Chapter 8

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A/N (okay so I have a few things to say and clear up before I start this chapter, okay first off if you havent read chapter 7 yet, its before the role of Ashley one because for some reason it came before that when I updated it so read that one before this one. And second ALOT of people have asked me to put a picture of Chloe Harwood on the side so you can see who she looks like so I will do that, and third, COMMENT if you want me to change the name of this fan fiction.. because I only put that title because I wanted carter to see this but since he never did than it could possibly be something different. And lastly ive been reading every comment, I havent been able to respond to them all but if you want me too just comment and tell me to reply because I definintly will(: Enjoy~) ~CAUTION THIS CHAPTERS DIRTY~

I finally reached my house and plopped down on my bed so I can get my thoughts straight. What was I thinking? I barely even know him.. he barely knows me.. why am I getting sad over this? Why does he even want to be with me? We DON'T know each other. I wouldnt mine getting to know him, but he shouldnt be rushing anything.. We 'did' it once and he already wants be to be his like what? 

I need to talk to him.

I take my phone out of my pocket and dial his number.

"Hello." He answers.

"Come to my house now." I demand and hang up the phone.

Not even 10 minutes later I hear my door bell ring and I get up to answer it.

"We need to talk." I say right after opening it.

"Already want me back?" He says laughing.

Is everything a joke to him? Its really annoying.

"Shut up and listen okay?" 

"Feisty!" He says and I hit his arm making his laugh.

Here goes nothing.

"Okay so, Im sorry for over reacting back there but I just dont want to rush anything.. barely even know eachother.. we had sex once-"

"that you enjoyed" he cuts me off

"let me finish!" 


"so we only did it once and you already except me to like you.. you specficly said 'fuck buddy' not 'boyfriend' so thats what we are ok? So can you slow things down and be happy that I even called you back here. I could of just cut you out of my life right then and there." I finish

"Well im glad you didnt. And yes. we can take things slow, but not today." 

Before I even catch on to what he meant, he crashes his lips on mine and I let him kissing him back harder, he licks my bottom lip practically begging for it, I open my mouth and let him explore as our tounges battled eachother. He layed me down our lips never parting until he starts taking off his shirt. I unzipper his pants and he slides them right off. Next he went for my shirt and unclipped my bra as I slide off my pants ass well.

"do you have a condom?" I asked

"When do I not?" 

He takes the condom out his pocket and puts it on before spreading my legs open and entering me. I let out a moan and he went faster and harder.

While still doing the motions he bent down to connect our lips and my hands found there way to his hair pulling it lightly. 

"youre so good" I moaned in his mouth and he just continued kissing me all over.

I can tell he spilled into the condom when the pit of my stomach felt whole and he started to slow down. I always loved that feeling, and now I could get used to it being Carter who pleasured me.

He layed down beside me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, our faces inches apart.

"Ever since the first time, I knew I wouldnt be able to get enough of you." He whispers

"I felt the same way" I say back placing a light kiss on his lips.

After a while of cuddling my eyes got heavy and I slowly started dozing off kind of wishing every night could be like that.. With Carter.

I'm falling. And Im finally okay with it... hopefully.



I warned you guys it was dirty! and believe me you might think things are okay now? but stay tuned to find out the plot twist!!!

And HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD OF CARTERS NEW GIRLFRIEND?? that "plur kitty" chick... Do you guys ship it? cuz I dont know how I feel about it.. 

But VOTE||COMMENT! Love you guys so much xx

(Picture of Chloe Harwood who plays Ashely, on the side)

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