Chapter 12: Math Competition

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Chapter 12


The Math Competition was being held at our school, in the gymnasium. The was four schools competing: Lakemoat High, Robinson High, Sully R. High, and Hathaway High.

The bleachers were full of spectators. I was pretty sure that the people spectating from our school was there to make sure I don't lose.

Surprisingly, the basketball team was there. And the cheerleading squad.

"I hate this," I told Melody, who was holding onto Chewy's leash. My family went out this afternoon and I couldn't leave Chewy alone. The judges allowed Chewy to stay in the gymnasium -where the competition was held- as long as he didn't bother anyone.

"You'll do great," Melody assured me. "Trust me."

I frowned and gestured to me outfit. "I mean, I hate this. I know I'm representing Lakemoat High, but do I have to wear the school uniform?" Principal Gutherie told me I had to wear the school uniform, which was black dress pants, a black vest, a red button up shirt, and a yellow tie. Plus, the school logo was on the front of the blazer. "I look like a nerd."

"You don't look like a nerd," Melody said.

"Yes, I do," I objected. "The only think that would make it worse if I had a pocket protecter and those nerdy glasses with tape on it."

Melody gave me a smile. "So, can I call you nerd from now on?

I glared at Melody. "No."

"Would all contestants please make there way to the table?" the announcer asked. "The competition will be starting in less than two minutes."

"Quick!" I said. "Punch me in the nose!"

Melody blinked a few times and tilted her head in confusion. "What? Why would I do that?"

"So I'll have to go to the doctors!" I told her.

"I'm not going to punch you," Melody said. "Just go compete."

"Fine," I muttered with a frown. But before I went, I held out my arms for a hug. "I need a hug before I go."

Melody rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around me. "Good luck, nerd!"

I pulled away from Melody, who was biting her bottom lip to surpress her laugh. "It's not funny."

Melody just shrugged as I bent down to give Chewy a hug. "We're going to go swimming after, okay?" He licked my face, like he usually does.

"You better go," Melody said.

I nodded and slowly walked to the long table where the contestants were supposed to sit.

"Welcome everyone to the Annual Math Competition!" the announcer said. Very few applause sounded from the audience. "The rules are simple. We'll ask a series of question per round. When you have an answer, you press the buzzer in front of you. Each correct answer is worth five points, while each incorrect answer is worth negative five. There is a total of three rounds, each round having a different subject. The judges still have to get organized, so let's start by intoducing the competitors."

He gestured to the Hathaway High student. "My name is Rose Breeze." The students from Hathaway High.

"I'm Don Macerag," the Sully R. student said. More cheers.

The student from Robinson High cleared her throat and sent a smug smile to the audience. She was as cocky as the basketball team from Robinson. "Kelly Yang."

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