
so everyday was good so today I texted Penelope asking "is everyone at the bureau " Penelope says" yea why" I say" I'm thinking of surprising them with me coming in" Penelope asks" are you bringing the bundle of joy" I say" I kind of have too" so I go to the nursery and get his carrier then I put his new clothing on him putting him in it picking up his bag walking to the car  putting him in the back seat then getting in the car driving towards the bureau , but I stop and get everybody drinks I get the drinks then getting in the car driving the 20 minute  ride to the bureau when Grayson gets fussy so I turn on the little kid music and he stops fussing but is still awake , I get there and put the bag on me getting Grayson then getting the drinks walking in the bureau going to the elevator pushing the floor I need ,walking up to Aaron's room knocking  he says" come in " I open the door and Aaron sees me I set the drinks and Grayson down hugging Aaron when he asks" what are you doing here" I say" a little birdie told me you guys were here so I decided to come visit with Grayson "Aaron asks" how's the little Grayson" I say" he's been good , had a little cough the first night but he's been good and here's a coffee for you" Aaron thanks me and I say" I'm gonna go see my dad" Aaron smiles and I go to dad's office knocking I enter dad takes the coffee's saying " what are you two doing here" I say " little birdie told me you guys were here, so I decided to come visit you guys"  dad asks " how is my grandson doing" I say" he's been good ,a little coughing on the first night but he's been good"  I hand dad his coffee and we hug ,I say"  I'm gonna go say hi to the others" I get Grayson and the coffee's going down to the bullpen when everyone see's me they get there coffee's and the first person that hugs me is Reid I hug him saying " hey Reid how are you " Reid hugs tighter saying" it's been so different without you" I say" trust me know it's different without you guy too " Reid asks" how has taking care of Grayson been going " I say " exhausting but he's a hand full like on the way here he woke up whining but I put on some music I had him listen to when he was in my stomach and he fell back asleep" JJ asks me " have you seen Morgan yet he's in his new office " I say " I shall see him now " I walk back up the stairs and walk towards Morgan's room walking in saying " hey sexy man" Morgan looks up saying " Emma what are you doing here " I say " Penelope told me you guys were here so I though to surprise everyone with a visit " Morgan asks " how's Grayson " I say" Grayson's good , he had a hissy fit on the way here but when I put some of his baby music on he fell right back asleep " Morgan kisses me saying " your a wonderful mother" I smile and ask" so when are we going to go see your family " Morgan says" anytime we get a vacation " I nod ,Morgan looks at me asking "how much sleep do you get " I say "about 9 hours of sleep but if I'm lucky I get a good 10 hours " Morgan says"alright " I then sigh saying" I miss being out there with you guys but I can't yet find a babysitter cause he's so small " Morgan says " I know but it'll get better " I saw that Grayson woke up and was hungry so I grabbed the bottle and fed him but then I smelled him saying" Morgan it's time for the fatherly stuff" Morgan says" come here little buddy " so he changed Grayson's diaper threw the old one in a disposal bin, put him back to sleep " so I left with Grayson going home ,when we got home I put Grayson back in his crib then start cleaning his house when he started crying I went in his nursery getting him then going to the fridge getting his formula feeding him when I get a face-time from the team I accept it and i hear Morgan say"hey Emma how's little Grayson" I say "I'm feeding him his formula he's really hungry but I can tell when you need or want something ,so what is it " JJ says "hey Ally can you look at the file on your tablet and see what you see" I say " yea of course " I take my tablet looking through the case seeing the dead girl saying" I think he has a signature in the knot he tied but it looks like everything was trimmed, painted, and brushed recently so he's going back to see the victim probably to see and relive his killing " Aaron asks"how's it been being a new mommy" I say" it's tiring but the little guy is the love of my life, he's asleep now" Aaron says"yea " they hang up and I finish cleaning the house and take a nap then I fix dinner for us and that night putting him in his crib taking the radio with me to my room finally being able to rest the next day I get up going to the shower then getting dressed going down stairs to Grayson saying"hey there big guy lets go to a place to eat " I dress him up in jeans ,a shirt says "mommy's cub " and some little sneakers ,I put him in his carrier getting his stuff getting everything plus Grayson walking to my car opening the door to put Grayson in his spot setting his bag on the floor shutting the door then getting in my seat starting the car driving towards the caffe when I get there ,I get out getting my purse then going to get Grayson and his bag closing& locking the doors walking in the caffe when Peterson walks over saying"is this the bouncing Grayson"I say " yea but he's hungry " Peterson says"I'll get your tea and everything " I thank him getting a baby seat putting Grayson in it getting his food and formula out asking"are you a hungry little one " he makes little noises ,I get his apple and banana baby food opening it saying" here comes the plane " I put it in his mouth he eats it ,Peterson says" how you been doing with him" I say "he's good , a little whiney but thats just what baby's do" I get my laptop out looking for babysitters when I'm looking through them I get a face-time call from JJ ,I accept it saying"hey JJ what you need" JJ says"just checking in ,where are you at "I say" I'm at the little cafe having some breakfast with Grayson" JJ asks" have you searched for a babysitter yet " I say "I was just doing that I'm doing the thing including all the background checks ,crime records etc.. cause if I'm going back to the bureau when he 4 or 5 I want someone I can trust with Grayson " JJ says"thats good but what if he doesn't do good with the babysitter then I'm sure he might do better with Penelope "JJ says"yea that's true ,what are your plans for today "I say"going to the baby store to get more formula maybe more clothing " JJ says" Spencer really misses you" I ask" is he with you " JJ says"yea I'll take you to him" I hear JJ say" Reid I have someone you'll want to see " Reid asks" who is it" she turns me to face Reid I say " hey Reid " Reid takes the tablet saying "I missed you so much why haven't you face-timed me lately " I say " I've been really worn out ,tired lately it's what little ones would do " Reid says" you okay " I say "I miss everyone" Reid says"everyones not the same with out you either " I say " Reid you gotta keep your head straight and focus on the case , I know everyones not the same without me but your the person who keeps this team together " Reid says "ok" I hung up getting everything and Grayson exciting the coffee shop going to the shop looking through clothing and other things ,picking things out putting them in the basket , going to check out when I get a notification that Grayson's appointment is soon ,so we checked out then going to the to drive to the appointment ,so on the way there ,Grayson decided to be awake I say" Grayson you chose a good time to be awake "I turned on some music then when we got there I checked in and my doctor for Grayson comes out saying" Emma you ready " I say" yea "so we take Grayson to a room the doctor does all the exams for Grayson and says"every things good now for the shot "I hold Grayson while the doctor get the needle ready so when the doctor puts the needle in Grayson, he wiggles and cries , I say" shh it's okay " Grayson calms down and the doctor says"everything is perfectly good with little Grayson ,come back in two months on the 12th" I say" alright" check out and then go to the park , then going home to do some cleaning and hopefully take a nap for awhile when we get home I get a call from Morgan saying"hey Emma how is my little Grayson" I say" he's doing great ,just really active " I sent him a video of Grayson trying to roll over , Morgan says"'he's strong like his dad " I say "he is stubborn like you too" Morgan asks" why's that " I say "he wouldn't go down for a nap on day " Morgan says" maybe he just wanted some more time with his beautiful mommy "I ask" hows the case going" Morgan says" it's good just dealing with little kids , it just makes me worry about Grayson "I say "I know trust me I worry everyday " so I hung up going to get Grayson his formula when I heard him cry running back I put my baby carry on putting Grayson it saying" shh it's alright mommy's here ,lets get you your formula "I mixed the formula up feeding him it when Reid face-timed me saying"Ally we need your help , there's a guy saying he's Tara brother but it doesn't look like him ,can you come down here and see what you can do " I say " yea I'll be down there in about 10 minutes " Reid says"thank you" I hung up gathering my stuff up saying "we're gonna go visit your uncles, god parents and grandpa" I get everything in the car getting in driving to the Bureau getting out grabbing Grayson and our things ,walking to the bullet pen setting my stuff down at my desk putting Grayson back in the baby carrier on me ,walking in Penelope's room saying" hey beautiful " Penelope comes over to hug me but I mention her to be careful and quiet cause Grayson's sleeping, I say"he finally fell asleep after about 10 minutes of his lullaby's " Penelope asks" so what has Reid informed " I say "basically saying a guy met tara at the dinner but she didn't recognize him at all" Penelope says " okay well so far this guy really believes he's her brother but we don't know whats going down "I say " can I sit " Penelope says "yea " I say" I'm thinking is someone might've brainwashed him and re program him just then I got a call from the head of the Bureau ,I say " I gotta take this call " ( HOB-head of bureau, M-me) " HOB-hello is this agent Emma,M- yes this is she what do I owe the pleaser of speaking with the head of this bureau, HOB- well since agent Hotchner is retiring ,I was looking through your files ,they were very impressive and excellent but personally I wanna do a interview and then you lead one case having you write how it goes, M- does Hotchner know about this, HOB- yes he does after this call he's gonna talk to you about this, M- can I have 3 days to think this over ,HOB- yea of course ,I'll send you case files to go over just to see if you can see anything other agents didn't, M- alright thanks ,HOB-it's my pleasure * end of call* I sat at my desk trying to think about my decision when Aaron called me , I got up going into his office I say/ask " why are you retiring " Aaron says" this job travels a lot and it's making me spend less time with jack ,but I trust you'll be a good unit chief " I ask" when are you retiring " Aaron says" at the end of next month " Aaron says" I see that you brought little Grayson and he's sleeping " I say "yea finally after 30 minutes of listening to his lullaby " Aaron asks "how are you feeling" I say " I'm actually getting used to his schedule now like I've trained my body to his daily route so ,I'm good Grayson's first doctor's appointment went very good even though he had to get all his shots done cause I didn't want him to have to fear any other appointments " just then the mail people come in and say"I have boxes for agent Emma" I go down and say "thats me " the mail person hands me three big boxes full to the brim with cases , I sigh when Aaron asks" what's in the boxes " I say " case files from another bureau , the head the bureau wants me to look at them and see if I can find anything that the others didn't " Aaron says" there a spare room if you want it until I retire " I say" yea that'll be helpful " get my things on a pulley and get it into the office, getting the boxes out along with an xacto knife out cutting the seals off of them then unloading the case files out on the desk doing the same for the other two boxes when JJ comes in asking " what are all those files for " I say " I was gonna wait to tell everyone but I got a call from the head of the bureau saying that they waiting me to be our new unit chief because Aaron is retiring after next month , but I'm still thinking it over but the paper work is solved cases that head of the bureau wants me to look over and see if I find anything that the others didn't "  JJ says " I think you should be our new unit chief it'll be fun having you as one" just then Grayson started fussing so I put him in the rocking crib putting small head phones on him playing his lullaby, JJ asked " does the rocking crib work for him" I say" yea , he falls asleep to fast in it that's it's just a miracle like I got my whole house clean and did some yard work in too" JJ says " we'll good luck with your paper work " I say " thank you JJ" I start doing paperwork and there's this familiar feeling cause the surviving victim says" I got gassed with this spray by mr.scratch , he told me that my name was Greg Thomas and that I was a persons brother " I write " mr.scratch is an UNSUB that this team has yet to catch but's he's done the same thing with Tara's brother ,captured her brother putting him somewhere and have a guy Tara doesn't even know have her brothers memories ,we are still investigating the case now but mr.scratch made the mistake of being able to reprogram this victim back to his original memory " just then Emily calls me saying "do you mind if you talk to him " I say" yea of course " I walk down there and Emily hands me the file ,I walk in there saying "hello I'm agent Ally " Tara's brother asks" did Tara put you up to this " I say " I came I here on my own but I do have a question " Tara's brother says " ask away" I get out the pictures saying" what do these pictures mean " tara's brother says " tara knows " I say"but I don't know so explain to me" when he didn't I left the room and back to my office ,so about 20 minutes later I got one box of paperwork done ,I sealed the box and and started at the other boxes I finished in 3 hours, then I got a call from a nanny since I put up that I needed a babysitter ,I answered saying " you must be the babysitter I saw in the website " Lilly says" yea when can we meet for the interview" I say " I'm free tomorrow but I will need you to print out your background check , any previous clients you've had ,and a description of what stuff you do, come to the BAU department at 5:00 sharp"Lilly says"alright" Morgan comes in asking" who was that" I say"the babysitter that saw my help needed post ,I'm doing the background check and everything tomorrow " Morgan asks" whats with all the paper work you did in the boxes" I sigh saying" the head of the bureau wants me to be the unit chief since Hotch is retiring after 2 months, so the paper work was to see if I could find anything that the others didn't ,I also have the interview tomorrow right after the interview with the babysitter "Morgan asks"how would you run the Bureau " I say "the same way Hotch did but I probably would give you guys breaks now and then but then give a big vacation sometime " Morgan says" alright " so I sent the paperwork to the head of the bureau, when I got a call from an unknown number saying " SSA Emma Morgan , I see your getting a promotion to unit chief , I'll tell you what I'll give you one name of the girls I killed and where to find them "I say" mr.Corbett I see you got out of jail "   Mr.Corbett says " well the first girl is Cassandra buried in the state park , and congrats on the promotion " I hang up sighing then writing down (victim 1: Cassandra walker ,state park near the statue),dad comes in asking " who was on the phone , you seemed upset" I say" so when I got the job of the officer , there was a case where the UNSUB would rape and then kill girl by strangling them but leave their hands tied with his signature not , we have managed to capture him and put him in jail but he called saying " he was out and he said every other Tuesday he would give me a name of a victim and where she is buried , so I'm gonna go to the park and get the body so the family has closure " dad says " I'll go with you " I nod grabbing my keys going to the car with dad , driving to the state park with a paper that says we can dig here, we get there and show the paper to the rangers getting the shovels out then going over to the statue digging to a grave opening it up and seeing her body saying " order a funeral home to pick her body up" Rossi does , I say " I'll drop you off home, I gotta tell the parents of Cassandra alone " dad nods so I drop him off driving towards mr.walkers house getting out going to the door knocking when mr.walker opens it I say" hi I'm SSA Emma Morgan may I come in" mr.walker says " of course what's this about " I ask" is your wife home " mr.walkers calls her down and I say " you two may want to sit down for this " mrs.walker holds my hand asking " agent what's this about " I say "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your daughter Cassandra is dead ,we found her body buried by the statue in the state park, I sent her body to the funeral home where you guys can see and pick out a good funeral arrangement for her , here's a check so you don't have to pay" mr& mrs.walker hugs me saying " how could we ever thank you Emma" I say " no need to thank me , I'm just doing my job " I exit the house driving to work but then stopping by Caleb's grave not kissing it driving back to the bureau , getting out the car going inside the bureau sighing when JJ asks " you ok " I say " when I was in the police department in San Diego , we caught a killer who would rape and kill his girls but his signature was his rope knots , so he called me today saying that he's giving me a name of his victims and where they're buried , so today he gave me Cassandra walker she was 15 years old when he killed her so I had to tell her parents who didn't know if she was alive or not that she was dead, and I gave them a check for a funeral arrangement for their daughter" JJ says" thats sweet of you but don't you have the class your teaching students about a hostage situation tonight" I say " yea it's at 7 " JJ asks " how did you get into teaching , I say " I signed up to teach classes back in San Diego , so I signed up to teach classes here, your welcome to come " JJ says" I'll come it seems fun " so we get in a car driving towards the place getting out  grab my laptop entering the room saying " hello everyone I am SSA Emma Morgan and this is my colleague Jenifer Juneau but everyone calls her JJ , today I'll teach you guys what to do and what NOT to do in a hostage situation lets begin it's the UNSUB ,the victim and Agent JJ , the UNSUB has a knife to the neck ,what should you do " a student raises his hand saying "try and take the shot" I select the take the shot button and it plays JJ taking the shot and misses then the UNSUB shoots JJ, I say  "congratulations you just killed Agent JJ",think get into the mind of this UNSUB like what bothers him " a girl student says" talk him down " I say" good" I then push the button that says "talk the UNSUB down " it plays JJ talking to UNSUB and the UNSUB lets the victim go while you get to take the UNSUB in ,I say " good job but everyone the first thing you don't do when your in a hostage situation is take the shot because you could get the victim or yourself killed ,you only take the shot if the UNSUB is clear and there's no victim" I walk out of the room going to my office looking over some stuff when I get call from the New Mexico police saying"is this the unit chief " I say "yes this is Emma Morgan what can I do for you"  New Mexico police says" we've found 5 girls dead ,can you come fly over and help" I say"can you send me the file of the case and I will look it over " New Mexico police says"okay we'll send paper and electronic copies to your electronics " I say "okay thank you " just then dad walks in the office saying "who was that on the phone" I say" that was the New Mexico police department ,they found 5 19 year old girls dead I told them to send me the case stuff and I'll look it over" dad says" well do you think we have a case " I say "maybe I need to look over the case to make sure that it a case to us because it might just be a case to them and not us " so the mail person hands me the case file and dad says"your a great unit chief so far , I knew you were meant to be a leader when you were little ,you were always figuring stuff out bout whats going on between your mother and I , all your teacher/parent conferences were good " I say " I take after you, you were always my role model in my life even though my mom wasn't there she was a good women"dad says "yea she was" dad exits and I sit in my chair looking over the case file saying "yea this is a case for us to do " Garcia says"Ms.Ally do we have a case " I say "yea we do ,I sent you & the others the case file"I enter the briefing room after everyone saying" this case is from the New Mexico police ,they called saying they found 5 girls in a vacant house unbound, skinned alive, one impaled alive ,they want us to come down and help" dad asks"aren't there Indian tribes there that study those torture methods " I say "there are Indian tribes there but they don't know if they studied those torture methods that's why the local reservation policeman Benjamin Blackwood's is letting us go talk to his son who is  a teacher noted for Indian activism " Morgan says"why is a case for us though" I say " the way these girls have been murdered are very suspicious ,alright wheels up in 15" so I'm calling the babysitter saying" hey Lilly sorry to be late noticed but are you able to babysit Grayson tonight ,we have a late case in New Mexico" Lilly says" of course I'll come get him from your work " I say" thanks Lilly ,there's formula in the fridge along with the baby food ,Grayson needs to go to sleep at 8pm"Lilly says"alright have a safe flight" so just before I got on the plane Lilly came in and I hugged her saying"alright here's Grayson and his diaper bag" I board the plane saying "Alright we're ready to go " so we discuss the case , I say"JJ and Reid go to the crime scene ,Rossi and Emily go to the second crime scene ,Morgan and I will go set up in the station and talk to Benjamin Blackwood's son" so I look out the window and sigh when dad asks"what's the matter" I say "just worried about Grayson even though the babysitter was nice you can't always trust them" dad says" relax everything's gonna be fine" I say" yea" so we get off of the plane splitting up ,so Morgan and I go to the station getting out walking into the station meeting Blackwood saying "you must be Blackwood, I'm SSA Emma Morgan we spoke on the phone and this is my partner SSA Derek Morgan, the rest of our team is at the crime scenes " Blackwood says " right this way, I set you up in this room ,is it good enough" I say" yea it's great " Blackwood asks" are you two married " I say" not yet but we're a happy family ,the little ones at home with our babysitter" Blackwood asks"how is it with the little one" I say"tiresome" Morgan asks"are we meeting your son John" Blackwood says "yea sorry got way off topic ,we'll take my car" so we take his car up to the school Blackwood walks us up to the class , I knock on the door when John comes to the door asking" may I help you guys " I say "I'm SSA Emma Morgan and this is SSA Derek Morgan we're with the BAU of the FBI ,there's been 5 girl students who are 19 years old found dead in a vacant house in Terra Mesa, New Mexico, unbound, skinned alive, one impaled alive , we were wondering if you could come to the crime scenes and take a closer look because we know there are Indian tribes here" John says "of course " we all get in the car driving towards the crime scene and John asks"so what are we thinking" I say " we were thinking that an Indian did this because correct me if I'm wrong that the way the girls were killed were traditional Indian torture methods but we could totally wrong"we get to the crime scene and start looking around, John looks around saying"this isn't done by a true Indian because no Indian tribe studies those techniques " I say "alright " so we searched all day but didn't find anything so we went to sleep .  

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