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Still hesitating about whether I should lean in too to kiss Jonah, my eyes kept glancing behind me at the window where Emily was still staring at us from apparently she wasn't sad anymore because I saw her reaching for her phone in her pocket to take her pictures which was honestly very annoying. I finally decided to kiss Jonah and I would've regretted not kissing him , it was the best thing I have felt in a long time, his lips felt like cushions from how soft they were.

He opens the car's door for me so I can get in , I get in the car and laugh shyly to myself , he was being so sweet and all romantic which got me thinking why. He has only knew me for a few days , yet I knew him for months and I've been crushing on him with my sister ever since. " Ready babe?" he asks smiling . " absolutely" I reply smiling and we kiss one more time.

He starts driving and turns on the radio when I stop him and ask for the aux cord excitedly from how he looked at me he knew I was up to something. I play All My Love  by Why Don't We and start singing along at the top of my lungs. " I forgot I was dating a fangirl " he said laughing, "dating?!" I asked. " I meant taking out, sorry..." he said embarrassed " I was hoping things would work out and then maybe ..? " he continued. " sure!" I said smiling and continued singing until he joined me and we sang together. I was having a blast! Jonah was so sweet and fun and everything you would want in a guy , I started thinking this would actually work out unless he changes his mind about me so I made sure to treat him well in that car ride. I couldn't risk losing him at all.

" Jonah , this isn't the way to the movies." I said wondering why he purposely took this turn away from the movies. "change of plans." He said looking at me smiling and placing his free hand on mine. I smiled back and nodded symbolizing agreement, he looked away focusing on the road and removed his hand off mine and placed it on the steering wheel. I kept looking at him ,gazing at his charming face , he was still as handsome from the side. I tried to focus on the street to figure out where we were going ,  but I had no clue.

" How can someone be this pretty and sweet?" he said looking into my eyes when we stopped at a red traffic light. " what ?" I asked confused, i'm the last one on Earth to be called pretty. " Are you blind , i'm disgustingly ugly" I replied back. " Well if you are think you are ugly , I wish all the girls are ugly." he replied romantically looking at my lips taking a grip of my neck from behind my ear leaning in from a kiss once again , I immediately lean back in and kiss him back , we stopped kissing, looked at each other for a second and we instantly knew we both wanted to do it again so we kissed one more time. It keeps getting better , his kisses speak love. 

I didn't want the car ride to end but apparently we reached our date destination. " A parking movie ?! " I asked excited,  Jonah looked worried " Yea , you don't like it ?" he asked concerned. " I love it !" I replied thrilled " I have always wanted to go to one , how did you know?" . " I took a wild guess , it was always my idea of an ideal first date." Jonah explained. I looked at him and kissed him again. " I almost forgot" Jonah got out of his car and opened his car truck and got a bunch of bags and got them up to me " food" he said. " You're the best !" I said chuckling. We spread out a mat around the area the other people had there mats in , and we sat and watched the movie together , he sat behind me and spread his legs and I sat between them and he had his arms wrapped around me and he kept kissing my head here and there , playing with my hair and even massaging me sometimes , he was a guy with a fetish of spoiling me ... it was adorable.

We watched Titanic  and it was my first time watching it and I loved it especially since Jonah was there by my side. During the movie we had a few make-outs and kisses . We shared a couple of " I love you's " too, and when I got cold he gave me his sweater . It was the most romantic thing I have felt and seen. The movie was done and it was time for us to leave " go to the car babe, i'll pack the stuff" he said. But obviously I didn't let him pack alone so I started picking up our trash and throwing it in the bin. He kept taking the stuff from my hands and telling me to go back to the car and wait but I kept rejecting. We finally finished packing all of ur stuff and we got back to our car and people kept leaving until we were left alone, " did you have fun?" he asked . " The most fun I've ever had." I replied comforting him , " Thanks babe." I continued and per usual we kissed again.

We kept driving back to my house sadly realizing that we won't see each other for 4 months. " I'm going to miss you " I said starting to tear up , I have never felt this much in love ,he was perfect. " I will too , but please don't cry" he said wiping my tears of and kissing my hand and then holding it tight. " I can't wait 4 months" I said repeatedly trying to think of a way we could see each other , flying to LA wasn't an option for me because of some financial issues my family is suffering at the moment. " We'll figure it out " he kisses my hand again and holds it even tighter.



Love ya , comment feedback :)
LOVE << Sara >>

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