~g l i t t e r~

21 2 0

If we last, starlight of mine,

Shimmering silver, clouds are lined,

Like diamond dust, your words would fade,

And into the galaxy they'd slowly wade.

Pretty, don't you think it was?

How all that met us was our cause,

How everything just seemed to end,

Is it too late to make amends?

Now you say it wasn't true,

That all I was didn't matter to you,

That all that glitter, the endless charm,

Finally caused only me to harm.

Why, just why, did you want to hurt?

Why did you leave me in the desert?

Now, as here the sun sets,

I see the sky speak regrets.

Did I sacrifice all I had,

For someone who wanted to see me sad?

Or maybe you just didn't care,

Maybe that was the price of what I dared.

☆Laugh, dear laugh, laugh while I scream,

Laugh and laugh for all that may seem,

Laugh, just laugh, inside you're bitter,

You're plain dark fabric, stained in glitter.☆

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