||Chapter 19||

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Hey all! I know that all the chapters till now have been in first person POV but I feel like this particular chapter would be best with third person, so thats what its gonna be.

Not surprisingly, my parents had taken the news that I was dating Scorpius quite well. But Scorpius wasn't sure how his dad would take it. But as it turned out, he didn't mind at all either. So, telling their friends and families was totally out of the way in just the first two weeks, they realised.
Now the fifth term was almost over and Albus's birthday was only a few days away. Al didn't even remember it, Scorpius was the one who reminded him of it. Albus noticed how hyped up Scorpius was and suspected that he was planning something. But he didn't really investigate, figuring he'd just wait to find out.
That morning Albus woke up to Scorpius hitting him with a pillow.
"Scorp, what the hell are you doing?"
"Al, it's your birthday and you're still sleeping, get up!"
Albus groaned, "But it's Sunday. You're supposed to sleep till noon."
"Not if it's your birthday!" Scorpius sings.
"Ugh, fine I'm getting up. But I hate you."
"Nah you don't."
Al sighed, seemingly defeated, "No, I don't."
"Ok, be down in the Great Hall in ten minutes, no less."
Al pouted, "Wow you're bossy today."
Scorpius just smiled at him fondly and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Albus's heart fluttered.
"Happy birthday, Albus."
Albus was in the middle of breakfast when Scorpius started shouting. Excitedly.
"Come on, Albus! We're going."
"What do you mean we're going?" Albus said, with food in his mouth, "I'm still ea-"
Scorpius didn't let Albus finish his sentence before he was dragging him away.
"Okay, close your eyes," he said as he was still leading Albus some place, still unknown to Albus.
"Close my eyes? How would I walk?"
"I'm guiding you, you idiot. Come on, eyes shut."
Albus gave a sigh of defeat and closed his eyes.
They walked around for a minute, climbed a few flights of stairs, Albus bumped into a few couple of people and then Scorpius stopped.
"We're here!" he announced excitedly.
"And where exactly is here?" said Albus, still confused.
Scorpius just pulled on his arm and asked Albus to follow him. So that's what he did.
Finally Scorpius said, "Okay Al! You can open your eyes!"
Albus opened his eyes....to pitch black darkness. He wondered if they were still closed.
Then suddenly, there were lights everywhere and a loud and unanimous "surprise!" was shouted.
His jaw dropped. Albus looked around at the scene in front of him. He was in a room which was beautiful and radiated comfort. There was a table of food and couches and armchairs were spread all around the place. But that wasn't all that was there.
James, Lily, Charlie, Rose and some of his other friends from Slytherin and Hufflepuff. And Scorpius, of course. They were all there. They were all there for him.
And knowing that gave him more happiness than anything else possibly ever could.
Albus turned around to see Charlie bounding towards him. He didn't have to brace himself before he was tackled with a hug.
"Charlie, I've told you not to call me Alie," Albus said, but he was smiling.
"Happy Birthday Alieee! I love you, dude," said Charlie.
"I love you too, Charlie. But you've had way too much Firewhisky, you should sleep, you know."
"Yeah, okay. I'll sleep," Charlie said, as he got up to leave.
That left just the two of them.
Albus and Scorpius.
"Albus?" Scorpius called out, "Come here."
Albus got up and walked from where he was sitting to where Scorpius was sitting on the couch.
Albus snuggled next to him and put his head on his shoulder. Scorpius started playing with his hair.
"Scorp, can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, sure, anything."
Scorpius looks down at him at that, "Hmm?"
"Why do you like me? Why all this," he gestures around the room, "for me? I am the least Potter."
Scorpius raised his eyebrow, seemingly confused, "The least Potter?"
"Yeah. You know, there's my dad who basically saved the whole Wizardimg World several times. My mum, who's assisted in the saving, plus she played for the Chudley Cannons and now she's a renowned sports journalist. There's James, the Quidditch prodigy who everyone loves and Lily, the child prodigy who's smarter than anyone in the year above hers too. And me, I'm just....nothing."
Scorpius stared at him for a minute, a little surprised at Albus's words.
"Albus Severus Potter, I cannot believe that you just said that. You're not nothing. Not at all. You're so much and you don't even know it. You're sweet and smart and funny and so caring and passionate and you make so many people happy and I love you. I love you so much, you idiot. There's no such thing as a least Potter and even if there was, it sure as hell wouldn't be you. Never for me anyway. You're my favourite Potter. It was you from the start and it's always gonna be you."
Albus is speechless. He doesn't know what to say. So he doesn't say anything.
He just sits up and kisses Scorpius.
And later, just as Scorpius is drifting off to sleep, he hears it, its soft but clear.
"I love you too."
Well, I promised I'd update in October, and it's November 1 and I'm one day late. But, better late than never right? So anyway, Halloween was yesterday! I don't celebrate it, so I was curious, if you guys celebrated it, what did you dress up as?
I promise I'll update sooner next time.
Updated: November 1, 2017

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