Chapter 11

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Weeks passed and the former LITs now worked on their own. With the exception of Jenkins, they managed to avoid seeing each other in the Library. They hadn't seen Flynn nor Baird either, which was a bit troubling to Cassandra, but the romantic in her liked that they at least were together. Finding romance all over the world no doubt. Then her heart would sink as she thought of the man that she loved who quite obviously didn't return her affections.

Although she wasn't completely sure he'd have kissed her quite like that if she really meant so little to him. It was that shred of hope that maybe Jacob was just overwhelmed and scared that she clung to. It helped her get through the day and sleep at night.

She managed to use the busy at work excuse to dodge invitations from Cathy, knowing that she likely was going to invite Jacob just like she had for months. She didn't want to completely lose her friend, so when Cathy said that Tim was taking their son out for the evening, she did say yes to a girl's night out.

"Did something happen between you and Jacob?" Cathy asked her as they settled in at the bar.

Cassandra tried to look confused. "No, why?"

"He's been dodging my invitations to come to dinner and he doesn't mention you when he picks up Max. In fact, Max hardly mentions you anymore."

Cassandra frowned but it was for the best. Cathy kept talking, not noticing her friend's face. "Did you break up? I mean, it would be good to know. Tim and I don't want to take sides, especially with the boys being such good friends."

"Break up?" Cassandra did look perplexed. "We'd have to have been dating to break up, Cathy."

"What? Oh!" Cathy blushed. "I'm so sorry, we just thought . . . ."

Cassandra shrugged. "We're just friends, we've just not been able to see much of each other lately. We used to work together but now . . ."she bit her lip trying to decide how to word this. "We've been put on solo projects. So we hardly see each other anymore. That's all. Just busy."

"Gosh, so is he seeing someone then? Is that why he's been dodging me? Though he's actually out with Tim and the kids tonight, so maybe it's just being busy."

Cassandra shrugged. Maybe Stone was seeing someone else. She was sure Cathy would have mentioned if Josie was actually in town. She had a feeling Stone was dodging Cathy for the same reasons she was. But he'd made it clear that what they had was over. And she had no rights in his life any longer, not that she ever really did. So she changed the subject and Cathy luckily didn't bring it back around. Which was good because she was able to enjoy her evening and not think too much about Jacob.

Sometimes she'd still pick up her phone when she saw or heard something on her missions or even in her daily life. Things that she would have told Jacob or shared with Max. Then she remembered and put the phone away.

All in all, it was probably better this had happened. She'd meant to distance herself from the Stones anyway. It was best for everyone. Even though it broke her heart. Better now than later.


Weeks passed. Jacob spent time with his son and wrote when he wasn't busy with cases. He did fine on them though quite honestly he missed the others. Cassandra especially, but he missed Baird and even Jones from time to time. They all worked together like a well oiled machine. Half the time he felt like he was missing a bit of a mission, like the clippings book only sent him to solve a section of a puzzle. Other times he was a bit bored, feeling like the book had purposely avoided danger. Every once in a while, he could have really used one of the others and their areas of expertise.

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