3. Stephen

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She was everything I was missing. I can't believe she works a that store. My father opened that a year before he passed. So, now that I have control over everything I have to look after every store, make sure every manager and employee are doing what that have to do to keep things together. I'm top dog and I make sure I know that these managers are well trained. I don't need lawsuits and the press around because, of poor staff. 

As Stacy walks out, Sam enters. I pull out my phone and inserted her number. I'm surprise she said yes to coffee. I'm even more surprised that I just asked her out like that. I haven't had a date since Dad died and I'm a little rusty. When she bumped into me, I barely felt it. I couldn't catch her in time and she fell on her butt. I wanted to slap myself when I saw her. She looks so delicate. I could probably lift her up with just one hand. When she stood up to check and examine me instead of herself, I was shocked. People usually look out for themselves. Some would have blamed me. I felt different when she did that. The kindness that was there, I wanted that all the time and I am going to have it. She is going to be mine. 

"I was worried there for a minute." Sam said sitting down behind the desk. I sat in the seat in front of it. 

"Why is that old friend?" Putting my phone back into my pocket, I look up at him.

"Well, That is Senior Adams daughter." He caught me off guard with that answer. It took me a few moments to catch up with what he was saying. 

Senior Adams owned over 400 companies, he controlled half of the East Coast and Most of West. Stacy is his daughter? I never knew he had a daughter, I know he has a son named Maxwell. We were around the same age. I think he was older than me, by 2 or 3 years. "Wait, that means she is rich? Why is she working here?"

"Well, Senior A said that she wants some independence. Seems she had been trying to leave their estate for a few years now, but seeing as she is 18 now, they don't have a choice." I nodded at that. Well, My sweet bunny wants independence. "So, he asked me if I had a position for her and I had no choice but to say yes." I nodded again. 

"Well, she is under my care. She will be fine." I respond, pulling my phone out to text Charles to pull the car around. "Is everything running smoothly Sam? I have to be somewhere else after this." He stands, going to the board behind him, grabbing the chart to hand to me. Looking it over, I see that three people were fired in the last 5 months. "What happened with the three people that were fired?" 

"Right. Dennis, Kimberly, and Kris. Well, Dennis almost got into a fight with a customer, and so did Kimberly. Kris was harassing one of the female employees so, I had no choice but to let him go. She threaten to sue and I saw Kris pushing up on her so, He had to go." I nodded. We need to be more careful with hiring.

"Okay, Make sure everyone is drug tested and give more warnings before-hand. We can't have more problems or we will lose customers." I signed the bottom and handed it back to him to put back. I stand and check my phone. "Charles is out front. I'll be taking leave. We should get dinner while I'm back in town." We nod and I'm out the door. 

Before I leave I spot Stacy talking to one of the female employees. I walk over and tap her shoulder. Spinning around she bumps me again, but not to the point where she ends up on the floor. "Excuse me, Ash." I hear her say to the female. I pull her to me gently and smile down at her. She is a midget compared to me. "Hello again Stephen." 

"Hello again, Stacy. How are you getting along with everyone." She smiles at me.

"Great actually. I never had a job before and people are really nice. I got training in a few minutes and I can't wait to start. I always wanted to use a register." 

"This will be your very first job?" We start to walk around through aisle talking. 

"Yes, My father didn't believe I would need a job because, he handled everything and said that me getting one will be pointless." 

"Senior Adams." She stops walking and raises her eyebrow. 

"You know my dad?" I turn and look down at her.

"Of course. He helped my dad start from the bottom and make a name for himself." 

"Oh I see, I was hired here for you to keep an eye on me?" She was glare at him now and I wanted to laugh at how cute her face was. 

"Actually, I didn't even know who you were until my meeting with Sam. So, my little bunny it seems you are under my care from now on." 

Taking her hand, I pull her to me and hug her. I wanted to kiss her, but we just met and I want her to trust me. I can't stand it when she is 2 feet away from me. "I feel different now that you're around me."

"I agree." I pull away, seeing her red face and laugh. "You're cute blushing." She punches my arm and I feel absolutely nothing from it. I laugh more, pulling her with me back to the front. 

"I guess I'll see you later?" She tells me, walking to Sam's office. 

"Yes, remember we have a coffee date." 

"Yes, I remember." I hug her once more, not wanting to let go and head out of the store and inside the car. 

I think I found the last piece to my puzzle. 

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