||Chapter 17||

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I was worried that I'd done something wrong when Scorpius didn't return the kiss. I was just about to pull away when he placed his hands on my neck and pulled us closer together. And kissed back. I had waited for this for so long. And Scorpius wasn't even drunk this time. It was heated at first, but then we just sunk into it. Scorpius's lips were soft and he tasted like strawberries.

I didn't want to, but I pulled away to take a breath.

"So, what are we?" I asked.

"Well, last I checked, we were still human beings. Homo sapiens, if I may," Scorpius replied.

I chuckled softly, "No you nerd, I mean, like us.. are we still friends or?"

"Ohh, you mean DTRing!"

"What the hell is that?"
"You know, define the relationship."

"Oh...Well I don't know."

"Me neither. But I do know that I want us to be more than friends."
"Me too."

"Well, this could actually be really awkward."

"Yeah, why don't we just skip to the part where I ask you to be my boyfriend?"

"Yeah, and I skip to the part where I say yes."

"And I again skip to the part where I kiss you."

I planted my lips on his, and smiled into the kiss. I could get used to this.


"Scorpius, where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Shh, it's a surprise."

We stopped into the seventh floor corridor. Why had Scorpius brought me here?"

"Okay, close your eyes and wait for a minute."

I did. He led me somewhere and asked me to open my eyes again.

I opened my eyes. We were in a big beautiful room.. it was full of green and silver!

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It's the Room of Requirement! I read about it in a book."

"I've heard about that too, from my father. But I couldn't make it appear last time."

"Well, what can I say? I guess it just likes me better." Scorpius said with a tiny smile.

"Shut up!" I said, not really meaning it. "Anyway why are we here?"

"Well, I was thinking, since we've not been alone at all this past week, we could have a bit of fun..."

I burst out laughing, "Have a bit of fun? Seriously? Oh my God!"

"Well I didn't know what to say! But you know what I mean!"

I smirked, "Yeah, I do.'


Hey guys! SO sorry about the late update! There was just homework, and last minute MUNs...Anyway I'm gonna update more regularly now, since my vacations start soon! Toodles!
Millie <3
Updated: April 30, 2017

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