Chapter 7

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(READ AUTHORS NOTE AT END! Its imporant! Sort of.. Lol Enjoy x)




"Now that you basically know every aspect of my life, what about you huh? I'd love toknow your background and all you deepest darkest secrets that make you who you are." I say looking out into the sunset.

"Theres not much to know."

"HA! Nice one. Everyone has secrets.." I explain.

"Their secrets for a reason.." He states

"Oh come on. I told you everything and you cant even tell me one thing."

"I like sex.."

"Im leaving." I say and stand up.

"No, Ash im sorry it was a joke come back!" He calls but im already walking away.

He grabs my wrist and spins me around, faces nearly touching, forcing me to look at him.

"Ashley Im sorry"

"For what? Im not mad."

"You obviously are if you were going to leave me" he says

"We're not dating."

"Jesus do you have to be so stubborn!" He raises his voice making me jump a little but continues.

"I like you Ashley. Ok? Happy? I said it. I like you, a lot and its not normal for me. Im not like this. Im not soft. Or nice. Or even the relationship type guy. But with you everythings different. Did you really think I just wanted a lap dance from you for fun? I wanted it because I knew you were the one I wanted from first sight at you. I wanted to get close to you. And most imporantly I want to be with you." He exhales.

Oh. My. God. Did he really just confess this to me?

"You wanted to know my secret and I told you." He finally says before waiting for a response.

I dont even know what to say.. I like him.. I do. But im not ready for anything serious.

"Im sorry Carter, but I dont date. I cant date. I cant fall in love and I refuse too. You wanted a fuck buddy and you got one. But I cant give you a relationship Im sorry." I say and with that I walk away.

I want to run. I want to hide. Bury myself and cry. This is why I cant do this to myself I ALWAYS get hurt in the end. It happened in the past and I refuse it to happen again. What have I done? I dont want to loose him as a friend or even fuck buddy but he deserves to know how I feel... The truth.

Carters POV

I wont hurt you.

I want to say it but something inside me tells me not too.

I want to run after her. To stop her from walking away.

But something wont let me.

What have I done.




~im SOSOSOSO sorry its been sooo long omg but ive been sooo busy and Sahvanna(the second author) hasnt had time either so we apologize so heres a filler for now we PROMISE the upcoming chapters will be long and really plot twisty (if that makes sense) lol! So vote and stay tuned for this story to become a whole lot more interesting! Also sorry if things seem a little rushed right now.. It will all make sense soon! VOTE PLEASE! 20+ votes and ill update tomorrow I promise!~ ~stay beautiful guys I love yous~ -Tierrah xo

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