neji one shot

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this is for @justcallmeneko..enjoy

Neji's pov 

It's been a few years since I last saw her. And when I say her I mean Lasida Aougiri, the girl who I was interested in since our academy days. Sadly she left the village. I'll tell you why she left. Days after we rescued her she wanted to talk to me in private, but on that day her clan attacked. No...the branch family of her clan attacked, I was shocked and upset, especially when I had to fight her.

"Why Lasida? Tell me why are you attacking the village?!" She said nothing to me which made me wonder, was she playing me the whole time?

I didn't care. I had to protect the village. After that the Hokage ordered all branch members of the Aougiri clan to present themselves before the Hokage to decide their fate. At first they were going to be arrested, but Tsunade decided it was a good idea to grant exile. All branch members were to leave the village and never return. Those who attacked the village were shocked. They left quickly, except for one: Lasida.


"Leave you damn traitor!" She was sad.

I didn't care if the traitor was sad or not, I didn't want to see her face ever. At least that's what I thought. She left without saying goodbye to me. But as the years pass by she would visit me on her own accord. I would always threaten her every single time, telling her to leave or I would kill her, but every single time she would ignore me when I would issue such threats. She cut her hair, it's just above her shoulders, and she had gotten taller and her body more mature. Almost every night she would crawl through my window just to see me. Then one night she actually had something to say.

"Neji..." I was in a trance, her voice was so...smooth.

I let her continue, resisting the urge to hold her and having her whisper to me as I sleep, but if I were to do such a thing then I would never want to let her go. It would be just like the night the two of us spent together before she went on her mission. I just want to hold her so bad.

"We were not the ones who attacked the village. It was the main family. I don't care if you don't believe me, I just want you to know the truth. While I'm telling you the truth I might as well tell you this. I Love you," And she left.

My heart was racing at the time and I was eager to see her again like she normally would. I waited for the the next night. She didn't come. Night after night I would wait for her return, but the nights I would wait for her she would never show. She didn't come through my window in over a month, and it broke my heart, I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and how I believe in what she said to me. My heart was slowly breaking.

"Lasida, come back," I said to myself.

Your pov

You told Neji the truth a month ago and you haven't crawled through his window since then. But that didn't mean that you were not watching him. You wanted to be with him but knew you couldn't. You no longer were a kunoichi of Konoha. You lived in the forest, with no village. Bound to no one. You were no longer an Aougiri. Those who were banished disposed of the name Aougiri and decided to create a new and more powerful clan: The Seirei clan. The people of Konoha don't know of the change, which made the clan happy for once. There was a plan to take revenge on the Aougiri clan for what they did. And it was to happen tomorrow night. Your golden eyes are locked on the body of Neji. He's gotten taller, his hair longer and decided to throw aside his grudge against the main members of his clan so he wears the traditional clothing. You decided to crawl through Neji's window one more time and probably for the last time. You sneak your way

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