hidan love story

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I wasn't your usual wanted criminal, I wasn't responsible for an unbelievable amount of crimes and my soul wasn't completely black. Yet I has somehow ended up due to a stupid mistake and an equally stupid decision hiding out with the Akatsuki.

Sitting at the kitchen table I sipped at a cup of green tea and went over my predicament in my head. I hadn't been here long, maybe three, four months after being branded a rouge Anbu Black Op and therefore persecuted by my village. In truth I never wanted to be here but I had no where else to go.

Someone rushed past my chair at light speed, it could have only been one person.

"Michiko, did you make anymore cookies?"

Tobi who was impossibly cute stared at me, I couldn't see his face due to his swirly mask and I still wondered what secret he hid behind it. "Not this week Tobi, I did leave some in the cupboard for you"

"Hidan ate them all" Tobi complained.

"Hidan? Really?"

Tobi nodded sadly.

"There, there" I ruffled his hair "I'll go out tomorrow and get some more ingredients"

"Yay! Michiko is awesome!" Tobi ran off somewhere I heard a loud thud and then a cracking noise.

"Tobi!" Deidara screamed.

I couldn't help laughing, Tobi had obviously broken another sculpture Deidara was ranting angrily about stupid idiots that don't look where they are going.

It was getting late, normally my missions took place at night due to my excellent night vision and my shadow based powers but tonight I had off. Maybe an early night would do me some good, not that I got much sleep anyway in a room between Hidan and Deidara.

Speaking of the white haired criminal as I went to my room he was coming the opposite way down the hallway. As he got closer I realised he was covered in blood yet again, the guy knew nothing about a clean kill. His tall scythe was as imposing as ever leaving a trail of blood drops in its wake and he knew it. As we passed one another his icy amethyst eyes flicked to mine, he made a point of running a finger through the scarlet mess on his pale cheek grinning evilly at me. I just curled my lip up in disgust and kept say me and Hidan didn't get on was an understatement, the guy made me feel physically sick.

My room was simple but welcoming, when Hidan wasn't trying to knock my wall in. A yawn escaped from me before I could stop it, yup the life of a criminal was so not worth it.

A few hours after I had gotten to sleep I found myself woken by something, rolling over still sluggish from sleep I flicked on the bedside lamp. It didn't take me long to discover what caused my rude awakening, it was Hidan. Again. Dragging myself from my comfy bed I started banging on the wall we shared.

"Hidan it's frickin four in the morning!"

I wasn't surprised the reply I got was "Shut up you stupid bitch!"

"What the hell are you doing anyway!" I asked before I could stop myself, I really didn't want to know.

"None of your fucking business!" came his answer.

Giving up I turned my back to the wall and allowed myself to slide down to the floor in a slump, I glanced out the window. The stars were beautiful in their sea of black velvet, I looked away quickly, the lovely night sky. It made me want to go home.

The next afternoon I was stood in the kitchen mixing up some cookie dough, the idea of a wanted criminal baking brought a smile to my face. It fell from my face and shattered like glass when Hidan rambled in effing and blinding about something. I ignored him as I continued to swirl the mixture round yawning slightly.

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