Chapter 7- Here We Go!

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I woke up to my alarm blasting. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling Today was the day everything was going to change. Maybe... if he got through. But I really had no doubt about it. I quickly got up and got ready. Harry's mum was going to drive us to the auditions so I had to be at his house by 9:00. Meanwhile my mum drove me over to his house (seeing I couldn't drive yet). I got out of the car and walked up to his front door, knocking lightly on the painted wood. I couldn't wait to see his face when he answered. He must be going crazy right now! I waited a few seconds, watching the door the door slowly open revealing Mrs. Styles young face. "Hello dear!" she said sweetly. "Hello... how's he doing?" I said excitedly. She shut the door behind us, patting me on the back. "He's up stairs, you can go up and check on him." she raised her eyebrows at me. I giggled and started up the stairs to his room. Once I arrived at his door I slowly opened it, "Harry...?" I completely opened the door to find that he wasn't anywhere in the room. So I checked the bathroom... Harry and his hair. Good lord. As I got closer to the bathroom I could hear the sound of his morning voice. Yep, he was in there. He actually sounded really fantastic considering it was the early morning. Once more I knocked on another door, but this time causing the time him to stop singing. He opened the door smiling. "Sounding good." I said walking in. "Thanks." smiled and pulling me in for a kiss. "How ya doing?" I asked pulling away. "Excited and nervous." he said keeping his arms around my waist. "Don't worry, your going to blow them away." I said smiling. Just then Harry's mom yelled from down stairs, "Time to go!". We walked out of the bathroom (that sounds really weird haha) and made our way to the car.

Every minute we came closer and closer to the building where the auditions were going to take place minutes later. "Ok so here's what's going to happen." I said getting a little nervous myself. "Your going to walk up CALMLY on the stage. Just don't even pay attention to all the people. And they will probably ask you your name and then ask you your age, all that jazz!" I was talking really fast not even sure that I could understand myself. "Alli, I know this. I watch the show too." he winked at me lacing his fingers through mine to calm me down. "Haha yeah, right." I leaned back against the seat and let out a sigh. Just then, the car angle gave us a glimpse of a enormously long line of people. "Oh my gosh..." both mine and Harry's jaw dropped open taking in the sight of all the people waiting to compete for fame. We looked at each other with widened eyes and then sat silently until his mother found a parking place.

I grasped his hand tighter and tighter as we came closer to the sign in desk right outside the glass doors of the X Factor 2010 auditions. We glanced at each other once more before we came to a complete stop at the white table. "Name please?" a man asked. "Harry Styles." he replied smiling. The man game him a number to tape onto his shirt. We passed through the small metal gates leading to the line of people. "Hello, I have a few questions for you." I woman said to Harry pushing through the crowd. She must have been an Xtra Factor reporter. "Sure." he said back looking at me. The camera team quickly set up and then she was off. "Ok so tell us about your self." she pointed the microphone towards him. "I'm Harry Styles. I'm 16 and from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire." he said. "Tell us about your hometown." she added in. "Its quite boring, nothing much happens there. Its quite picturesque." he grinned. His response made his mum and I giggle. "And what is your musical experience so far?" she asked her last question. "Um, I'm in a band at school with my friends called White Eskimos. I'm the lead singer and we entered a battle of the bands competition about a year and a half ago, uh and we won. Winning battle of the bands and playing in front of that many people like showed me that, that's what I really wanted to do. I got such a thrill when I was in front of people singing. It made me want to do it more and more. Singing is what I want to do and if people who can make that happen for me don't think I should be doing that then it my put a set back... in my plans." he finished. "Alright well thank you and good luck." the woman said walking away with her camera crew. We all looked at each other from ear to ear.

Before we knew it we were being led my a man in black to what looked like back stage. Harry's family and I were placed in front of 4 different sized TV's placed at the direction in which Harry would be standing soon. The man handed in a microphone "You go on in 5." and walked away. "Ok Harry, this is it. Go out there and sing, like you've never sung before. Blow them away!" I said to him. We hugged each other tightly and I gave him a lightly peck on the cheek for good luck. We let so to the host greeting us. "Time to go on. Good luck man!" he gave Harry a big hug. Another kiss came from Harry's mom. He inched over to the edge of the certain and looked back at us. "Good luck." we said smiling at him. At the very second the crowd exploded with cheers as Harry stepped out into the brightly lit stage. Here we go.


Hey guys! Just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for all the reads and votes! I hope your liking the story so far keep on reading and Ill keep writing. Feel free to comment with ideas for the story and make sure to recommend my stories if you like them! The next chappie will be coming soon! -Allison xx

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