Chapter 9

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After Rory lost sight of Logan on the dance floor, she didn't see him again that night. Instead of thinking about the fact that he was probably getting laid somewhere or wondering where their son was, she tried to focus on her friends and her mom instead. Her mom had come back a little later and said there weren't any men worth dancing with. Paris and Stephanie made sure she was never without a drink in her hand. They talked, laughed, and danced the night away until 2 am.

Lorelai had switched over into mom mode around midnight and just watched over the girls while they enjoyed their night away from their families. All three girls were drunk, but Rory was, by far, the most. When they decided to call it a night, they piled into Steph's limo and grabbed bottles of water to help settle down. They made plans to meet for brunch before Rory and Lorelai head back to Connecticut the next day.

Watching Rory tonight had been hard for Lorelai.  When they got back to the hotel, Rory passed out almost immediately, but Lorelai was wide awake.  She put on a pot of coffee and watched her daughter sleep off the gallons of alcohol she had consumed. This wasn't how she expected the night to go, but then she hadn't expected Logan to show up twice either.  To say that her daughter had had some complicated relationships in the past would be an understatement. 

Dean...the first, second, and fourth boyfriend.  He was so patient with Rory, too patient at times.  She never quite understood how much he loved her and, in the end, it was that love that made him let her go for good.  He knew she would never be the one to end it, but it had run its course, and they couldn't be what each other needed anymore. 

Jess...if only he had grown up before he met Rory.  His inner demons came between them, and it seemed that he would forever flit in and out of her life.  He gave her a push when she needed it and then left again, which was also what she needed.  It had taken them both a long time to realize that they could only ever be friends and that their relationship was at its best on the friendship level.

Logan...he was a different story.  Lorelai had hated him from the beginning on principle.  The love between the two of them had been all-consuming.  It seemed the Huntzbergers recognized it too, and it sacred the heck out of them. They were so young and didn't know how to handle the fire that burned between them.  It would burn to the breaking point, and they would end up splitting until the flame died down and they were able to contain it again. 

When you walk in on your daughter undressing a man, you can't help but hate him.  Then you see him out with another girl while he is dating your daughter, he steals a yacht with said daughter, sleeps with several bridesmaids, proposes to her, issues an all or nothing ultimatum, agrees to a Vegas agreement while being engaged, the list was long.  It took seeing him grown up and being the father that Christopher never had been for Lorelai to finally put away all of the grievances she had against Logan.

She realized that he had been striving to grow into the man that deserved Rory for years.  It turns out that it took a baby and all possibility of a relationship with Rory ruled out for him to finally find himself and become the man he was meant to be.  Lorelai knew that he had come to terms with the fact that he would always love Rory, but also that he would never truly have her again. 

Logan had become a combination of the three most important men in Rory and Lorelai's lives.  He had traits of Richard, Christopher, and Luke.  It had taken years for those to truly shine through, but he had become the man that Rory needed in her life so desperately.  Would she ever see it and be brave enough to go for it?  Could she ever be all in?

Lorelai had come to realize over the years that you never stop worrying about your child.  Tonight had been hard to watch.  She finally fell asleep, but her dreams that night had been troubled.  She woke up feeling no better than when she went to sleep. 

Rory woke up feeling 100% miserable.  All of those drinks had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now, her thirty nine year old body was telling her it definitely wasn't.  When her mom heard her stirring, she put a cup of coffee and some pain killers  on the nightstand for her. 

"How's the head?" Lorelai practically yelled at her.

Rory winced, "not so are you so chipper this morning?"

"Well I didn't try to drink all of the alcohol in New York last night," Lorelai replied as she stifled a laugh.

She drank the coffee and swallowed down the pills, "I guess I better get in the shower, maybe that will help."

She tried to remember everything that happened last night, but some parts were still fuzzy. The Logan parts were clear, but the feelings accompanying them were not. She was still very confused by everything that happened. It was meant to be a fun night with the girls, but it turned into trying to drown years of feelings. After last night, Rory wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to keep them buried.

"Did it help?" Lorelai asked as Rory walked out of the bathroom.

"Some...did Paris and I reenact our spring break kiss for you and Stephanie?"

"Did you ever! I'm glad I only saw it once," Lorelai shuddered.

"Thanks mom. I guess I let loose a little too much huh?"

"Oh hon, you don't have to worry about me. I remember being in your shoes. Gotta let go every now and then. Do you feel a little more free now?"

Rory could tell her mom wanted to ask more, but was trying hard not to push too much. "I guess so, it felt good to get out and not worry about anything. If only Logan hadn't kept showing up, then it would've been perfect."

"How do you feel about seeing him like that?"

"It's fine mom, he is free to do whatever and whoever he likes," Rory tried to dismiss it, but could feel her mom's eyes boring into her. "Really mom, it's none of my business."

"Ok, I was just trying to see where your head is at."

"My head is currently in a vice mom. Got any amazing hangover remedies? It's been quite a few years since I have had it this bad."

"Sorry, I already gave them to you, but brunch should help."

They got ready to go and packed up their bags to meet Stephanie and Paris.

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