this drive to look back at how much his life had changed in these past six years. 

First he thought about the day that he got the letter from Rory. It was about 2 months after the New Hampshire goodbye.  He knew who it was from the second that he saw the handwriting.  She had sent it to his office so that Odette wouldn't see it.  It explained that she was eight weeks pregnant...what a shock that had been! 

She went on to say that, while she didn't want their child to have a father that flew in and out of its life, she did want that child to know its father.  She hoped that Logan could be involved in the baby's life but it was his decision to make.  She didn't regret any part of their relationship, but, for the sake of their child, there could be no romantic relationship between them in the future. 

Logan had to admit to himself that he had still been hoping for Rory to come and pull him out of the damned dynastic plan and show him what his life was supposed to be like...his life with her.  Now he knew he would never hold Rory again in the way that he could never seem to get enough of.  While that realization came like a dagger to the heart, he also knew that he and Rory would forever be in each other's lives and that would have to be enough.  More than that though, they were going to have a child together.  Their child would always remind him of the love that they had shared. 

Fast forward six years, and Logan's life had changed completely, but he loved every part of it.  He lived in a penthouse apartment in New York City.  He had been running HPG for three years now.  After receiving Rory's letter, Logan had broken his engagement and told his father that he would be transferring to New York within six months.  His parents had taken the news fairly well until he told them that he would not be marrying Rory.  His mother, though she had never really approved of the relationship, told Logan to fight for Rory.  Logan knew that this was only due to the fact there was going to be a child born out wedlock,  and his mother wanted to save face in Hartford society. 

In the end, his parents weren't pleased with the situation but wanted to know their grandchild so they didn't rock the boat.  It had actually only taken Logan a month to relocate back to New York, and he attended every doctor's appointment and Lamaze class with Rory.  It turns out his relocation and the announcement of a grandchild on the way was the only push that Mitchum needed to decide that he would start grooming Logan to take over the company and it only took three years for him to actually retire. 

While Logan couldn't say that this was anything like what he had pictured his life would be like when he was younger, he could say that he was happy with the life he had made for himself and never regretted bucking the dynastic plan. 

As he pulled into Rory's driveway, just like every other time, he could see Ricky through the window and Rory opening the front door for him.

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