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I leave the meet and greet area still in shock ,and I start looking for Emily. After awhile of searching I found Emily hanging out with a bunch of girls fangirling about Jonah, talking about how awesome he is and how hot he is and all that. After hearing that I get a little nervous about telling her about the whole Jonah situation. What if she gets mad because she's jealous?! What if she hates me ? I decided to wait till we get home , besides i can't risk not talking to her and being alone in the show. So I shut my mouth.

" OMG the show starts in 2 mins" yelled Emily trying to overcome the sound of the girls in the venue.

" I know, I'm so excited!" I yelled back. 

Moments later music starts playing and Corbyn gets on stage followed by Daniel, Jack , Zach ,and of course Jonah with his heart-warming smile . At that moment I was being pushed by the people behind me since Emily and I got to stand in the front row and they wanted to get a good view , which is basically what every person would do . 

I bet your mind's amazing

you're running 

im chasing

Emily and I start singing so loud , as if we were all alone in our bedroom. I was feeling it , jumping, dancing , a little bit of crying tears of joy here and then, and then came the biggest shock of my life .

"Aria!" said a soft voice . 

I look around , I see my sister singing which means she definitely wasn't the one calling my name , and I for sure knew no one in here except for my twin sister Emily.

"Aria! Up here." said Jonah from on the stage with his hand reaching out for my shoulder.

" Jonah!" I screamed in total shock . Can I be dreaming I asked myself. How can the Jonah Marais call my name while performing in his show?!

" Come on stage ! Hurry! " he said. 

At that moment I saw Emily looking at me in a confused look.

" GO you idiot !" she screamed at the top of her lungs so I can hear her.

" OMG !! i'm coming " I told Jonah while smiling.

During this short conversation with Jonah the boys were busy singing their turn in the lyrics , but Daniel glanced at us and smiled. I was struggling with getting on stage because of the tight space I had , so Daniel was so kind to come over and help Jonah get me on stage.

" I want you guys to welcome Aria , one of the sweetest and most gorgeous girls in here today." Jonah says in the microphone and the crowd goes crazy.

" Hey Aria! Welcome on stage" the boys say into their mics.

I start tearing up , not believing what's happening. I see Emily acting excited ,but i know Emily, after all she's my twin sister , and I knew for sure she was jealous.I felt kind of heartbroken for her but I got so caught up in the moment I couldn't actually feel for her.

They hand me a mic and they ask me to say something.

" HELLOO!! " I yell into the microphone which was something to crazy for me to do. I was always the shy person and being on stage and saying something like that was so out of my comfort zone.

Jonah comes over and hugs me tight , kisses me on the head and helps me get off the stage using the stairs backstage. I go back to my spot , and the first thing I see is Emily right there in front of my face .


" IDK either " I say acting clueless.

During the show Jonah looked at me while singing his lyrics which got almost all the girls jealous they started pushing me back so that I wont be clear to Jonah.


" So did u guys have fun ?!" asked mom.

" We had a blast ! It was honestly on of the best moments of my life !"I replied with high energy.

" Aria was called on stage by Jonah ! And apparently he was singing the lyrics to her." said Emily.

I started to blush remembering everything that happened ;his smile ,his eyes ,his arms , his hugs , and mostly him.

" Wow Aria ! You sure are one lucky girl!"said mom laughing. 

" Oh Aria can I see your pic? I asked for a kiss from the boys , but they said they couldn't do that pose so then I asked if they could pretend they are proposing to me but apparently we were short on time so we took an ordinary photo , but it's still cute." Emily said while showing me the pics she took .

" You asked for a kiss ?! No wonder Jonah said you asked for some over the limit poses." I said in shock.

" He said that ?! " she replied almost angrily " such a douche bag."

" He isn't a douche bag " I yell straight back " he is a wonderful human being ,he might even be an angel!" 

" Anywho , show me the pics" she says.

I show her the pics and she straight way says " You got a bear hug from Jonah?!" 

I smiled gratefully.

" What else did you have with this guy ? Only a number exchange is left to complete all the things you guys had "

I blush for a second and then I spill out these words " We did that"

She looks at me in complete shock and her jaw drops .

" You exchanged numbers?"

" well not exactly exchanged but like he took my number ,he asked for it." I say smiling yet nervous about the reactions I'll get from Emily and my mom.

My mom chuckles and takes it really smoothly . " Oh wow Aria ,you got super lucky .I like Jonah ...he's a sweet boy" she says . I got so relieved , but now I have to face Emily.

I think she started crying because I can swear I saw a tear falling from her eye. I truly felt heartbroken at this point . If it wasn't for her then I wouldn't have came to the show and meet Jonah. I owed her something.

" I still can't believe it ! I'm so happy for you !" she says fighting her tears.

" Oh .... thank you " I reply in shock of how kindly she is acting.

" No problemo , in the end you are my twin sister" she replied " we look the same , we get mistaken for each other all the time, we are basically the same person but with two different personalities " she continues saying it in a weird way with a weird tone and facial expressions.



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