Chapter 17

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It was Saturday morning and Rory was waking up in Logan's apartment.  It definitely wasn't the first time that had happened, but it was the first time it she was alone in the guest room.  Logan had finally pushed her to confront her felt good...she knew what she wanted.  For the first time in a long time, she felt like she might actually end up having it all.

She texted her mom to let her know where she was and then got up out of bed. She found a note slipped under the door.

I did a little figuring and realized that if you go home to change and get ready after I beg you for a date today, then I will have to wait at least three hours. So, in lew of wasting part of this unexpectedly open weekend, I have arranged for some clothes and toiletries to be here soon for you. Take a shower and then come out for breakfast...yes I have coffee.

Rory knew how to follow directions, so she showered and then went out to the kitchen to find Logan sitting at the table with a newspaper, coffee, and danishes. Across from him were a fresh cup of coffee, a plate with a danish, and the sections of the paper that she always read first. Some things were hard to forget...for Logan too apparently.

She sat down and got busy with the paper until it was time to switch. After reading the next part, she finally put it down and saw that Logan had already finished and was watching her. "Your stuff should be here anytime." He said when her eyes met hers. "I hope you don't mind me hijacking your day?"

"Just payment for guest services right?" She winked at him as she continued with her breakfast.

"Something like that I guess." He waited a few minutes and just watched her. "I had a plan you know?"

"A plan?"

"Ya, of how I was gonna get you back. You really threw it off the rails by mixing up our weekends."

"And what exactly was this plan?" Just knowing that Logan had been wanting to start again for awhile now made her so happy.

"Well, it started when I ran into you here in New York that night.  I was so confused.  I went to Colin's with Ricky and he said you were jealous.  My warped mind decided there was only one way to really know-"

Rory cut him off, "so you came to the club and picked up a girl to see my reaction."  She was shaking her head but she was smiling. 

"Exactly.  We were dancing when I was shown the error of my ways, so I left.  After talking to the guys and Steph, I realized that with so much at stake between us, I had to go slow and be careful about courting you."  Logan finished explaining.  "The coffee, the mug, etc. was all a way of putting me on your mind while doing thoughtful things for you."

"Well you did good put a smile on my face more than once through those little things.  Sorry I foiled your plan," she chuckled.

"Who said I'm going to stop?" He replied with a twinkle in his eye. 

Just then, the doorbell rang.  He went to the door then came back with several bags of stuff and put them down by Rory.  "So I was thinking, I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet, and, if I know you, you probably aren't done yet?"

"About halfway."

"How about we both get dressed and get ready and we'll go out and see how much we can knock out?"

"Sounds good.  I assume this is everything I need to be ready for the day?" She motioned to the bags.

"And then some." Logan got up from the table and walked over and gave Rory a quick kiss before he headed for his room.  "And Ace? Take as much time as you need."

About half an hour later, both were ready to go.  It wasn't easy figuring out what to wear for an outing with your new old boyfriend/baby daddy.  He had definitely covered all bases.  There were several different outfits to pick from, accessories, health and beauty supplies.  She had to chuckle, Logan always knew just what was needed when.

If the appreciative look he gave her was any indication, the deep blue sweater, silver infinity scarf, black jeans, and black boots were a good choice. He gave her a quick kiss and took her hand. "Are you ready? Frank should be waiting downstairs for us."

"Lets go."

Rory, of course, had a list to go off of, while Logan's list was in his head. The two quickly fell back into the roles that they had taken on years ago. Walking hand in hand, window shopping, small talk and laughing, going into shops to get certain things to mark off their lists. Every so often, Logan would raise Rory's hand to his lips to give it a kiss. It was a little thing that he had done countless times when they were together, but something she didn't realize she had so desperately missed until he did it again now.

Unfortunately, their bubble was about to pop. They had just put some more bags in the car and were heading to another shop, when a familiar voice called out to them, "My best friend and love walking hand in hand? I've been betrayed!"

They turned around to see Finn standing with a look of shock on his face and his hand in his chest. "Have I been transported back to 2005...wait have we met?" He chuckled and enveloped Rory in a huge hug. "I never thought I'd live to see the day that you two finally pulled your heads out and fixed this...wait...this is fixed right?"

When he finally stopped talking and Logan and Rory stopped laughing, she said, "I do believe we've met...unless that was another Aussie that takes me out for dinner and dancing regularly?"

"And yes, it's fixed, but don't get ahead of yourself." Logan added.

"Where's my nephew? Don't tell me Frank is babysitting?"

"No Finn, I mixed up which weekend was Logan's business trip so he is in Stars Hollow."

"So does this mean we can celebrate this monumental development?"

"Well?" Logan turned to Rory.

"Are we free tonight?" There was a warm feeling in her heart when she asked Logan. She had no idea how lonely she had been until now. Every little thing he said that reminded her of their relationship made her so happy. She had to be careful to contain the dopey, lovesick looks or her mother would mock her endlessly if she saw it.

"I had a different idea, but I guess this would be ok...Finn, round up whoever is in town and available, plan the night and let us know where to be." Logan winked at Rory as he instructed Finn. "We will be at your mercy."

"I promise you I will not disappoint! See you two lovebirds later!" Finn turned and headed for his car.

"So, it's been awhile since breakfast right? Do I have to remind you how often a Gilmore girl likes to eat?"

"Sorry, still getting used to this. There's a little cafe on the next block, let's go."

After lunch, they decided to do a little more shopping then head back to Logan's apartment to watch a movie and rest before whatever Finn had planned. 

Rory managed to get most of her shopping done.  She only had a few presents left to buy, but she had also added Logan to her list.  She didn't want to get too extravagant since they were taking it slow, but he definitely needed a gift.  That would have to wait until he wasn't with her though.  She realized she would need something nice to wear tonight, so Logan came with her to a few boutiques and waited for Rory to pick something out.  She didn't model anything for him though because she wanted to surprise him tonight.  It had been a long time since she had really dressed up for a man, and she did not intend to disappoint. 

After picking a dress, shoes, and some needed accessories, they headed back to the apartment.  Rory picked a movie while Logan pulled out snacks.  They settled on an old horror movie that they had seen a thousand times before.  Within fifteen minutes of the movie beginning, both were asleep on the couch with Rory wrapped up in Logan's arms.

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