Chapter 22: Winter Formal Failure

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Chapter 22


Somehow, the decorating committee for Winter Formal was able to make the gymnasium look, well, different. No more sweaty sock smell whatsoever.

"Whoa," Melody said once we walked into the gymnasium. "This looks... whoa."

'Whoa' wasn't even enough to describe the gymnasium. The decorating committee took Winter Formal very seriously. On one side of the gymnasium was about ten round tables seating eight people. Each of the tables had either a light blue or white tablecloth. Every few minutes, fake snowflakes would flutter to the ground, which really made the Winter part in Winter Formal stand out.

"I know," I agreed, sounding just as amazed as she did. "And the best thing, I'm away from home!"

"I'm taking you not so happy with your dad?" Melody asked.

I sighed. "No, not really. I just hate how controlling he is even though he left us. He can't just walk in our life and expect to take control again."

"At least you have a dad," Melody said quietly, her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Oh, Melody, I'm so sorry!" I said. "I didn't know my problem..."

Melody shook her head. "It's fine, Luke. Really. It's just... maybe you should try talking to you dad instead of hating him."

I looked at Melody for a bit before sighing. "I hate that you're right. But before we worry about that, I say we dance."

"I'm not much of a dancer," Melody said with a small smile.

"Then why did you agree to come to the dance?" I asked. "Here's a fun fact: a dance involves dancing."

Melody rolled her eyes. "I know that. But if the man of my dreams ask me to Winter Formal, I'm going to say yes."

I smiled. "Good answer."

We both leaned in for a kiss, but Matt interrupted us. "Hey, you two! Anything going on?"

"No, nothing at all," I lied.

Matt nodded approvingly. "Good. Just a heads up, I'm watching you." He patted my back before walking off to find Crystal.

I sighed. "You're brother is really tough on me."

"Luke," Melody said. "He's the only family I have. Obviously he's going to be overprotective. If it were only you, Evan, and Susan, would you be protective?"

"I hate your logic," I told her, my eyes narrowed.

Just then, the door opened and a loud cheer filled the air. The Robinson High basketball players were here.

"Why, hello, Lakemoat!" Kade said. "It is such an honor to be here! I hope I get voted Winter Formal King! Now where is my future queen?!"

Melody's eyes widened and she half hide behind me. I had a sinking feeling in my gut that I shouldn't have brought her here. She was so afraid of him.

Matt, however, was pissed at Kade. He walked up to him, almost threatening. "You leave my sister alone, you sick bastard."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of hurting her," Kade said with a smirk. "She's too pretty to hurt. Now, where is she?"

"Home," Matt lied. "With our aunt."

"Lies," Kade said. "All lies. Where is Loser Luke? I distinctly remember him saying that she was his Winter Formal date."

"Luke," Melody whispered, sounding frightened. "I wanna go home."

"And miss a whole night with me before I get grounded?" I asked. "Don't worry, Mel. Your brother and I won't let that jerk near you."

"There she is!" Kade said loudly, which caused me to look at him. "How is my..."

"Don't even think about it," I hissed.

"About what?" Kade asked. "Lying about her being your girlfriend? I know all about that lie."

"It's not a lie," I said. "She's my girlfriend and you better leave her alone."

"Not a lie?" Kade asked. "That's weird. I know every little thing about this school and you two aren't a couple."

"We are," I said. "You just can't take the fact that one girl won't give you the time of day. Just a huge surprise for you."

Kade scoffed. "Please. A surprise is not knowing when someone is going to show up to their school dance."

"I knew you were coming," I said. As soon as those words left my mouth, I knew I ruined everything with Melody.

"You knew?!" Melody exclaimed. "You knew he was coming and you still asked me to come?!"

"Well..." I said, but I didn't finish before Melody ran off outside the gymnasium. Kade chuckled as I ran after Melody.

"Mel!" I called, but she kept running. "Melody!"

"What?!" she exclaimed as she turned around. "What do you want?!"

"I'm sorry I took you here when I knew he was coming," I said. "But I really like you!"

"Save it, Luke!" Melody said. She scoffed. "I bet you only asked me to Winter Formal because Kade was coming."

I opened my mouth, but closed it again. But that was all Melody needed for an answer.

"I knew it!" Melody exclaimed. "Is our whole relationship a lie?!"

"What? No!" I said. "Melody, I really like you and I wasn't going to let a stupid jerk stop me from taking you to the dance! I mean, sure Matt asked me to take you but... I can't believe I said that."

"Matt asked you to take me?!" Melody asked. "How could you?!"

"I was going to ask you before he asked me to!" I told her. "I just... didn't have to guts to."

Melody shook her head and wiped some tears away. "We're done, Luke. If our relationship started because of my brother, then I don't want to continue it."

She turned around and started walking away.

"Come on, Mel!" I called. "You can't just walk away!"

Melody turned around but continued walking backwards. "I can and I am!" She turned around again.

"How are you going to get home?!" I asked.

"There's this thing called a bus!" Melody replied.

As soon as she was out of sight, I snapped to my senses. Sure, I was part of the blame for Melody leaving, but there was one person that was at full blame. And I had full intention on beating him up.

When I walked back into the gymnasium, Matt and Crystal walked over to me. "Where's Melody?" Matt asked.

"Either at the bus stop or on the bus," I replied. "And I'm about to beat up a son of a bitch."

I started walking forward, but Matt placed his arm in front of me to prevent me from moving. "Whoa," he said. "First of all, Kade left. Secondly, what do you mean Melody's on a bus? And thirdly, why do you want to beat up Kade?"

"One, he's lucky he left," I replied. "Two, Melody is on a bus going home and three, Kade is the reason Melody dumped me!"

"What?!" Crystal shrieked. But you two were so happy together! Why would she break up with you?"

I sighed. "Melody found out I knew Kade was coming then we got into an argument. Then she found out Matt told me to take her here and I asked her because Kade was coming."

"Didn't you tell her that was only part of the reason?!" Matt asked.

"I tried," I said. "But she broke up with me. Anyway, I am going home now. If either of you see Kade, tell him he better hide."

"Oh, he's going to have to hide from me," Matt said. "When I get home tonight, I'll try talking to Melody. I can't promise you anything, though."

"Thanks," I said.

I left the gymnasium after that, thinking that this was the worst Winter Formal ever.

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