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Still startled and shocked and in tears I look at Jonah with my jaw dropped to the maximum level, I was lost and confused. But I was sure I didn't give it to him, I get off the bed and start walking toward the door but I felt Jonah's hands grab my waist "Please don't leave baby girl" he says , but I was broken. I can't believe the thing that got him to fall in love with me because he saw the "personality" in the gift wasn't from me, I try to escape his arms but he kept begging me to stay and he was my weakness so I gave up. " Thank you" he said while pulling me to sit on his lap on the bed, "I'm sorry, I'm just confused." he whispers into my ears and it tickled so I let out a little giggle . " Awee , you're so cute!" he says and he pushes me on the bed and hugs me so tight. " Now back to this major crisis the gi-" I was interrupted when Zach walked into the room . " you guys okay ?" he asked glancing behind him and giggling " yeah , what's with the laughing" I ask him wiping my tears off my face , and then I see Daniel standing behind Zach . Damn I loved his eyes , they were so blue I felt I was diving into an ocean. " Are you okay?!" he rushed in the room , pushing Zach away and hugging me. " Yeah , why?" I asked as if I wanted him to like back off because of Jonah but I loved it , and he knew that I loved it. " Well I know when my best friend is hurt, I can feel its in my blood." he said smiling at me and hugged me one more time " and I saw you wiping your tears " he said and dropped a quick giggle. " Ummm that was cute , but OuCh!" Zach told Daniel. "I'm sorry dude , I was worried." he looked back at me and held both my hands it felt magical , it felt like that conversation we had back in the airplane when coming to LA, and that magical and majestic kiss but just then Jonah interrupted " Okay babe get some sleep. "  he kissed my forehead and softly pulled me back to lay under the covers , and my hands left Daniel's ... i was still broken.

I woke up the next day all alone in the bed and as soon as I opened my eyes I smell a weird yet delightful scent. " what is that " I tell my self , with my hair all over my face and my eyes hardly opened. I pull the covers off my bed and right before I place my legs on the floor I saw the source of the scent , "roses?" I asked myself , but I was smiling and excited , yet I was confused at the same time. It was one of those things that you see in the movies. I decided to do it the right way and instead of following the petals right away I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair and then I started following the petals. " She's coming" I heard Jack on the stairs , he was whispering to someone downstairs. I follow the petals and they lead me downstairs, as soon as I reached the ground floor Zach handed me flowers , "thanks" I replied smiling gracefully and he bowed romantically to me , the kind they do after serving you fancy Italian dinner. "Keep going" he said pushing me playfully. I chuckled , I moved forward but I couldn't stop focusing on the music playing in the background , it was Daniel . He was singing La vie en rose - my favorite! - and I got instantly serenaded. Next up was Corbyn he handed me a bunch of shopping bags from almost every single store that I adore! "OMG! this is so cute." I tell him and give him a hug, I move forward and i reach the kitchen and Jack was there with a plate of my favorite breakfast - BACON , SAUSAGES , MUSHROOMS , ORANGE JUICE.- " no way !" I start screeching and I felt my eyes watering and I just ran to him and hugged him so tight. " i'm suffocating!" he says , I let go " I'm sorry " I say laughing . " Should I keep going or should I sit here and eat?" I ask him and I pop one mushroom into my mouth. " Go on!" he says signaling to go outside " Oh and leave your stuff here." I leave my stuff in the kitchen and go outside , and I found Emily in the corner taking pics and Jonah standing inside a heart made out of petals with something in his hands and I instantly run to his open arms and jump on him and he catches me, all I wanted to do was kiss him so I did, we were close to making out but I remembered something " where's Daniel ?!" I ask Jonah while looking around. " Oh Dani couldn't be here , he's sad about losing his crush. She got  boyfriend but he loves her so much. I feel bad for him, and this is for you by the way." he hands me the little bag in his hand , " Thanks babe , you didn't have to." I give him a quick kiss, " so where is he right now ?" I was still worried about Daniel , little does Jonah know he was talking about us. " At some waterfall spot in the middle of nowhere, something like Santa Claus ez, I dont remember." he says trying to remember the name , " Santa Ynez falls!" I say instantly .            "yes! how did you know?" he asks pulling closer to him .I told Daniel about that place , I used to go there when we were in LA with my family before, I used to think about the things that annoy me and the things that upset me , and just let it all out... but I couldn't tell Jonah that ! " I saw it in a vlog from a youtuber before." I lied. " cool! are you going to open the gift now?" he says signaling towards the bag. "Oh I forgot!"

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