9. Stacy

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It's the day of the ball and Stephen just texted me telling me he was getting ready. I know he was on alert because, of what we talked about. If my mother even thinks he is a threat she will try to separate us immediately and I don't want that. I called Manda and Alise have been running around all day in my apartment since I woke up. My mother was suppose to be coming to see me before the ball started and my apartment was a mess. What do that expect? I'm the only on here! I smile innocently at Manda because she was currently glaring at me and Alise. 

"Your mother is going to pop a vein if we don't help her." I snicker in Alise's ear. She looks up at me with a mouth full of popcorn and I couldn't help bursting into giggles. She looked like a chipmunk! After she chewed and drunk some of her juice, she sighed and smiled at me. 

"Well, you better get up then." She whispered back to me. This time I glare at her. "Fineeeeeee." She groans standing up. "If you weren't a slob I wouldn't have to clean! Don't know how Stephen even puts up with you." She mutters. I laugh at her comment and stop when I notice my mother staring at us. 

"Who is Stephen?" Her words always come out like a hiss when she hears something she doesn't like. I want to groan and hide under a rock. She heard her say his name. I stand up, putting my fake smile on and greet my mother with a hug. 

"He is my date to the ball mother." I tell her, letting her go. She has a look of disappointment on her face and I know what is coming next. "We've been dating for a few weeks and I like him alot." I tell her standing straight, not backing down from her. I don't want to be caught of guard by her, because she is like a shark. One fails move and she smells blood. 

"Oh, really. What a shame, I wanted you to meet someone there tonight. Nevertheless, I can't wait to meet this Stephen." I hear the way she says his name, but I drop it. I also don't tell her who he is because then she will definitely try something I won't like. 


It's 5 p.m and I am getting dressed, silently praying that everything goes smooth tonight. My mother left a while ago and ever since, I have been freaking out texting Stephen everything that happened. He calmed me down and said he was on his way and I'm waiting right now. I finish with my mascara and turn to look at myself in the tall mirror. I washed my hair and dried it, letting my natural curls come out and I smile, thinking that my look is complete. I grab my bracelet that Manda brought my when I was young and leave the bathroom. 

 As I step out I look up and see Stephen's back turned to me. "I'm ready now." I tell him, waiting for him to turn around. I feel a little nervous watching hm look me up and down. 

"Come here." He whispered to me and I could not help but walk until I was right in front of him. He leaned down until he was inches away from me and I bite my lip, looking up at him from my lashes. "You look really beautiful tonight my sweet little bunny." Then he lowered himself more, picking me up and sitting me on the counter. 

"Can you kiss me already." I whine. " Stop teasing me." I narrow my eyes at him and he smiles. 

"As you wish princess pouty." I gasp, putting my hand to my chest pretending to be offended. He chuckles at me and I smile, holding my arms open for him. He comes to me, and leans down kissing me. I open up for him immediately, letting him control the kiss. He tasted like mint and chocolate and I moaned, wrapping my arms around him. I felt so different with him, so happy that I couldn't help but think about my mother trying to destroy our relationship. 

I pull away and think long and hard about what I want to say next. I know how I feel and I know that I want nobody else but Stephen. "Hey, hey why are you crying?" He asked grabbing a paper towel from the side and wiping my eyes. I couldn't help the sob that escaped me. "Talk to me, what's the matter?" 

"I don't want to be with anyone but you." I whisper to him, holding onto his hand. "She won't stop, she won't back down and my father would never disobey her!" I explain feeling even more helpless. She was ruthless when she was in her moods. "I love you! I don't want to be with anyone else Stephen. I can't see it. You make me feel so different, so happy. I do not feel trapped when I'm with you." Another sob coming from me and all of a sudden I'm up and in his arms bridal style. I looked up at him and I see him smirking. "What?" 

"You love me?" He asked and I look at him confused and start to realize what I said. I blush and nod. "I love you too and princess you don't have to worry about your mother taking you from me because come tomorrow you'll be my wife and you'll probably be pregnant." I gape at his comment and want to smack his arm until I hear my phone ringing. He sets me down easy and I grab it. 


"Stacy! Thank God, Look I overheard you mother talking to your dad and it was not good." I hear Alise breathing hard and I start to get worried.

"What happened?" I ask her, biting my nail.

"She had someone watching you building, they know about Stephen. About who he is. I'm here at the ball right now, be careful please. I have to go!" She whispers the last part and the call ends. 

"She knows who you are Stephen." I turn and grab my handbag and keys, throwing my phone in the bag. 

"Are we not going?" He asked, coming up behind me.

"Oh we are going alright and we are going to stop her dumb plan. I'm tired of her always trying to set me up or make me marry and be with someone else." I see his eyes turn a little dark at my words and I know he does not like the idea of some man coming and taking me away. I walk up to him and smile. "I think we should get married." He looks down not even surprised by my words. 

"I thought we already were to be honest, Mrs. Harris." He shrugged. I laugh and hug him tighter. "Stacy Harris.." He whispered to himself. I smiled at that. I love it. 

"Sounds perfect to me." He nods and pulls away from me. Give me your hand. I hold it up, seeing him dig in his pocket and pull out a box. "You didn't!" I yell and I hear him laugh. He slides the ring on my finger and I can't help but to have tears. "You did!"

"I did. It was my mother's. She gave it to me a long time ago. Said it was in our family. Her mother had it and hers too. I love you Stacy, more than you know." He wipes my tears and I jump into his arms smiling from ear to ear, kissing him this time. 

"I love it." He smiles at me and I to him. I don't even think about the hell that is about to unleash in a few hours, I just think about my future with Stephen Harris, and how I won't ever be evil like my mother. 


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