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Sad. that's how i felt during the car ride home. I didn't want to leave Jonah for 4 months, it's too much. For once I was actually in love , and the fact that I won't feel or experience that love for that long left me crushed. Thinking about it I started tearing up. "Babe , no " says Jonah " please don't cry , I told you we will figure it out I promise." he continued. " 4 months is too long!" I said stuttering while crying. " I know but I have to go back to work , I have to release the new album with the boys during this time." he said wiping my tears and kissing me on my forehead.

5 mins away , we were 5 mins away from my house , and once again it all hit my head i'm . not seeing my "boyfriend" for 4 months. We pull over to my house's sidewalk and he gets out of the car to open my door. I was still in tears , I loved him so much I couldn't seem to leave him. " I'll come in with you , okay?" I nodded yes while smiling " Besides I need to meet Mrs. and Mr. Smith, I never met your parents ." He said with the brightest smile . "Hop on my back!" he said turning around , leaning down so I can reach his back. I wrap my hands around his neck and grip his waist using my legs and he carries me till my front door. " I love you " I whisper in his ears and kiss the back of his head " I love you more princess." he replies.

After ringing the doorbell my mom opens the door " Hello !" she greets Jonah and I. Jonah replies smiling " Good evening Mrs. Smith! May I come in?" .  " Sure." she says while opening the door even wider and letting us in. " Did you have fun?" she asked me while Jonah carefully carries me to the couch." The most fun I can remember having ." I  said looking at his eyes and he starts to smile again , he starts to smile that amazing smile he has that turns the world into paradise. " I'm glad to here that ." my mom says looking at both of us as she starts to smile.

I take Jonah to my room and as soon as he closed and locked the door I grab his face and start kissing him , he puts his hands through my hair and kisses me back . This kiss was different , it was deep , it was meaningful , it was special. Still kissing Jonah he carries me by grabbing my thighs and slowly walks toward my bed and not losing the kiss he placed me on my bed and things got real. My heart skipped a beat , I felt my blood streaming , I was sure he was the one I was searching for my entire life. *KNOCK* we stopped making out an both looked at the door "open the door Aria!" Emily yelled.

 With an angry sigh I get up from bed , smiled at Jonah and gave him a peck and went to open the door while Jonah sat on my bed looking through his phone. I open the door and Emily starts speaking  " Where's the curling ir..." she asked while entering my room but she was cut off as soon as she saw Jonah sitting on my bed. " JONAH?!" she yelled with a high-pitched voice . "Hey" Jonah replied waving totally not in the mood . " Get your stuff and leave please ." I told Emily , while I went to sit on Jonah's lap . " Ummm I owe you guys an apology" she said looking at me sitting in Jonah's lap with his arms around me. " Yes you do." I replied in shock , Emily never apologized before in that way !  " I'm sorry " she speaks those words and then tears start flooding from her eyes " It was a hard day for me , I had a fight with one of my closest friends and I felt jealous about how you were having an awesome day."  She fought her tears to get these words out her mouth. I get of the bed and hugged Emily , I had to , she was my twin after all and seeing her like that sitting on the floor all curled up and crying was very hurting to see. surprisingly Jonah followed and hugged us too . I looked at him and whispered " I'm sorry ". "Don't be" he replied and kissed me on the forehead. " I'm sorry Aria" Emily said stuttering " It's okay" I calmed her down and helped get to her room. While leaving the room with Emily I looked at Jonah and signaled " The condoms are in the 3rd drawer " with my mouth hoping he could read my lips with a smirk on my face.

I open my bedroom's door and find Jonah shirtless and he was in his boxers laying on my bed al sexy and shit. His body was perfectly tanned and he had the sexiest figure. " My turn" I say going to my dressing room , I start searching for my secret box with the things nobody should see. I am the innocent girl in the family but everyone has a bad side to them. I found the box and I opened it and found the lingerie my bestie Sara and I got that day just for fun and to take hot pictures. I put it on and as soon as I get out of the bathroom with lingerie Jonah's jaw drops , it was the first time I see someone's jaw actually drop. " Come here sexy " I say trying to be flirty , and as expected he got out of bed and carries me just like earlier and per usual we make out again. " You're so hot " he whispers with a sexy tone. " Not as sexy as you babe" I whisper back . He trows me on the bed and he takes his boxers off and starts to un-hook my bra and pulls down my thong. And yes we had an affair what else was expected from us to do? We loved each other so much even though we knew each other for 2 days only it seemed like we were born together.

I don't remember exactly what happened but I woke up naked under the blankets of my bed with my head resting on his chest, he was still sleeping and I have to say he was the cutest thing i've ever seen. I get dressed and then I hear him stretching and putting away the blankets and without me looking he gets dressed too and comes and kisses me on the cheeks and says " last night was awesome" I smile at him and say " It sure was " but then my smile disappears "but your flight is in 3 hours" I continued as I watch his smile fade too. " I'm going to miss you princess "  he says and gives me a small peck as he starts grabbing his stuff to leave. " OMG the boys !" he freaks out " What?" I asked also freaking out because I had no clue what happened. " I missed over 15 calls from each of them last night! They were probably looking for me" he replied starting to rush out of the room and I follow him . " Goodbye" I hear from behind us , we turn around and it was Emily all shy and nervous . I smile and look at Jonah , he looks back at me " good bye " he says to Emily with a smile on his face , and he hugs her. Her face lit up and she was smiling the biggest smile ever , I wasn't jealous because she was a fan after all and I will have to deal with this alot because I can't prevent his fans from seeing him . She smiles at me and I follow Jonah out the door to his car. " so this is goodbye" I say trying not to tear up , " Dont worry baby girl I'll see you soon" he says and we kiss and then I hugged him tighter than ever. "Call me !" I say before he drives away . " I will , every second babe." he replied " I love you " I quickly say waving goodbye " I love you my sunshine" he yells while driving away.




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