Chapter 36

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Logan and Rory spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon together, but soon it was time to fulfill their part of the hosting duties. They grabbed their bags, they would get ready later, and headed for the hotel.

Finn being Finn, there was never a doubt that he knew what he was doing when it came to parties. There was a map laid out so that they could get the layout right. There was a small dance floor, a blackjack table, a poker table, several other tables, the bar, and then the servers' area. The suite was large enough to accommodate all of this and much more, so there would be plenty of room for everyone and everything.

With Logan and Rory overseeing to make sure that everything was up to Finn's standards, soon it was all in place and Logan and Rory went to get ready.

Once they got in their room, Logan pulled Rory close, "are you ready for all of this? We conquered the families, now the friends?"

"Of course. Besides, most of them were with us a few weeks ago."

"You're right. And now we aren't the guests of honor, but we are sort of hosting together..."

"True, but Finn will keep us on the straight and narrow," she said with a wink. "Now how much time do we have?" She pulled him to the bed and helped him undress, she truly was just trying to be helpful.

"Oh, about an hour...long enough to appreciate this empty suite?"

"Why of course, Master and Commander," and she pulled him down next to her.

Logan let out something that sounded a lot like a growl as he began to ravage the woman lying next to him.

Later, as they were getting ready, he stopped to appreciate the woman standing in front of him. Twenty years ago, she had offered him no strings. At the time, he thought it was the only way he could have her, but he quickly found out that he wanted as many strings as possible. Which scared the crap out of him and his parents. When she gave him the "ultimatum," it was that fear that hit him because he knew he was definitely a goner. Now, standing here, looking at this woman in front of him, he knew that every painful part of their journey had been worth it. But that didn't mean that he would ever be willing to let her go again.

He was trying to give her time, but soon he would have to get a ring on her finger and have her under his roof every day...make that their roof. As if someone was reading his mind, at that moment his phone rang. It was their realtor. He stepped out of the bathroom to answer it and got the good news that their offer had been accepted, and they would close in thirty days.

He went back to Rory, "so do you think you can stand me in your place for about thirty days?"

She looked at him confused for a moment, but then the lightbulb came on, "really? They accepted?"

"Well it's not that hard of a decision when you basically give them exactly what they want," he said with a wink and wrapped her in his arms and kissed her.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to suffer through it," she said with a chuckle.

She finished getting ready and joined Logan just as he was buttoning the sleeves of his suit jacket. He was wearing a charcoal suit, with a black shirt, and silver tie to match Rory's dress. Rory was wearing a long silver, fitted dress that was low cut in the front and back.

"Good thing I already had you and there's no more time, or I might have to take that dress right back off of you," Logan said as he kissed her deeply.

"Hmm, it's almost as if that was my plan all along," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye. She turned and walked out the door with Logan following close behind.

"Don't you think that means I'm gonna keep my hands off you!" He slapped her on the butt, then leaving her glaring at his back.

Finn had come in at some point while they were getting ready and was coming out of his room as well. "Darling, how do you always look so damn good?"

She smiled and responded to his hug and returned his kiss on the cheek. "Oh Finn, I am never short on compliments when you're around am I?"

"You had better not be when I'm not either or Huntzberger is going to have some competition," he told her with a wink.

They set out to make sure for the final time that everything was in order. Their other friends that were staying in the suite filtered in with their things and put them in their rooms.

For awhile, almost everyone mingled and drank, but slowly there were people that sat down to poker or blackjack.  Rory danced with the girls for awhile, before making her way over to Logan at the blackjack table.

"Finally!  My good luck charm has arrived!  Hit me!"  He was with Colin and Finn, and it looked like Finn was winning by the stacks of chips in front of them.

She sat down on his lap and snuggled into him.  "How exactly do I be lucky?"  She asked Logan suggestively.

"Well I believe it starts with-" he kissed her, "and a little more-" he kissed her again and gave her butt a squeeze, "and finally, one last-" he finished it off with a scorching kiss that earned a few catcalls.

"Come on guys, get a room!"  Colin tried to act disgusted.

"You know we do have one Ace, if I have to watch you in that dress much longer then I may just drag you to it," Logan looked her straight in the eyes with an ear to ear grin.

"Hmm, I thought you already had your fill today," she said with a raised eyebrow as she got up to leave.

"Hot damn boys!  I think I even need a cold shower after that one!"  Finn exclaimed.  "I would ask how you handle her but then I've already found that out," he snickered.

"FINN, I warned you!" called Rory from behind them.

"Whoops, sorry love!" he replied sheepishly.

The night continued on, as always, spending it with close friends that, for some of them, hadn't been together in almost a year proved to be exactly what they all needed.  Logan was never very far from Rory.  God only knows what kind of trouble she could get into dressed like that, but he knew they all knew she was his.  If the stolen touches and kisses weren't enough to prove it, the adoring looks that they gave each other when they thought no one else was looking definitely would have been. 

As the night wound to a close, the girls were all sitting together in what had now been returned to the living room and watching the men direct the clean up crew. 

"Nothing sexier than watching a man give orders," Juliet said with her eyes fixed on her husband. 

If tonight had been a celebration, it would have been for the two of them.  With their relationship finally out in the open, and a huge, beautiful rock on her finger, Juliet and Robert stayed close to each other all evening as well.  It was hard to be annoyed by how nauseatingly cute they were though when everyone had anticipated it for years. 

"I don't know, watching him do the dishes is pretty good too," Stephanie chimed in with her eyes on her husband.

"Or being a good father," Rory said watching Logan.

"Oh good lord, take your men to bed already!  Finn and I can handle this!"  Rosemary exclaimed and walked over to the men.  The other three hadn't missed the sadness on her face and a glance at Finn when they were all swooning over their own men though.

Someone on the outside looking in might think it was just because the rest of the group had already paired up, but, in truth, it was Finn chasing after Rosemary that completed the group.  If he hadn't, neither Rosemary or Juliet would have become close to the rest of them.  For all of Finn's drunk antics, he had a heart of gold and a way of seeing the best in people.  He had obviously known what he was doing all those years ago, but Rory wondered if he had closed himself off too tightly.  He was one of her best friends and so was Rosemary and she could tell that neither were truly happy. 

It seemed that thought would have to wait though, because Logan had come up to her and scooped her tired body into his arms with ease.  Colin and Robert were doing the same with their wives.  "Time for bed, Ace."  He said as he walked through the door with her, kicked it shut, and laid her down on the bed. 

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