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I enter the house very sadly ,and I rush to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. Silently I get on my bed and as soon as my body touches the mattresses I begin to cry,  i missed him already. I lay my head on the pillows and I smell his amazing scent, that amazing Versace cologne he uses was all over the pillow. Tears starting flooding even faster as I grasp and hug the pillow tight. *ding* I heard my phone ring alerting a notification. I enter my passcode and swipe to open my phone , it was hard to do that when everything I see was blurry because of all the tears in my eyes.

It's from Jonah! I got so excited and wiped my tears of my face , and that got back the memories of all the times he wiped the tears off my face with his gentle and soft hands. " Start packing babe ! You're coming to LA with us !" My face lit up as I was reading this text from Jonah , yet I was confused ... my mom won't allow me to go to LA by myself! Neither would she agree to pay for a ticket to LA!  " Wait, what ? my mom won't allow me !EXPLAIN! " I texted back not mentioning the financial issues we have so I don't embarrass myself. " I got you and Emily tickets to come to LA today with us, so start packing." He explained " Oh and I talked to your parents they agreed ;)" he continued. " How did u ask them ?! You have their numbers" I asked confused, " Actually i'm outside your door ,  I had to ask your parents somehow?!" I read this and I rushed to open my door , there he was with his amazing eyes looking at mine . 

I jumped and hugged him " You came back !" I said while hugging him tightly, " I can never leave my babygirl behind and leave for 4 months !" he replied kissing my forehead. " I have to pack ! Oh and did you tell Emily ?!" I asked while rushing to grab my suitcase from above my cabinets. " I'm all done " I heard Emily yell from her room, I chuckle and ask Jonah to help me get the suitcase. He gets me the suitcase and opens it up while placing it on my floor while I look through my clothes trying to find the cutest clothes I have to take with me . " What should I get !" I yelled " Calm down babe , everything looks good on you" he said while coming closer to my cabinet . I smiled and started grabbing some stuff that I never wore , and some basics ; like a basic white tee , and some leggings. " SHOES!" I yell rushing to my shoe rack in the hallway . " That's alot !" Jonah says looking at me from my bedroom . " Babe i'm going to LA I have to look good." I reply from the hallway , but then I see him come up to me and hold both my hands and say "You look good every single second" and he hugs me "man , I love you " he said while hugging me even tighter than before.  "We're running late let's go !" I say while rushing back to my room and that's when I saw over 5 bags of clothes and shoes and bags from the most famous and the biggest brands ! There was Louis Vuitton , Prada , Chanel , Versace , and Givenchy and more just laying on my bed. " What's this?" I say smiling moving towards them to peek through the bags , I look behind me I see Jonah with hands in his pockets , with his perfect hair and his gorgeous eyes, and most importantly his smile . " You didn't " I say looking at him and the bags in shock. I never got to buy anything from those luxury brands and to actually have a chance to get not only one but over 5 in the same time is amazing ! " Do you like them " he asked coming closer to me with his hands around my waist . " no" I reply and I see his smile disappear " I love them !" I say chuckling , he shows a sigh of relief and hugs me .

We leave the house awhile later after I finished packing and getting ready for the airport. I also finished saying my goodbye's to my parents and I left the house with Jonah and Emily , but this time it wasn't his fancy sport car , it was a black, shiny, and tall limousine waiting . And in front of the car there was a guy in the suit opening the door for us 3. I sit next to Jonah and Emily sits facing us . " This is amazing babe" I tell Jonah while admiring the beauty of the limousine from the inside. " Well I thought we could ride in style" he says and leans in for a kiss and we kiss . " EWW, I'm sorry , forgive me" we heard Emily say and we both look at her , then look at each other and then laugh. " I forgot you were here !" I tell her , "Please forget about me , you guys have fun and i'll be here sitting quietly. And Jonah thanks alot !" She replies to us very nicely. " No problem" Jonah tells Emily and we kiss shortly again. 

We reach the airport and we meet the boys their with Eben and August. " Hey Jojo , I missed you bro !" I heard Daniel say as soon as he hopped out of their tour bus, they both hug and they looked so cute . " Hey Aria" Daniel comes and hugs me , " OMG hey ! How are you ?" I reply back excited , I was still a fan of WDW and that's how this crazy thing happened in the first place. From the corner of my eye I see Emily taking pics with Jack and fangirling over him , and by the look on Jack's face it seems like he isn't enjoying it, " Emily , come here for a second " I call her to make her stop embarrassing me . " What ?" she asked me " The boys don't like it when someone fangirls over them so please don't." I ask her softly so no one can hear us " Okay .." she answered back still excited to see the boys. We check-in at the register and apparently we were flying in first-class ! I got so excited because it has been on my bucket list to travel first-class since I was a kid. Me and Jonah had our hands interlaced the entire time in the airport , we got to Starbucks and took a seat with the entire crew. " So guys this is Aria , my girl friend " he told everyone while winking at me " And this is her twin sister Emily , they will be staying with us for awhile because I cant stand being away from this beauty." He said while grabbing my chin and pulling it closer to him to kiss. " Guys please !" Zach said blocking his eyes , " Jojo please not now " Corbyn says looking around the coffee shop to make sure the public isn't watching. " Guys leave them alone , they are so cute " Daniel says while recording us kiss." UGHH" Jack says as soon as we stop kissing. I see Emily looking at us all sad and feeling down, and i felt bad so I decided to heat things up " Guys did you know that Emily can play all your songs on her phone using her beats keyboard." I say while winking at her and I see her smile at me . " That's so cool " Corbyn says surprised , " wow!" Eben follows.

Jonah carried me on his back till we reached our gate , and of course since we were in first class we didn't have to wait in the longest line ever! We get into the airplane and since first class's seats are miniature rooms , Jonah and I couldn't sit next to each other the entire time , but we both couldn't stand being separated when we were so close . So most of the time Jonah and I would hang out together and eat in the first class lounge in the airplane. I was sitting on Jonah lap with his arms holding my waist while I was eating a French macaron and Emily was casually taking pics of everything to show her friends. After hanging out in the lounge for awhile we went back to Jonah's seat ,and closed the door . By the look on Jonah's face and how he was looking at me I knew he wanted to kiss but he was too shy to make the move , so I leaned in this time and just before our lips would hook, I saw Daniel peeking through the top of the door. I smile and open the door " What's up besties" he said worried as if he has done nothing , I roll my eyes but then realize he called me bestie! I'm Daniel's bestie now! " What do you want Dani?" Jonah asked him with a sigh that radiated the message for Daniel to leave "okay bye guys" Daniel winked at Jonah and left us. We both laughed softly and looked at each other in the eyes and kissed.

The speaker announced landing which forced us to go back to our own seats so I left Jonah and sat back in my seat. 




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