7. Stacy

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I can't believe he confessed to me. Marry me? Hearing him say that made my heart flutter even more than it did when I see him. I want to be with him more than I want anything in the world. Wake up to him, being around him in 24/7 doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean a week of being around each other and talking to each other has changed me. Only thing stopping me from talking and responding is the fact that, I don't want to move from one cage and be in another. 

My heart is telling me to say yes and marry him, to be with him forever but, my mind is fighting the idea completely. No, I don't want to be trapped again. Unable to do what I please or go where I want. I don't want to stay in a house everyday all day. I refuse to go back to living like that. Money can't buy happiness and I of all people know that. 

I didn't even feel the car stop and when I noticed, my door was being opened and a hand was placed in front of me to take. I looked up and saw Stephen waiting for me to take it. It felt like a battle inside me. I wanted to take it, but I didn't want to lose the new life I have. "I can't Stephen." i whispered, pushing his hand out of my face. I closed my eyes and let go of the breath I was holding. I opened them and looked up at him. "I can't give up my new free life to go back living in some caged home. I refused to live like that again. " I turned my head away from him waiting to here the car door slam. After a full minute I look at him again and see his holding his hand out again. "I said no.  I won't marry you and be the trapped wife." 

I guess me saying that I won't marry him sent him into a rage and all I feel is arms lifting me from the car and I grunt after I'm thrown onto his shoulder. "What the hell.." I think to myself. He is not serious. 

"Okay, Princess you need a nice bath and a long talking to."  He grumbles. I slap his back and he hisses. "Hey! What are you hitting for." He laughs out. I want to scream at him but, I don't. Something was holding me back. I huff out and just let him carry me inside the huge mansion. Can't believe he did that. Just going to lift me up and carry me around your house like a giant caveman in heat or something. "Now, I'll put you down as long as you promise not to act crazy." I nod my head.

As he puts me down I see a door to my left and I wait for him to turn around and I make a mad dash for it. I'm happy to see it's open and when I look Stephen is wided eyed, coming after me. I scream and close it, locking it in place. I hear a bang on the door and I flick the light on. I turn and gasp, the whole room was full of paintings. I saw many of them still undone. I did a full 360 around the room and all I saw pictures of everything. I saw a desk and the was a painting turned away from me. I walked over and turned it around and saw what looked liked the woods. 

It was beautiful

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It was beautiful. I couldn't believe how amazing it looked. I've seen paintings before, but these were just, beautiful all over. I hear the door unlock and I turn to a very upset Stephen. I give him a sly smile and turn back around. "These are amazing Stephen. You did them right?" I look at him and he nods. "Why did you turn this one around?" I point at the picture and I see him shrug. 

"I didn't like it." Was his only response and my jaw drops. Is he serious? "I didn't think it would fit anywhere in the house." 

"You paint picture and decorate your house with them?" He nods again and I suddenly want to see them. "Okay, I want to see them." I walk passed him and look around the house and see so many of them. They vary from small to large, from food to animals and I feel myself fall in love all over again. I can't believe he paints. "Do you sell them?" 

"No, Why would I?" I want laugh. He is so not serious right? 

"These paintings you do, are amazing Stephen!" I turn to look at him. I fold my arms and narrow my eye at him. "Are you blind?" I ask him. He points to his left eye.

"Only in this eye." I widen my eyes and I'm about to scream when he laughs. "Just kidding." I walk back down the stairs and slap his arm. "You're really abusive, you know that?" I scuff at that. Me, abusive? As if. 

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